You became a lawyer and sent the judge in?

Chapter 160: Giving away again, committing a crime of duty, filing a public prosecution!

The trial is over.

Originally, Ye Zhenghuan was still glad that there was nothing else to do.

Just wait for bankruptcy and then transfer the property perfectly.


The trial had just ended and he was handcuffed...?

After Ye Zhenghuan was stunned for a few seconds, he looked at Wang Jiangyang.

Wang Jiangyang also looked confused at this time.

No one was aware of this sudden change.

As Ye Zhenghuan's litigation attorney, Wang Jiangyang stepped forward and asked:

"Excuse this a mistake...?"

"My client has not been convicted of any crime. If my client is involved in any major case, does my client have the right to know...?"

Wang Jiangyang asked.

"Of course you have the right to know, this is the relevant content involved, you can check it out."

The relevant prosecutors directly handed the materials to Wang Jiangyang.

"This is our approval document. It is described very clearly. If there are any problems, you can entrust a lawyer to go to the detention center or assert Ye Zhenghuan's legal rights through other means."

"Now please stay out of our way of enforcing the law."

The prosecutor's voice was serious.

After reading the relevant materials, Wang Jiangyang returned the materials to the prosecutors and nodded: "Okay."

Then he took two steps back.

Ye Zhenghuan became anxious when he saw this scene: "Lawyer Wang, please speak!"

"They're taking me away!"

Wang Jiangyang took a deep breath and said:

"Mr. Ye, now that the prosecutorial staff's procedures are complete, you'd better cooperate well until the prosecution stage comes."

When Ye Zhenghuan heard this, he took a few deep breaths and nodded: "Okay, then I will listen to you and cooperate well. When the prosecution stage comes, it will be up to you."


Wang Jiangyang spoke and watched Ye Zhenghuan being taken away.

After the prosecutors took Ye Zhenghuan away in court, there were considerable reactions from all parties at the trial.


On the court hearing stage, Zhu He looked at Su Bai curiously.

Originally, he thought that even if the trial ended here, there would be no surprises in this trial...


What he didn't expect was...

Nandu prosecutors took the person away directly after the verdict was announced at the trial...

Taken away in court, it seems that Ye Zhenghuan is involved in many crimes...

It seemed that Su Bai was really like what his friend in Nandu said, that so many people had to be sent away in every court hearing.

Zhu He did not continue to think about it, smiled, and then left the court hearing with two other members of the collegial panel.


At the end of the sentencing, Ye Zhenghuan was taken away, and the happiest person was Xiao Li.

Li Xuezhen's little face couldn't suppress the satisfaction, and Pikachu blinked violently.


Ye Zhenghuan was taken away for investigation, so relevant personnel are indispensable...

When it comes to concealing property, there must be more than one person committing a crime, or at least several people.

I don’t know how many can be sent in this time.

Li Xuezhen thought silently in her heart.

But anyway, the trial was over and the person was sent in.


"Lawyer Su...Ye Zhenghuan was taken away in court for investigation..."

"We won the case!"

"But...I saw that when Ye Zhenghuan left, his attorney didn't seem very nervous...Lawyer Su, do you think that Ye Zhenghuan will be found not guilty at the trial...?"

Hearing Li Xuezhen's words, Su Bai smiled: "Don't worry... there won't be any problem."

In this kind of public prosecution case, as long as the evidence can be hammered down, there will be no problem.

The clues Su Bai provided were enough to kill Ye Zhenghuan, so there was no big problem.

Ma Cheng, who was on the side, looked a little excited after seeing Ye Zhenghuan being taken away, and he cursed unconsciously.

"Son of a bitch!"

“I finally got my comeuppance!!”

"Lawyer Su, do you think so?"

Su Bai smiled after hearing Ma Cheng's words: "That's right."

"Okay, this trial is over. Let's leave first. There are still many things to deal with in the follow-up."

"Okay Lawyer Su."

Li Xuezhen quickly kept up with Su Bai's pace.



Meanwhile, outside the courtroom.

After the live broadcast of the court hearing ended, many people in Luo Daxiang's live broadcast room began to joke.

"Good guy... when the presiding judge announced the verdict, I thought that Lawyer Su's gifting method had failed, and Lawyer Su's style was about to disappear..."

"I didn't expect that I would be the clown. It turns out that the focus is after the trial is over!"

"Hahaha, to be honest, this result was beyond many people's expectations. I guess many people did not expect such a big reversal, including the person involved!"

"That's right! When I saw the prosecution and law enforcement officers walking to the defendant's seat, Ye Zhenghuan's face changed."

"Hahaha, indeed indeed!"


Look at the content in the comment section.

Luo Daxiang couldn't help but smile.

Because I felt this way at the time.

Judging from the court hearing of this lawsuit, Ye Zhenghuan is indeed not guilty.

However, it is obvious that Ye Zhenghuan has a certain subjective intention to misappropriate funds and maliciously evade debts.

Originally, Luo Daxiang thought that Ye Zhenghuan could escape legal sanctions this time.

But I didn't expect that after the trial and the verdict, the Nandu Procuratorate came to arrest people.

You must know that the live broadcast at that time was not completely over was considered a huge sensation.


This is not the most important point. The most critical point is what can be expected after the Supreme Court trial is over.

The unfinished building incident can definitely be managed more standardizedly.

Not to mention anything else, just this time the bank was judged to bear a certain amount of responsibility.

Banks must be more attentive to supervising funds, and they will not casually give regulatory funds to real estate developers like before.

There are cases guided by the Supreme Court. If banks do not supervise in place, they will bear responsibility.

There will no longer be a situation where people only take money, only collect interest, and do nothing, and no supervision is carried out.

Overall, the verdict in this case is a warning to banks.

Banks are reminded that they need to strictly control regulatory funds!

In fact.

Just like Luo Daxiang thought.

It is not only the people who are concerned about this case who are paying attention to this trial.

There are also legal staff from banks and real estate companies.

This unfinished building lawsuit heard by the Supreme Court is very typical.

Generally speaking, the legal affairs of major banks need to pay high attention to this area of ​​court hearings.

Based on this, we can judge whether the bank's work content needs to be adjusted to some extent.

This time, Nandu Bank was sentenced to bear 30% of the liability.

Immediately after the verdict, other major banks urgently launched supervision and enforcement of regulatory funds!

It is required to ensure that regulatory funds are implemented in place.

At the same time, other banks are also conducting urgent investigations to find out whether there are any violations. Any violations need to be dealt with as soon as possible.

It is necessary to ensure that the role of regulatory funds is used in the area under supervision.

After the unfinished building case ended, it triggered a strengthening of banks' supervision of regulatory funds.

With the supervision of banks... real estate developers will not dare to misappropriate funds, which will greatly reduce the occurrence of unfinished buildings.



Inside the office of Bai Jun Law Firm.

Ma Cheng and Ma Xiangzhi sat on the sofa with excited expressions.

Under the coordination of the Supreme Court, they have conducted private mediation with Nandu Bank.

In terms of mediation, they have complete initiative.

The court also favored their side.

The main mediation contents are as follows.

First: stop repayment and stop paying interest. Nandu Bank took the initiative to lower the interest points and interest amount as compensation for them.

Second: Nandu Bank bears 30% of the responsibility. If the house is not delivered within two years, Nandu Bank will compensate them for the corresponding property amount.

Third: Nandu Bank’s agent took the initiative to apologize to Ma Cheng and Ma Xiangzhi.



Anyway, overall, this is a complete victory.

Ma Cheng rubbed his palms excitedly:

"Lawyer Su...Thank you for this lawsuit. If it weren't for Lawyer Su, how could ordinary people like us win against banks and real estate developers..."

"Lawyer Su... We made a banner and wanted to give it to Lawyer Su..."

When Ma Cheng said this, he called Ma Xiangzhi to quickly take out the banner.

Ma Xiangzhi took out a banner from his bag and unfolded it to look at it.

Left: Baijun is undefeated.

Right: Pray for the people.

"Lawyer Su... We are not very educated, so we thought these two sentences were more appropriate, so we put these two sentences on the banner. We also hope that Lawyer Su will accept the banner."

Su Bai smiled and nodded: "Thank you..."

“This banner represents your recognition of our Baijun Law Firm.”

"We must accept it..."

After seeing Su Bai put down the banner, Ma Cheng smiled happily and continued:

"Lawyer Su... Well, this time we won the lawsuit, so many other Nandu Xiushui home buyers also want to ask Lawyer Su to litigate.

They want me to ask Lawyer Su if I can take over their client case and file a big lawsuit..."

Su Bai smiled and shook his head: "No need..."

Ma Cheng was a little confused: "Lawyer you mean you won't accept it?"

"No, what I said is that there is no need to file a lawsuit. Now Ye Zhenghuan is being prosecuted. I went to the prosecutor's office to find out.

A large amount of funds have been recovered from the construction funds of Nandu Xiushui Garden, and banks will also recover regulatory funds from Nanjian Real Estate Company. "

“At that time, regulatory funds will continue to be used to complete the construction and delivery of Nandu Xiushui Garden.”

"After the construction and delivery of Nandu Xiushui Garden is completed, the bank will no longer bear additional responsibilities."

"So...whether this lawsuit is filed or not, the demands of home buyers will be protected."

"Lawyer Su, what you mean is that Nandu Xiushui Garden will be delivered later?"

Ma Cheng spoke in surprise.

"Yes! Delivery will be carried you also need to remind the home buyers in your small group not to continue to litigate, or to ask Nanjian Real Estate to refund the house payment.

According to the current property price and the priority of creditors, it is the best choice not to continue the appeal and wait for the delivery of Nandu Xiushui Garden. "

"Yes! I understand, Lawyer Su! Thank you, Lawyer Su!"

Ma Cheng thanked him profusely.

Su Bai smiled and nodded. According to the current situation, this lawsuit can be regarded as solving the problem of the unfinished building in Nandu Xiushui Garden.

After sending Ma Cheng and Ma Xiangzhi away, Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief. The final result of this case was considered satisfactory to the litigants.


Real estate developers and Nandu Bank are currently experiencing huge troubles.

After Ye Zhenghuan was prosecuted.

Wang Jiangyang made a special trip to see Ye Zhenghuan, learned the exact time of the prosecution, and decided to commute Ye Zhenghuan's sentence or plead not guilty.

But Wang Jiangyang had a headache.

Because judging from the evidence currently investigated by the prosecutor, the possibility of Ye Zhenghuan being innocent is very small.

at the same time.…

After Nandu Bank was exposed for illegally distributing regulatory funds, the bank was immediately bombarded by netizens.

It can be said that everyone has spent a lifetime of hard-earned money on purchasing a house.

If the bank's violations lead to a mess, then it is equivalent to working for banks and real estate developers for a lifetime.

As soon as the verdict of the case was concluded, Nandu Bank was once again on the hot search list.

The actual controller of Nandu Bank was extremely angry about this hot search and decided to pursue the corresponding responsibilities! .


Office of the President of Nandu Bank.

Wang Wu sat on the sofa in the president's office and rubbed his brows.

In the past two days, Nandu Bank has suffered a lot of abuse, but as time goes by, Nandu Bank will also withdraw from everyone's sight.

After all.

This kind of thing has happened once.

The same was true in the Wang Li case. Wasn't it okay in the end?

This time I guess it will be similar to the last time, it will pass after a while.

After taking a sip of tea, Wang Wu sighed and said silently in his heart:

Fortunately, no major problems occurred this time.

The Supreme Court ruled that the bank bore 30% of the liability.

Although it has assumed 30% of the responsibility, if the funds are recovered, the bank will not be able to compensate much.

For this, Wang Wu was secretly glad in his heart.

Otherwise, the bank will have to pay a lot of money.

Wang Wu can still accept the current situation.

As for the follow-up, as long as he doesn't make such mistakes and mistakes in the future... there will probably be no problem.

Wang Wu was leaning on the sofa, thinking about how the bank would sue Nanjian Real Estate Co., Ltd. and how to quickly recover the corresponding regulatory funds.


A group of law enforcement officers walked into the office.

After the relevant law enforcement officers presented the materials, they spoke seriously:

"Wang Wu, you have been suspected of a duty-related crime, please come with us..."

Occupational crime.…

No...hasn't this matter already passed? Why is he still suspected of committing a duty-related crime?

Wang Wu was stunned for a moment.

The actual controller of Nandu Bank: If you, the president of Nandu Bank, continue to be president, Nandu Bank will be gone!

What did you do? Is it unclear whether you committed a duty crime?

There are many types of occupational crimes.

Don’t you know how much money you have illegally approved for others?

What kind of specific situation, duty crime, how serious is the duty infringement? You don’t have any points?

Is it difficult for Nandu Bank to suffer such a huge loss and make you have to eat from a big pot for five or eight years?

Wang Wu: .......

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