You became a lawyer and sent the judge in?

Chapter 113 Presiding Judge: To answer this question, I have to go in!

In the courtroom.

Li Xuezhen's face was excited.

Questioned the judge in court and silenced the judge!

Lawyer Su is so awesome.

His eyes couldn't help but fall on Su Bai's face.

Then, he looked at the members of the collegial panel on the trial bench with a serious face.

In the court hearing, Li Xuezhen was not the only one who cast her eyes on Su Bai and the trial seat, wandering back and forth.

Most people in the courtroom focused their gazes between Su Bai and the court seat, looking back and forth.

after all

Although they have seen many court trials as lawyers, prosecutors, and relevant law enforcement officials.


This is the first time I have personally experienced a judge being questioned in a justified and angry manner during a court trial!

They could feel how the members of the collegial panel felt about Su Bai at the trial seat...

How should I put it, it should be a headache.

Very headache!

Encountered such a difficult situation, and asked during the live trial whether the law is based on the interpretation of legal provisions or the intention of the judge.

Which member of the collegial panel does not have a headache when faced with this situation?

It’s no wonder you don’t have a headache!

Public prosecution lawyer Zheng Lijun silently commented in two words: Awesome!

This case and this series of rhetorical questions can already be recorded as a famous court trial scene!

In a normal court trial, the victim's lawyer cooperates with the prosecutor's lawyer to accuse the perpetrator.

Today’s court hearing…

He felt that he could be used as a backdrop...

Jiang Min, who was sitting on the defendant's seat, looked at Su Bai, his expression didn't change much, he just sighed deeply.

No wonder Ye Fei was sent in

Facing the trial, he felt the pressure Su Bai put on him.

He still remembered that Zhang Xiao from his law firm had helped a boss fight a lawsuit, and that boss seemed to have been sent to court by Su Bai.

Because of this incident, Zhang Xiao's business has declined a lot.

In Nanyuan Law Firm, one was sent in by Su Bai, and the other was sent in when his client was defending.

This time, the trial

There is also a certain chance of losing the case.

If the case fails, the client will be sent away.

Not sending it in, but sending it down...

In this case...

Their Nanyuan Law Firm suffered heavy losses when facing Su Bai!


Why does this Su Bai seem to be in conflict with their Nanyuan Law Firm?



And at the same time.

Outside the court, there was a lot of heated discussion about Su Bai's questions to the judges during the trial!

"Fuck! It's the first time I've seen someone so brave, questioning him in court! It was so explosive! When I saw the judges on the court, their faces turned the color of pig liver!"

"Haha! I saw it! The staff who broadcast the trial even gave a close-up of it. It was really amazing!"

"This question is just one word, cool!!!"

"I won't say whether you are happy or not, but this question is really a relief. I remember that I was in a lawsuit in a small county. It was really uncomfortable. The presiding judge didn't give you a chance to speak at all, but the process was in compliance with the regulations. , you have no choice, and for some legally described things, the presiding judge’s explanation was ambiguous and too tendentious. No surprise, we lost.”

"Seeing this today is a huge relief!"

"What you said above is right, so you should hire a good lawyer when you go to court!"


"This lawyer is so fierce that he made the presiding judge unable to speak clearly!"

"Don't say you can't say it. Even if you can say it, who dares to say it?!"



In Luo Daxiang's live broadcast room.

Luo Daxiang was also explaining Su Bai's lawsuit in court to the viewers in the live broadcast room.

To sum up, there is only one point: avoidance!

Let the presiding judge and three members of the collegial panel recuse themselves!

Judgment is not just based on the interpretation of legal provisions. There are many interpretations of legal provisions, as well as various subjectivities and objectivities. These all require the subjectivity of the presiding judge to make a judgment.

A presiding judge or judge whose judgment is biased towards the other party.

Applying for recusal is the best way.

I have to say that this time, Su Bai's handling method was very good!

Facing Su Bai's questioning, the three judges on the bench must have felt very uncomfortable.

Luo Daxiang looked at Su Bai during the trial and muttered silently:

"It is estimated that after this trial, Bai Jun Law Firm's status in the criminal circle will rise to another level."



At the court hearing…

Facing Su Bai's questioning, Zhou Qiangsheng frowned and couldn't help complaining about He Hui in his heart.

Just follow the process and it'll be fine.

Explain, explain, if you can't prove it, then don't prove it for now.

Can we make peace with the mud first?

But now you suddenly say rejecting the recusal application, what does it mean?

I used to deal with those small lawyers, and I was used to being a judge... did you say it smoothly?

But don’t you know what’s going on today? !

Zhou Qiangsheng was extremely complaining about He Hui.

If this situation is not handled well, his entire career as a judge will be over!

Maybe there will be other unexpected situations!

In response to the question raised by Su Bai.

Zhou Qiangsheng didn't dare to answer directly. How to answer directly?

Could it be that he wants to put the big label on himself that the power of legal interpretation lies in the hands of the judge and presiding judge?

It’s definitely impossible!

As long as he dares to say this sentence, the words are said in the morning, the person is investigated in the afternoon, and the big pot of rice is eaten in the evening.

In this situation, Zhou Qiangsheng took a deep breath and could only continue to make peace.

"The victim has entrusted a lawyer. Please calm down. We are talking about avoidance issues now, not other things."

"Victim's lawyer, please pay attention to your speech at the trial."

Su Bai:? ? ?

No, I asked you this, and you still want me to pay attention to what I said?

Is there a problem with my statement?

"President, I would like to ask which legal provision I made wrong? Questioning is the right that every legal person should have."

"This is also the most basic obligation to uphold the law."

"Presiding Judge, I don't think there is any problem with my speech."

"I also ask the presiding judge to answer the question I just asked, whether rejecting the application for recusal is the decision of the collegial panel."

"With regard to rejecting our application for recusal, is it consistent with the legal basis?"

Zhou Qiangsheng's brows tightened a little, feeling helpless.

Where are these laws and regulations? This matter must not be recognized!


It means that the presiding judge himself broke the law and did not comply with the recusal system.


But He Hui just rejected it directly.

It can be said that this court hearing was very bad.

Zhou Qiangsheng looked at Zhang Guangquan, who looked confused.

this matter:

The first one was proposed by He Hui.

Secondly, I am just a judge, not the presiding judge. You have the final say and it has nothing to do with me.

It doesn't matter if it's none of your business.

Zhang Guangquan said: You two started this incident and it has nothing to do with me. Don’t get involved with me.

The lawyer on the prosecution side is so fierce.

In any case, the members of the collegial panel did not hold legal authority on this matter, and he did not want to get involved too much.

Seeing Zhang Guangquan, he didn't express much.

Zhou Qiangsheng set his sights on He Hui again.

He Hui originally didn't expect that Su Bai would directly harden the steel, and the hardness would be so fierce. He didn't know what to do, so he could only shake his head helplessly.

Seeing this, Zhou Qiangsheng took a long breath.

Okay, we can't reconcile with Xini anymore.

Dong-dong-dong, the gavel was struck.

"The court is temporarily adjourned!"

After the words fell, Zhou Qiangsheng stood up anxiously and left the courtroom seat first.

Immediately afterwards.

He Hui and Zhang Guangquan followed and left the court hearing seat.

Everyone in the courtroom was stunned for a few seconds.

? ? ? ?

How long does the court session last?

Ten minutes?

Good guy, before ten minutes left, the presiding judge directly announced the adjournment of the trial!

Everyone:.? ? ?


This kind of court hearing situation is rare!

Everyone's eyes were focused on Su Bai.

This Lawyer awesome!

All the members of the collegial panel were immediately silenced.

The court had not been open for long, and the court was immediately adjourned.

This... I can only say three words, it's too fierce.

at the same time.

This also made Qin Anhai and Wan Yuping, who were sitting at the family table, uneasy.

The stronger Su Bai behaves, the greater the chance of winning the case.

It will be more dangerous for them.

Wan Yuping looked at Qin Anhai nervously: "There shouldn't be any problems in this trial, right?"

Qin Anhai patted Wan Yuping's hand, feeling equally nervous, but still comforted:

"Don't worry, there shouldn't be any problems."

Hearing this comfort, Wan Yuping nodded with a sad face.

The worry in my heart also weakened slightly.



On the victim's seat.

Li Xuezhen's face turned red, she was obviously excited just now.

"Lawyer Su"

"The court is adjourned"

Su Bai smiled slightly: "The court adjourned before it even started. Isn't it a good thing for us?"


Li Xuezhen hesitated to speak. Su Bai knew what Li Xuezhen was thinking in her heart.


He was obviously questioning.

If the judge in the courtroom had to answer bravely, he would have been sent in. Unfortunately, the other party did not.

This is probably Li Xuezhen’s idea.


A judge on the bench would certainly not do that.

Because in this case, it was obviously an illegal act. The principle of avoidance was not followed, and he was directly challenged during the live broadcast of the court hearing.

Which presiding judge is so stubborn and insists on continuing the trial?

Are you afraid that you won't be able to get in...?

Adjournment is undoubtedly the best option.

Otherwise, there is only one choice: go in, go in, and send them all in.

"Okay, don't worry about it anymore, let's wait for the court to reopen."


"Okay Lawyer Su."

Li Xuezhen's face was serious and a little disappointed.

Looking at the vacant court seats, Su Bai took a long breath.

This adjournment, no matter what the outcome is, will be a good thing for their side.


Take advantage of this opportunity.

Just in time to initiate review and supervision!

Previously, there was no sufficient reason or evidence to initiate review and supervision procedures.

This time due to the influence of public opinion, coupled with other clues and evidence.

I guess that's enough!



at the same time.

In the collegial court discussion room.

Zhou Qiangsheng sat on the sofa, his brows furrowed and he took a deep breath:

"Tell me, how will it end if the situation is like this?"

Both He Hui and Zhang Guangquan were silent for a few seconds.

Seeing this, Zhou Qiangsheng turned his attention to He Hui again:

"He Hui, the victim's defense lawyer accused you of not practicing recusal. What do you think of this matter?"

"You did this, why didn't you evacuate yourself?"

He Hui knew that he could not admit such a critical issue, so he directly abdicated his responsibility:

"My original intention in this matter was to enable Chu Lei to conduct a better lawsuit. I specifically asked him if he had hired a lawyer."

"The reason why I didn't recusal myself was because I had good intentions and didn't recommend a law firm to him..."

"Let's talk again."

"Who would have thought that the other party would use this matter to apply for avoidance and slap a big label on us..."

He Hui knew that he was impatient at the time and was eager to clear up his relationship, so he directly said that he rejected the recusal application.

And...he was indeed used to it during his tenure as a judge.

Now think about it…

A big mistake indeed.

But the most important thing is that he never thought that Su Bai would confront the collegial court and win just now.

Zhou Qiangsheng’s expression was cold. Everyone is a judge. If you say that, who do you think would believe it?

Who are you trying to fool?

What if everyone is a fool?

Zhou Qiang Sheng took a deep breath and knew that it would be impossible to continue this court trial.

Lawyer Su opened fire and aimed directly at their judges.

The trial continues...


The avoidance of judges is an inevitable problem, and the trial will definitely not be able to continue.

If he insisted on continuing the trial, he would be taking the blame for He Hui.

After clarifying your thoughts.

Zhou Qiangsheng spoke slowly: "According to the corresponding laws and regulations, this matter should be reported to the dean quickly."

Zhang Guangquan nodded and expressed his opinion:

"According to the processes and procedures stipulated by law, this matter should indeed be reported to the dean."

"I agree with this opinion."

After hearing what Zhou Qiangsheng said, He Hui's face looked bad for a moment, but after all, Zhou Qiangsheng was the presiding judge, and Zhang Guangquan agreed.

He didn't feel comfortable saying anything, so he could only nodded:

"Okay, let's do what the presiding judge wants."



After confirming.

Zhou Qiangsheng nervously picked up his cell phone and quickly reported the situation to the dean of Nandu High Court.

After learning about this situation.

Dean:? ? ?

Good guy, you made such a big fool of me by broadcasting such a big case live!

He scolded Zhou Qiangsheng!

Express immediately.

Agree with the principle of avoidance and arrange relevant personnel to continue the trial.


In order to prevent Su Bai from using the principle of avoidance again, the presiding judge and the previous judges were colleagues.

Vice President Yu Caixia was specially replaced as the presiding judge of this trial.


Relevant staff were arranged to ask Su Bai for his opinion.



Vice President Yu Caixia?

In the Nandu Bank case involving Wang Li, Yu Caixia was acquitted.

Su Bai was deeply impressed by Yu Caixia, and knew that Yu Caixia would not have a preference for the case for personal reasons.

So we agreed to the court's request to change the judges.


What Su Bai planned was if the Nandu High Court could not give a suitable statement or explanation.

Or maybe it was a judge who was unfamiliar to him.

He was ordered to recuse himself from any "other improper behavior that may affect the fair handling of the case" based on his relationship with colleagues.

What he didn't expect was that the Nandu High Court would directly ask Yu Caixia to continue hearing the case.

Now that Yu Caixia is allowed to hear this case, the next thing will be much easier to handle...

Su Bai looked at the prosecution's seat, the defendant's seat, and the family members' seat.

After dealing with the unfair judgment intention of the judge.

Next, let’s get down to business…

After Wan Yuping noticed Su Bai's gaze, she couldn't help but feel nervous.

She didn't know why, but she always had a premonition that something might happen to Xiaofeng...

PS: Please vote for the monthly ticket~More updates will be added tomorrow~

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