You became a lawyer and sent the judge in?

Chapter 150 Continue to follow up!

Nandu University of Law.

Girls dormitory.

Li Xuezhen put her little feet on the edge of the bed and looked at the content on her phone with a smile on her face.

The little head thought seriously for a while.

Then forwarded it to Su Bai.

Su Bai looked at the content forwarded by Li Xuezhen on the phone and smiled.

Security Insurance has been touched by the prosecutorial department!

Not only Wang Haiyang, director of the legal department, was taken away under scrutiny, but also Feng Yuan, the head of Security Insurance, was taken away.

It seems that there is a deep connection between them.

Li Shuangjun and Gu Bin directly told Wang Haiyang and Feng Yuan in order to reduce their own punishment...


Judging from this news, it must have been released not long ago, right?

Li Xuezhen has been following the news and paying attention to the progress...?

Tsk tsk….

You really put your heart into it!

Su Bai muttered to himself and replied: "Well...the minister and person in charge of the Ministry of Justice were taken away for review."

"It means there is involvement, keep paying attention, and continue to follow up!"

Li Xuezhen looked serious when she received Su Bai's reply:

"Okay Lawyer Su!"

"I will definitely follow up carefully!"

After sending the message, Li Xuezhen stared at the chat page on her mobile phone with a satisfied expression on her face.

Lawyer Su replied to me this way...

Could it be because he also wants to know how many people can be sent in...?


If that's the case...that would be awesome!

Li Xuezhen thought silently in her heart and climbed out of bed.



Inside Bai Jun Law Firm.

After He Dongsheng's case ended, the short video account of Bai Jun Law Firm ushered in another small peak, with the number of fans increasing by several thousand.

Among law firms dealing with insurance cases, it has gained a lot of reputation.

at the same time.

Su Bai had taken advantage of these few days to find a new law firm address.

Su Bai had previously thought about changing the address of the law firm.

Because according to the current number of cases received by the law firm and the growth of business.

Law firms will definitely need to expand.

So Su Bai made plans early and asked other people in the law firm for their opinions.

Others had no objections and said they would listen to Su Bai in everything.

The new law firm address is not far from Hai Fang Lawyer.

Xiao Haibo introduced this location and got a very favorable price.

In terms of floor space, it is nearly twice as large as the current law firm.

at the same time.

Because the contract date signed by the rental law firm has not yet reached the corresponding contract date.

A certain amount of liquidated damages needs to be deducted.

Su Bai didn't say anything about this. After all, he already had plans when the contract was signed.

Liquidated damages are deducted to a certain extent according to the contract, so there is no problem.

After everything was ready, Su Bai posted the address of the law firm's relocation on WeChat Moments to facilitate regular customers to come to file lawsuits.

Immediately afterwards.

The entire law firm moved to Linjiang Road, on the 11th floor of Linjiang Building.

After moving to the new office, Su Bai took a sip of the tea brought by Xiao Haibo and looked outside through the window while sitting in the new office.


This is the scenery!

Thinking of the small five-story building before, at a glance, it was all high-rise buildings.

Su Bai felt very happy immediately.

But...even though it is no longer a high-rise building at first glance, the scenery at the top is still not visible.

The location is a bit low.

Not urgent.

You can take your time... Generally speaking, it will be better than the environment in Zhengda Building.

Su Bai thought silently in his heart.

To celebrate moving to a new office, Su Bai also sent a big red envelope in the lawyer office group.

[Han Chen grabbed 256.82 yuan]

[Duan Liang grabbed 364.65 yuan]

[Wang Kexin grabbed 134.23 yuan]



Li Xuezhen clicked on the screen with interest.


Li Xuezhen:….….

? ? ? ?

! ! ! !

There was a burst of joy in the group.

"Thank you Lawyer Su for the red envelope. I hope our law firm will become more and more outstanding!"

"Thank you, thank you...Lawyer Su is so generous!!!"

"Beautiful...Thank you, Lawyer Su!"


Except for Li Xuezhen, everyone in the group got something ranging from 100 to several hundred.

Li Xuezhen looked at the happy voices in the group and her face fell: "Thank you, Lawyer Su..."

Su Bai looked at Li Xuezhen's thank you message in the group and felt that the tone was not right, so he took a look at the red envelope.

Good guy, 0.08!


No wonder Xiao Li is not in high spirits! all depends on luck.

Su Bai smiled, little rich woman, she is not short of money, she is just worried about her bad luck.



After Bai Jun Law Firm moved, Xiao Haibo specially brought tea.

Inside the office.

Xiao Haibo smiled and said: "Congratulations on the relocation of Bai Jun Law Firm..."

"Haifang Law Firm is next door on Jianghuai Road. Lawyer Su, our two law firms are in a cooperative relationship. Now they are separated by a road, so the distance is even closer!"

"Lawyer must come to our Haifang Law Firm often in the future! There are also some criminal lawyers in our law firm who admire you very much, Lawyer Su."

"We all want to hear your understanding of certain criminal cases, Lawyer Su!"

Su Bai smiled: "Lawyer Xiao...that's too polite of you to say."

Xiao Haibo shook his head.

He wasn't being polite, it was a fact.

How should I describe these cases handled by Su Bai...

They are all major and key cases, cases with huge influence on the Internet society.

Some criminal lawyers from their law firm learned about the cases handled by Su Bai.

Not to mention admiration for Su Bai, but there is still a sense of respect.

after all.….

Baijun Law Firm can become the top criminal law firm in the Nandu lawyer circle.

99% of the factors were caused by Su Bai's lawsuit.

"You're welcome, you're welcome."

Xiao Haibo smiled and continued:

"Oh, by the way, Lawyer Su, the Nandu Lawyers Association recently held a lawyers' meeting. Some lawyers in the industry may be invited to attend this meeting in the next few days..."

“To be specific, it might be to listen to some ideas from lawyers in the industry, and to exchange experiences, get to know lawyers from other law firms, and expand your network.”

"I heard this from an old friend of mine in the Lawyers Association."

"I asked specifically...Lawyer Su is on the invitation list this time."

"I am revealing the information in advance."

Xiao Haibo smiled and spoke.

Su Bai nodded: "Thank you, Lawyer Xiao, for notifying me of this matter in advance..."

"You have to know this sooner or later anyway. We are close to each other. When the time comes, I will ride in Lawyer Su's car and go there together."

"OK, no problem."

Su Bai smiled and nodded.

After talking about this.

Su Bai chatted with Xiao Haibo again about the recent progress made in the cooperation between Bai Jun Law Firm and Haifang Law Firm.

As well as what has happened recently in Nandu Lawyers Circle, and discussions on the formulation and revision of laws and regulations...

For example: further planning and definition of legitimate defense.

Relevant departments are already conducting discussions on this point and intend to promote the improvement of this law and regulations.

Regarding this matter, Xiao Haibo smiled and praised Su Bai.

"For further planning and definition of legitimate defense, we still rely on the Qi Feng case."

"I predict.…."

"When the time comes, the Qi Feng case will most likely be included in the case list!"

"Lawyer Su!"

"If it really happens then, don't forget to treat me to dinner. I will definitely kill you severely."

Su Bai smiled and nodded.

If the determination of legitimate defense needs to be changed and advanced, the Qi Feng case is indeed a typical case...

For a lawyer, the lawsuits he fights can be included in the case.

That can be considered a great honor and sense of accomplishment!

"Don't worry, the arrangements will be made to your satisfaction, Lawyer Xiao..."

Xiao Haibo chuckled: "Okay, then I'll wait for Lawyer Su's arrangements!"

After the conversation was almost finished, Xiao Haibo said hello to Su Bai and left Bai Jun Law Firm.

Wait until Xiao Haibo leaves.

Su Bai sat in his office position, breathed a sigh of relief, and took a look at the system. There was no big change, so he simply continued to leave it there.

Immediately afterwards, Li Xuezhen was called into the office and asked about the current situation of the short video account of Bai Jun Law Firm.

Now the main source of cases and the main income of Bai Jun Law Firm’s business.

After some business legal cooperation and gaining a reputation, they came to find the criminal clients of Baijun Law Firm for litigation.

Although Su Bai did not agree to Li Xuezhen's live broadcast of the law.

But publishing videos can also intercept some special cases or some good sources of cases.

Su Bai is quite interested in this aspect.

Faced with Su Bai's inquiry, Li Xuezhen excitedly took out the mobile phone running the account.

"Lawyer Su..."


"Currently, the short video account of our Bai Jun Law Firm has 56,000 fans! The comment area is also very active!"

Li Xuezhen had a proud face, as if Lawyer Su was about to praise me.

Su Bai smiled and nodded, and praised: "Yes! Well done!"

"I have talked with Lawyer Xiao. Currently, many law firms are vigorously developing short videos and want to receive case sources through the Internet, but they are not of much use."

"It's impossible to gain a few followers, let alone take on cases."

"Our law firm's short video account, you did a great job, we will give you a bonus of 300 yuan this month."

Three hundred yuan...

Li Xuezhen nodded vigorously.

"Okay Lawyer Su...Thank you Lawyer Su for the reward, I will continue to work hard!"

Tsk tsk….

A little rich woman with millions of dollars in pocket money said she would work hard for a bonus of 300 yuan?


If Su Bai didn't know Li Xuezhen...he wouldn't believe this happened.

Li Xuezhen: Working hard is what gives me the greatest sense of accomplishment!


Although I have money...but I am happy when I spend what I earn!

Su Bai continued to speak:

"Hmm... By the way, please send a copy to my office of the cases that you recently approached our law firm for litigation through short videos."

"I'll see if there are any interesting cases..."


"Okay Lawyer Su..."

"Lawyer Su...can you wait until the afternoon?...I haven't paid much attention to this aspect of work during this time..."

"It may take some time to sort out..."

When saying this, Li Xuezhen's clear eyes blinked.

During this time, she was indeed dealing with the operation of short videos.

It is true that I don’t pay much attention to case consultation and sorting.

Su Bai smiled and nodded: "Okay, you can go ahead and work on it. You can make it and give it to me whenever you want."

"Okay Lawyer Su."

Li Xuezhen narrowed her eyes and nodded heavily, then left the office.

In fact, during this period, many people came to Bai Jun Law Firm through short videos to inquire about cases and were interested in representing them.

However, some time ago, Li Xuezhen's energy was focused on the material processing of He Dongsheng's case and other chores.

When consulting about cases and being interested in representing cases on the short video, Li Xuezhen asked Wang Kexin to help with the review and reply.

That's why it's not very clear.

Came to Wang Kexin's workstation.

Wang Kexin, the head of the small ball, looked melancholy looking at the materials he had compiled.

After seeing Li Xuezhen walking over, she couldn't help but shake the little ball on her head, and the melancholy on her face also dissipated a lot.

"Xue something wrong?"

"Kexin... that... have you sorted out the cases our law firm received through short videos...?"

"I've sorted it out... Xuezhen, do you need it?"

"Yes... Lawyer Su said he wanted to take a look... I told Lawyer Su that I haven't sorted it out yet and will give it to him in the afternoon."

"Okay, I've sorted it all out. If you confirm it again, you can hand it over to Lawyer Su. Please wait a moment while I look for it..."


Wang Kexin handed a pile of materials into Li Xuezhen's hands.

“This is all the information on consultation cases and cases we intend to entrust in our law firm’s short videos during this period.”

"There are quite a few. I may not have sorted them out properly. Please take a look."

"Okay Kexin...thank you."

"It's okay, it's okay, you can do your business first..."

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously and brought the materials back to her work station.

I briefly looked through the materials compiled by Kexin, and also compared them with the background and comments of the short videos to check for any omissions.

Ten minutes later.

Li Xuezhen looked at the detailed introduction of a case and frowned slightly.

Immediately afterwards, a hint of joy appeared on his face.


This case is awesome! !

The Supreme Court...if we fight again, won't we reach the Supreme Court?

Not bad!

That’s it!

Li Xuezhen briefly organized and planned the materials for other cases, and then trotted to the office.

"Lawyer Su... we encountered a big case on our short video platform!"

Li Xuezhen's eyes were shining as she spoke.

Su Bai:? ? ?

It seems that Li Xuezhen is very interested in this case!

Otherwise, he wouldn't show such a small expression.

After receiving the relevant materials on this case from Li Xuezhen, Su Bai frowned slightly.


Unfinished building? !

A big case is a big case.

But this kind of case is difficult to handle!

PS: Please vote for me~

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