You became a lawyer and sent the judge in?

Chapter 165 Whoever makes the claim and who gives evidence is just pretending not to understand, rig

At the court hearing.

Li Xuezhen's face was proud, like a winning little peacock.

Su Bai:….

A reminder: "Don't stare for now... prepare the litigation materials that will be used later."


"Okay Lawyer Su."

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously.

In the plaintiff's seat, Chen Meixia's old face was a bit confused. In so many years of living, this was the first time she had looked at a young man, and she couldn't win.

The more I thought about it, the angrier I became, but in the end I didn't say anything and just sat quietly in my seat.

Neither Li Zhuang nor Li Jun spoke, and sat down silently.

Both the plaintiff and the defendant sat in their respective seats.

The clerk began to read out the court discipline:







After the reading was completed, it was accompanied by the sentence: "Everyone stands up and invites the presiding judge and judges to enter."

Swish, swish, swish.

In the court hearing, all persons involved in the litigation stood up.

The three members of the collegial panel walked onto the court hearing stage and stood on the court hearing stage.

Clerk: "President, everyone is here and the court can begin."


Qian Wei banged the gavel: "The court is in session!"

"please sit down."

Swish, swish, everyone at the court hearing took their seats.

On the bench, Qian Wei looked around, his eyes rested on Chen Meixia for a moment and then moved away.

Then, he looked down at the litigation materials.

Regarding this case of assisting people, Qian Wei knew the general process of this case.

Because a friend had already greeted him before, he deliberately became a little more concerned about this case.

What to say about this case...

In his opinion, no matter what the sentence is, it can be judged.

And there won't be much of a problem.

for the verdict.

Qian Wei already had an idea in his mind.

As the presiding judge, he made many judgments on such civil lawsuit cases with insufficient evidence.

He had already roughly guessed the litigation variables in this case.

In his mind, overall, it's not a big problem.

After flipping through the litigation materials and clarifying his thoughts, Qian Wei glanced at the plaintiff's seat and said:

"Okay, the court is now in session."

Qian Wei flipped through the litigation materials:

"Both the plaintiff and the defendant began to state the identity of the information and agency authority for verification."

"Plaintiff, please start stating the identity information of the persons appearing in court, as well as the legal representation authority."

"Good judge."

Xiao Feng nodded.

This case is not a big one to him.

Although Xiao Feng is only a mid-level civil litigation lawyer in a first-class law firm in Nandu.

But in ordinary civil litigation.

It mainly depends on the method of litigation and the angle of argument. The tendency of the judgment lies with the collegial panel and the presiding judge.

In civil litigation, evidence is the basis.

Just go with the evidence.

Xiao Feng is actually not optimistic about this case, but since he has taken it on, he still has to fulfill his responsibilities as a lawyer.

Xiao Feng continued to speak:

"The identity information of our persons appearing in court is Xiao Feng, lawyer of Nandu Baichuan Law Firm, and the parties appearing in court are Chen Meixia, Li Zhuang, and Li Jun. Their agency authority is special agent."

A special agent is also called a discretionary agent.

Lawyers have the right to negotiate settlements and withdraw lawsuits on their behalf.

Boom, boom, boom!

"The plaintiff has finished his statement. Now let's ask the defendant to state the identity of the person appearing in court and the authority to represent him in litigation."

Qian Wei turned his attention to the defendant's seat.

"Presiding judge, the identity information of our court personnel, Nandu Baijun Law Firm lawyer Su Bai, assistant lawyer Li Xuezhen, and the client Zhang Dahu, their representation authority is special authority."


After verifying the identity information and agency authority, the presiding judge Qian Wei continued to speak:

"This case was tried by the Nandu DC District Court, with member Qian Wei as the presiding judge, and judges Xie Mingyan and Zhu Yuanfang forming a collegial panel."

“According to the Civil Procedure Code…”

“If the plaintiff and defendant have objections to the judge who appears in this case, they may apply to recuse themselves...”

"Does the plaintiff and defendant have any objections? Do they apply for recusal?"

Xiao Feng: "No objection, no application for recusal."

Su Bai: "No objection, no application for recusal."

After hearing the answers from both parties, Qian Wei began to read out the cause of the case:

"The cause of this case is that the plaintiff, Chen Meixia, accused the defendant, Zhang Dahu, of bumping into Chen Meixia on Xishui Street on May 16, causing her to fall to the ground and become comatose and to be hospitalized, resulting in huge medical expenses."

"Chen Meixia now files a lawsuit against Zhang Dahu to recover medical expenses, as well as subsequent compensation and mental loss expenses. Is the cause of the case true?"

"President, the case is true."


"Confirm that the cause of the case is true, please start stating the lawsuit claims and legal basis."

"Good judge."

Xiao Feng nodded and spoke.

"Our lawsuit application states only two points:"

"One: We require the other party to compensate us for our medical expenses, mental loss expenses, and follow-up medical expenses, totaling 400,000 yuan."

"Two: We require the other party to bear the litigation costs and attorney fees of this trial."

"Presiding Judge, we have finished our statement."


After Xiao Feng finished his statement, Qian Wei turned over a page of litigation materials and banged the gavel: "Please let the defendant start making his statement."

"Good judge."

Su Bai nodded.

This is the first civil lawsuit against the defendant since he arrived here.

As a defendant….

Still a little bit unaccustomed to it.

But Su Bai only felt this way for a moment.

Soon, Su Bai finished adjusting and looked towards the court seat.

"President, we believe that the plaintiff's claim is unreasonable."

"We apply to dismiss the other party's lawsuit application."

"Our lawsuit application states as follows:"

"One: The other party has no direct evidence to prove that Zhang Dahu knocked down Chen Meixia, so the accusation is not established.

Therefore, we do not bear any responsibility for Chen Meixia's collapse and should not bear the related medical expenses. "

"Two: After Zhang Dahu helped Chen Meixia up and kindly sent her to the hospital, he advanced a certain amount of medical expenses out of kindness. This part of the medical expenses was equivalent to what Zhang Dahu lent to Chen Meixia.

However, Chen Meixia never returned Zhang Dahu's advance medical expenses, and determined that this was Zhang Dahu's compensation for medical expenses.

However, we did not knock down Chen Meixia at all, and we do not need to bear the compensation for medical expenses.

Here, we apply that Chen Meixia needs to return the medical expenses advanced by Chen Dahu. "

"Three: Zhang Dahu sent the unconscious Chen Meixia to the hospital and took the initiative to advance the medical expenses. He was brave and helpful.

The malicious misinterpretation by the plaintiff has had a huge impact on our reputation. We request the other party to publicly apologize to us. "

"Four: We apply, and the litigation costs will be borne by the plaintiff."

"Presiding Judge, we have finished our statement."

This lawsuit application….

The plaintiff couldn't accept it at all.

After listening to Su Bai's court statement, Qian Wei frowned in the court seat and glanced at the defendant's seat.

The old lady Chen Meixia who was sitting at the plaintiff's seat was even more angry and could not accept Su Bai's conditions at all.

What the hell is this condition?

I took you to court just to make you pay me, but now it’s okay!

Are you still asking me for money? !

What do you want me to pay back for the advanced medical expenses? You have already paid for it, and you still want me to pay you back?

What are you thinking about?

What a beautiful thought!

There are only three words: impossible.

I am here to ask for money today, not to lose money.

Chen Meixia was very determined in her heart: absolutely impossible.



Su Bai:? ? ? ?

Why do you want money?

It's not like I'm asking you to pay, but I'm asking you to pay back the medical expenses Zhang Dahu paid in advance. Is there any problem?

You paid back the medical expenses advanced by a kindhearted person. Is there no problem?

If there was no evidence to prove that you were blackmailing me, I would have sent you in without any hesitation. Then you are still blackmailing me when you are old.

The medical expenses that people kindly paid in advance should be returned, shouldn't they?

on the plaintiff's bench.

Chen Meixia pulled Xiao Feng's clothes:

"Lawyer Xiao, the other party's lawsuit application is really shameless. We must win this lawsuit..."

"Otherwise, I, a helpless old lady, really have nothing to do."

Chen Meixia and Xiao Feng whispered and whispered, and the sale started miserably.


As a lawyer who has stayed in a first-class law firm for so long, Xiao Feng has never seen anything like this?

He nodded and said, "Don't worry...if we sue, your legal rights will definitely be guaranteed."

Legal rights?

Does this mean there is no guarantee of winning?

Not getting the answer she wanted, Chen Meixia smiled and said nothing more.

His expression was obviously not good-looking, and he focused his attention on the court seat.


Qian Wei banged the gavel: "The lawsuit applications of both the original and defendant parties have been stated."

"Let's start submitting the factual or legal basis."

"Plaintiff, please start stating the factual basis or legal basis."

"Good judge."

Xiao Feng nodded and looked at Chen Meixia:

"Presiding judge, we apply to allow our client to state the process at that time."

"If the application is approved, the parties concerned can state the events in detail."

"let's start."

Seeing the opportunity coming, Chen Meixia immediately stood up and looked at the presiding judge Qian Wei on the bench.

There was a hint of trembling in the voice.

"I can't remember the specifics, but I remember it like this."

"...I was walking on the road when I suddenly felt like I was hit by a big rock behind me."

"Then I lost consciousness... However, before I lost consciousness, I saw Zhang Dahu's face."

"Yes, yes, it's the face of the one sitting in the dock."

"Zhang Dahu's expression was very surprised. Oh, by the way, he was still holding a mobile phone in his hand at the time."

"Then I didn't know anything anymore..."

" must make the decision for us old people and vulnerable groups like us."


Chen Meixia shifted her gaze from the trial bench to the defendant's seat, pointing at Zhang Dahu with trembling fingers, her tone completely changed from before.

The whole thing is a sharp and mean face.

"The presiding was him, the man across from me who hit me!"

"He just bullies people and thinks he can escape without monitoring...Although he sent me to the hospital and paid for the medical expenses...but he knocked me down, and he should pay for all this! "

"Why doesn't he pay? Why should he ask me to pay back his medical expenses?!"

"Now that I know there is no surveillance to prove that he hit me, I just say that he didn't hit me. He also asked me to refund the medical expenses and apologize to him."


"Isn't the person on the other side openly bullying me, an old man? Seeing how old I am, I want to bully him hard."

"I tell you, no one can bully me, and the law will give me justice!"

"Presiding Judge...I am an old man in his 70s, can I still blackmail him?"

"He obviously knocked me down, but now that I know there is no surveillance to prove it, and he said he didn't hit me, what should I do...?"

"I can't produce evidence, but I know it was him who hit me. I clearly saw him hit me..."


Chen Meixia has been holding on to this topic and making a statement.

At this time, Su Bai raised his hand and asked: "Presiding Judge, I would like to ask a question."

"The plaintiff is over 70 years old. Let's not talk about whether he had any intention of blackmail. According to Zhang Dahu's dictation, Chen Meixia had already fallen to the ground at that time...and was in a semi-conscious state."

"Chen Meixia was immediately scrutinized by the law enforcement department. During the investigation, she also said that she could not remember clearly... But now, how can it be said that she saw Zhang Dahu hit him?"

"I still remember how Zhang Dahu got hit, I remember it so clearly."

"Besides, the other party said that Zhang Dahu was hit from behind. How could he see Zhang Dahu's face clearly?"

"Chen Meixia's statement completely violated the review and investigation conducted by the law enforcement agencies at the time... and Chen Meixia's own confession at the time."

"And it is inconsistent with facts and objective factors."

"I would like to ask the plaintiff, do you remember clearly at that time, was it Zhang Dahu who hit you?"

Chen Meixia was stunned for a moment, not expecting that Su Bai would come here.

There was an awkward silence for a few seconds, and then he blurted out:

"I'm old, so I can't remember clearly after I was hit. Now that I think about it, it was Zhang Dahu who hit me!"

"Then you mean that the confession you made at that time was inaccurate?"


Chen Meixia hesitated for a few seconds and hesitated to speak.

On the judgment seat.


Qian Wei banged the gavel hard, and the deafening sound echoed in the courtroom.

"The defendant must not interrupt the plaintiff's statement!"

"Now a warning!"

Hearing Qian Wei's warning, Su Bai frowned slightly...

He had raised his hand just now. If it was a warning, why not warn him when he asked for the first time?

And interrupting him to give a warning on such a critical issue?

Su Bai looked at the court seat.

I noticed that the expression on Qian Wei's face was a bit unnatural...

His brows were furrowed.

I was wondering, could this trial be more than just a civil lawsuit?

Su Bai felt a hint of expectation in his heart and said, "Okay, presiding judge."

Qian Wei banged the gavel, interrupting Su Bai's inquiry and making Chen Meixia relax slightly.

Immediately afterwards.

Qian Wei said: "Based on the evidence provided by relevant law enforcement officials, I will now make a rough summary."

"The evidence provided by law enforcement officers comes from the confessions of Chen Meixia and Zhang Dahu."

"The statements from both parties are inconsistent."

"And the evidence provided by law enforcement officers has evidence of interviews and investigations."

"According to the evidence from interviews and investigations, it is shown that Zhang Dahu did help Chen Meixia, and it is also true that he sent her to the hospital."

"But no one really saw whether Chen Meixia was knocked down by Zhang Dahu. Do the original and defendant parties have any objections to the above evidence and what happened?"

Su Bai: "No objection."

Xiao Feng: "No objection."


"Since both parties have no objections, let's start the defense of both parties based on this point."

"The plaintiff makes his statement first."

"Okay presiding judge, we believe that in this case, no one saw whether Zhang Dahu hit our client Chen Meixia, but someone saw Zhang Dahu helping her up."

"so good.…"

"According to what our client Chen Meixia said, she was hit by Zhang Dahu."

"Based on our client's confession...Chen Meixia has no subjective need to lie."

"So we think our request is reasonable... Sentencing Zhang Dahu to pay compensation for the collision is an application to assert our legal rights."

Why is it said that the sentence to compensate Zhang Dahu for hitting someone is the right to apply for the law?

After Xiao Feng finished speaking, Su Bai immediately came up with an idea.

"What does it mean that Chen Meixia has no subjective need to lie?"

"Chen Meixia's performance has been very obvious. She just wants money."

"Her subjective need is to find someone to bear her medical expenses and subsequent treatment costs, and she uses mental losses as blackmail."

"To put it bluntly...the other party's behavior is a kind of fraud."


"Both the plaintiff and our defendant have no evidence to show whether Zhang Dahu hit someone."

"Your client... insists that Zhang Dahu hit someone. Do you have any evidence?"

"There's no evidence, right?"

Facing Su Bai's question, Xiao Feng retorted:

"But you have no evidence to prove that he didn't hit anyone, but someone saw Zhang Dahu helping Chen Meixia up."

"From this, we can infer that it was Zhang Dahu who knocked Chen Meixia down."

"Do you have evidence to show that you didn't hit anyone? There is no evidence either!"

"That is, the defendant cannot prove whether he hit someone."

This is all nonsense on the other side...

The defendant cannot prove whether he hit someone, does that mean he hit someone?

What is this statement?

As a civil litigation lawyer, who doesn’t know who advocates and who gives evidence?

If you sue me, you have to come up with factual basis. If you can't come up with factual basis, what are you guessing here?

But the other party refused to bring it up, insisting on bringing it up to other aspects, and brought it up that you had no evidence, so it was you who made the mistake.

Su Bai:? ? ?

Both sides have no evidence. You are suing me. This matter is not a subjective case, but a case that pays attention to practical evidence.

What are you talking about?



PS: Please vote for me~

It just ends here...If I continue writing, it will end with a famous scene...

Tomorrow’s update will be a little later, mainly to keep the chapters straight~

Probably around seven or eight o'clock in the evening.

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