You became a lawyer and sent the judge in?

Chapter 134 Submission for Supervision and Review

Closed court….

Announce the verdict.

At the court hearing, all parties had mixed emotions.

After being acquitted, Lin Haoxue solemnly bowed and thanked the members of the collegial panel at the presiding judge's seat:

"Thank you, the presiding judge, and thank you to the two judges."

"thanks, thanks.…"


Lin Haoxue stood at the party's seat, his eyes red with excitement and his voice hoarse.

Wang Jianjun, who was sitting on the trial bench, looked at Lin Haoxue with a smile:

"You don't need to thank me... You were not guilty to begin with... It's just that the law has given you justice. This sentence is deserved."

Facing Wang Jianjun's words, Lin Haoxue nodded heavily.

Looking at Lin Haoxue, Wang Jianjun also thought silently in his heart: It's just that justice is delayed.

As a deputy president of the court, and has presided over many judgments, I have seen many special cases in criminal judgments, as well as wrong cases.

But cases involving serious injustices like Lin Haoxue's are rare.

And it is even rarer to almost be wronged and killed.

Having decided this case, this judgment and this case may be sent to the outstanding cases across the country.

Wang Jianjun can understand the mood of the person involved.

Looking at Lin Haoxue again, Wang Jianjun gave instructions:

"Reunite with your family first. You can come back later for the following court procedures."

After finishing speaking, Wang Jianjun packed up the trial materials and left the trial scene with the two judges Zhou Yun and Zhu Chaoyang.

Li Xiangfang quickly ran from the family table to Lin Haoxue, her eyes were red, and she put her hands tightly on Lin Haoxue's shoulders.

Lin Haoxue pretended to smile casually and said: "Mom, I'm fine, I'm acquitted."

Facing his son who had been in jail for so many years in vain, he had been fighting for so many years, hoping that the law would give his son justice, and now he finally had the result.

Li Xiangfang's mood at this time was difficult to express in words, and she cried loudly in front of the court.

"Okay, okay... As long as it's okay now, it's okay as long as it's okay..."

"Mom... I'm fine. I've been acquitted... It's OK... My son, I can accompany you well in the future. You have worked hard these years..."

Lin Haoxue's eyes were red, thinking of the grievances he had suffered over the past few years, and he and Li Xiangfang insisted on running for him. Every time they came to visit his son, they encouraged him and told him to persevere.

Finally...justice arrived after six years.

Infected by Li Xiangfang's emotion of crying loudly in court, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

The mother and son hugged each other tightly, releasing their emotions.



During the court hearing, everyone who noticed this scene remained silent.

After a while...

Li Xuezhen said slowly and seriously with a small face: "Lawyer Su..."

"The law requires criminals who have committed serious crimes to have a defense lawyer. I could understand this before, but today I fully understand it..."

After hearing Li Xuezhen's words, Su Bai took a long breath.

This case is a major miscarriage of justice.

The law requires criminals to have a defense lawyer. The purpose of this is to avoid major unjust, false or wrongful convictions.

Enable everyone to enjoy the rights of legal obligations.

Within a reasonable range, how should the judgment be judged?

Su Bai said: "As long as you understand..."

Li Xuezhen asked again at this time: "Lawyer Su, you said before, is delayed justice still justice..."

"Lawyer Su, do you think delayed justice is still justice...?"

Faced with this problem, Su Bai took a deep breath:

"This question is too subjective. As lawyers, we cannot answer such a subjective question, but it would be nice to have the answer in mind."


"Okay Lawyer Su, I understand."

"Pack up your materials and get ready to leave..."

"Okay Lawyer Su."

Li Xuezhen briefly sorted out the court trial materials and followed Su Bai in a hurry.

At this time, Li Xiangfang and Lin Haoxue also finished releasing their emotions and hurriedly came to Su Bai.

They knew very well that if it weren't for Su Bai this time, it would be uncertain what the outcome of the trial would be.

For them, Su Bai is their benefactor.

"Lawyer Su, I want to thank you for this court hearing..."

"Haoxue, please thank Lawyer Su..."

"Thank you, Lawyer Su..."

Lin Haoxue made a deep ninety-degree bow.

Su Bai smiled and helped Lin Haoxue up: "Okay, there's no need to say more words of thanks..."

"There are still many things to deal with in the follow-up. The case does not end when the trial is over."

in addition.

When Kong Jiantu and Yan Xiangxiang heard this sentence, both sides had different reactions.

Kong Jiantu: There is a big thing to eat in the Jiangdu Public Security Bureau.

Yan Xiangshang: It’s over, it’s over… It’s all over…


At the same time, after the court hearing ended, comments from water friends in the live broadcast room also reached a climax.

"It's over... This case has come to a happy ending. The person involved was acquitted. It's just a pity that six years have passed. If he hadn't been in jail for these six years, he should have a good life now."

"Perfect? ​​In my opinion, it's not satisfactory at all. This case should have been acquitted. They can't even be called a suspect. The person who reported the crime should at least have a reward for discovering and calling the police. But He spent six years in prison."

"There were no problems with this case originally. How can we make up for the past six years? I think we should arrest all the people who handled this case at the time and compensate them. Only then can we be considered qualified!"

"Yes! I feel like what I said above is very reasonable. All the people who did wrong things must be investigated and arrested. This can be a small consolation for the six years in prison they spent in vain!"

"That's right! I think it should be handled this way. Otherwise, why would someone have spent so many years in prison for nothing and almost been sentenced to death? Besides, what if he was really sentenced to death? Say? I will die if I don’t feel wronged!”

"Yes!!! Support support!!"



Looking at the comments in the comment area, Luo Daxiang smiled.

Regarding this case, Luo Daxiang already had a rough judgment and understanding after watching the live broadcast of the trial.

The unjust, false and wrongful conviction was correct, and the second-instance verdict was reasonable.

The main reason is that the judgment of the first instance was extremely unreasonable.

Regarding the unreasonableness of this judgment, Luo Daxiang personally believes that the fault may lie with law enforcement and prosecutors.

Because one of the two includes confirming the provision of evidence, and the other includes confirming evidence and prosecuting.

The most critical point in this case lies in the evidence.

As for the legal side of the judgment, although it also has a certain responsibility for verifying evidence, if the other two parties really intend to conceal it.

So, for the French side, it is at most a punishment for failing to fulfill its responsibilities.

There will be no other effects.

But how to say….

It is impossible to tell what happened through the live broadcast of the court hearing.

It is necessary to wait for the supervisory review and trial before the final conclusion can be drawn.

Everything now is based on personal subjective wishes and speculation.

Luo Daxiang couldn't say anything about this matter, so he smiled and said:

"I will continue to pay attention to the follow-up of this case."

"After learning about the first-hand situation, we will tell everyone through video."

"The trial is here, even if it is over, today's legal review work has been completed. Next, I will post this trial as a typical case of unjust, false and wrongful convictions in a short video. If you are interested, you can watch the following A detailed interpretation of the case.”

"Okay...the court hearing is over and the live broadcast is over. Goodbye everyone."

"Goodbye, Teacher Luo... We are waiting for you to post the video and then make it a hot search to see what the results are..."

“We must insist on the fairness of the trial!!”

"Okay, Teacher Luo! Pay attention to your subsequent detailed interpretation!"



Amid the fans' farewells, Luo Daxiang closed the live broadcast, smiled and shook his head.

at the same time.

Jiangdu, in a certain community.

Hu Yulong's brows furrowed when he saw the verdict was announced in court.

During the live broadcast of the court hearing, he had a premonition that the case was likely to fail.

If he loses the lawsuit, there will be serious consequences for him.

It is already impossible to expect Yan Xiang to win in court.

So he contacted some people on the phone and got ready.

When he saw the results of the trial, Hu Yulong sighed in his heart that this was indeed the case.

Just as he had judged, Yan Xiangshang lost the trial.

But for some reason, he was still a little irritable, worried that this incident would continue to expand its impact and cause something bad.

But the facts proved that Hu Yulong's judgment was correct.

Late at night and early in the morning, Luo Daxiang combined the content of the live court trial with his own commentary and posted it on the short video platform.

Unjust, false and wrongful convictions, especially major unjust, false and wrongful convictions, are generally the focus of concern among relevant legal practitioners, legal circles, legal institutions and ordinary people.

Because no one can guarantee whether an unjust, false or wrongful conviction will fall on one’s head...

Moreover, the essence of unjust, false and wrongful convictions is disrespect for the law and violation of procedural rules.

Therefore, after Luo Daxiang posted the live court trial content on the short video platform, it aroused huge discussion.

Public opinion was loud.

After learning about this unjust, false and wrongful case, various media outlets came to hear the news and wanted to attract a wave of traffic.

By noon the next day, the case had been forwarded and viewed 70 million times across the entire network.

And it is still growing at a very rapid rate.



Baijun Law Firm.

Inside the office.

Su Bai sat on the sofa, Li Xuezhen sat on his left, and opposite Lin Haoxue and Li Xiangfang.

"Lawyer Su...I would like to thank Lawyer Su even more for this trial. I have paid the relevant attorney fees and litigation costs to the account of Bai Jun Law Firm according to the previous process..."

"The child's father left a fortune before, but I didn't spend it. Lawyer Su doesn't have to worry about our finances..."

Li Xiangfang said.

Su Bai smiled and nodded: "I have filled in your address in the court's judgment. Remember to sign for it and keep it when the time comes. When you apply for state compensation, I have prepared all the required materials."

Su Bai took out a pile of materials from the desk in the office, handed it to Li Xiangfang, and continued:

“Follow-up content will be followed up by other lawyers from our law firm.”

"If you think there is any problem, you can also contact me to solve it."


"These are normal procedures after the trial, but there is one more thing that I need to seek your opinion on..."

"Lawyer Su, if you ask us for any advice, we will agree to it."

Li Xiangfang was very grateful to Su Bai for acquitting Lin Haoxue at the trial.

Therefore, when Su Bai asked for opinions or something, he agreed directly without thinking.

Su Bai smiled and said: "Don't be so anxious to agree first, here's the thing..."

"This case of yours is obviously an unjust, false and wrongful conviction and can be submitted for supervisory review."

"To put it bluntly, it's about investigating, and the people involved in the original judgment on your case included the three departments of the Public Security Bureau and the Procuratorate."

"Regarding this point, my opinion is to carry out supervision and review, and hold those responsible originally accountable. However, I still need to seek your consent on this point. I don't know what your views are..."

Lin Haoxue's eyes lit up after hearing Shu Bai's words: "Lawyer Su, can you really trace the original responsible person?"

Su Bai smiled: "The current legal system is still very sound, and past unjust, false and wrong cases can be traced."

"As long as the corresponding evidence can be provided, this case obviously has conclusive evidence to prove that it was an unjust, false and wrongful conviction. If it is submitted for investigation, there will be no big problem."

"Lawyer Su! I want to file a supervisory review. I want the person who sentenced me and sent me to prison for six years to pay the price of responsibility!"

"Well! Since you agree, there is no problem."

Su Bai smiled and nodded.

After this case is over, the most important point is this, supervision and review.

He has already prepared relevant evidence and materials and can submit them for supervision and review at any time.

However, six years have passed, and with the evidence, there is no problem in submitting it for supervisory review.

However, there are still certain difficulties in finding out certain situations.

After six years, the clues related to the lack of security have been cut off.

But... this matter has aroused huge public opinion on the Internet, and the relevant departments will definitely speed up the process and speed.


Relevant reviewers are very aware of this situation and their case handling capabilities and speed.

If we increase our efforts, it may not take long for the review to come out.

Overall: It shouldn’t be a big problem…

PS: Please vote for me~

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