You became a lawyer and sent the judge in?

Chapter 176 Want to go in and have a big meal? Satisfy you!

Chen Meixia's attorney sighed helplessly.

According to Chen Meixia's method of making trouble, not only will she not get what she wants, but it may even cause some bad effects.

The attorney wanted to hold Chen Meixia back, but Chen Meixia was now extremely anxious.

Whoever is caught is scolded.

"Whose attorney are you...?"


"I spent so much money to invite you here, and now that we have been sentenced, why are you talking about this? Why are you dragging me along?"

"If you have the ability, just defend us and prove our innocence!"

"Don't pull me!"

"Either you join me in scolding, or you stop holding me, why are you holding me, let go!"

Attorney: .......

? ? ? ?

Chen Meixia fiercely threw away the attorney's hand.

The attorney shrugged helplessly, retreated to the other side, and said silently in his heart:

This old lady really didn't complain when she was sentenced, and even a suspended sentence was considered a light sentence.

It was a pity for her son. He had seen cheating on his father before, but this was the first time he cheated on his son.

Faced with Chen Meixia's aggressiveness and due to her age, the bailiffs maintained a state of restraint. The more this happened, the more emboldened Chen Meixia felt.

He kept cursing.

There is even a tendency to get hands-on.


At this time, the bailiff lost his temper and detained Chen Meixia directly.

"Warn you once, you are attacking the police now. If you do it again, we will imprison you directly for assaulting the police. You can be imprisoned directly without leaving the court hearing!"

"Okay! Lock me up! I'll eat and drink your food in there. I won't leave all day long, and there will be people to support me in my old age!"

Bailiff: You are free to eat and drink, right?

Chen Meixia's hair was disheveled and she was cursing.

At this time, Li Mu said: "Okay, Mom!"

"This is the court, please stop making trouble!"

Chen Meixia calmed down after hearing Li Mu's voice.

"Let's wait until the time comes to appeal..."

"Okay...Xiaomu, mom, I'm sorry..."

"If it weren't for mom, you wouldn't be like this now."

Chen Meixia's face wrinkled, and her aura suddenly declined from that of a young old lady who was full of energy.

I kept complaining in my heart: It’s all Zhang Dahu’s fault.

And that lawyer.

If it weren't for these two people, his son would still be doing a good job in the judicial department!

Seeing Chen Meixia's resentment, Li Mu's expression was calm, he sighed deeply and said nothing.

When something like this happened during the trial, Su Bai looked at Chen Meixia and Li Mu silently without saying a word...

For Li Mu.

Chen Meixia may be a good mother.

But for others, especially Zhang Dahu...

What is it?

Su Bai shook his head and did not continue to think about it. He waved to Li Xuezhen to follow him and prepared to leave.

Currently, PS says that all the issues involved in Zhang Dahu’s case have been resolved.


Su Bai took a deep breath.

The verdicts of the first instance, Li Mu and Chen Meixia, were quite satisfactory.

According to the two people's crimes and the degree of conclusiveness of the evidence, the length of the sentence is considered relatively light.

Su Bai estimated.

It should be the presiding judge of the first instance who considered Li Mu and Chen Meixia’s second instance appeal.

If you want to file a second-instance appeal, you must present new evidence, or there may be problems with the first-instance judgment.

Most of the first-instance judgments found problems because they believed the sentences were too harsh or due to other factors.

In this first-instance judgment, the sentence was relatively light, and it is unlikely that Chen Meixia and Li Mu will have new evidence.

If you want the above-mentioned second trial, it is basically impossible.

Right now.

The High Court will not accept the second-instance appeal request of Li Mu and Chen Meixia.


Su Bai looked back and stared at Li Xuezhen, who was staring at Chen Meixia with bright eyes, and opened his mouth to give a warning.

Xiao Li is still chanting silently in his heart: +1+1+1+1….

All in! !

Justice has been served!

I asked you to rely on your old man to blackmail young people. Now you are sentenced to probation, right?

Not bad!


Li Xuezhen's face was full of smiles, and her eyes curved into crescent moons.

After hearing Su Bai's voice, he quickly reacted and nodded seriously.


“Good lawyer Su”

"Lawyer Su, here I come. Wait for me."

Li Xuezhen organized the information, walked quickly, and caught up with Su Bai.



at the same time.

In Bai Jun's law firm, a haggard-looking woman came.

The woman's face was full of sadness.

"Hello... Is Lawyer Su Bai in this law firm?"

Han Chen at the administrative front desk smiled and nodded: "Yes, Bai Jun Law Firm was founded by lawyer Su Bai. You have a case that needs to be entrusted, right?"

"Yes... I have a case that I want to entrust with Lawyer Su. I was recommended by Haifang Law Firm."

"Okay, please come here with me."

Han Chen opened his mouth, took the woman to the reception hall, gave her a glass of water, and handed her a form.


"This is the form our law firm accepts..."

"You only need to fill in a rough outline of your situation, for example, criminal and civil matters, the court hearings you are facing, and the process of the case. Have you ever seen first instance and second instance? You can fill in the relevant content in our form. superior"

“There are enough prompts on our form, you just need to fill it in according to the prompts.”

The woman looked up:

"My case is a criminal case. If I fill it out, can Lawyer Su take over my case...?"

Han Chen smiled and nodded: "There is a certain possibility."

"You were introduced by Haifang Law Firm. If you are willing, we will definitely take your case."

"It's just that there are other criminal lawyers in our law firm. If other criminal lawyers think that this criminal case can be won, then other criminal lawyers in our law firm will take over the case."

"If other criminal lawyers are not sure, then Lawyer Su will take the case."

"No matter what, our law firm will try its best to protect the client's litigation rights."

There was a glimmer of light in the woman's eyes and she nodded: "Okay, thank you..."

"You're welcome."

Han Chen smiled and spoke.

Soon, the woman filled out the case information, and Han Chen sent her out of the law firm.

Immediately afterwards.

Han Chen sorted out the case information that today's client filled out at the law firm and handed it over to Wang Kexin.

Baijun Law Firm has been experiencing no shortage of cases recently.

You can't say that there are a lot of clients like this, but there are five or six every day.

Generally speaking, such cases are divided into civil and criminal cases first, and then each lawyer confirms whether the case can be accepted.

If it is finally confirmed that there are difficulties, it will be handed over to lawyer Su.

The entire process of receiving cases at Baijun Law Firm is roughly like this.

Inside the office.


Su Bai took a deep breath. Bai Jun Law Firm is currently developing steadily.

Zhang Dahu's case can be regarded as a complete opening of Baijun Law Firm's civil affairs.

After careful calculation, Bai Jun Law Firm actually handles not many civil relations in the true sense.

Swinging the little penguin counts as one.

Real estate counts as one.

The insurance is criminal plus civil doesn't count.

Then there is the case of Zhang Dahu.

Of course, Su Bai counts cases based on the number of court sessions, and the first court session is indeed a civil case in the true sense.

But the subsequent development... was a bit beyond Su Bai's expectations.

Who would have thought that an unfair presiding judge like Qian Wei was hidden in a civil case?

But no matter what, now that I have sent it feels much more comfortable.

Three civil cases made Baijun Law Firm famous for civil litigation.

Then from now on, the capitalist industry will... be happy?

Su Bai took a sip of tea.

Take a long breath.

However, judging from the current situation of the law firm, what the law firm relies on is his reputation.

Apart from him, Bai Jun Law Firm can only be regarded as a relatively good medium-sized lawyer.

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a knock on the office door, and Han Chen walked in from the outside.

"Lawyer Su... These are the cases selected during this period. Lawyer Su, please take a look..."


Su Bai picked up the pile of materials and scanned them briefly.


These are relatively difficult cases.

For example: some cases involving lawsuits with functional departments, and some marginal cases that wander around the law.

These cases were first recommended by some lawyers I knew.

The most common ones are: commutation cases.

Cases of reduced sentences for intentional injury, and cases of reduced sentences for duty-related crimes.

for the latter.

Su Bai glanced at it directly, after looking through the relevant materials submitted this time.

Su Bai noticed that there was a relatively difficult and interesting case.

"This case... involves a lot of issues!"

Su Bai looked at the case and frowned slightly.

He seems to have a certain impression of this case.

So I took out my mobile phone and searched online, and I actually searched for relevant content about this case.

That's right.

What he wants to fight is this kind of difficult and challenging case!

Su Bai took out this piece of information and handed it to Han Chen.

"Well, this case."

"Other lawyers in our law firm can entrust you with other cases, but I will entrust this case with you."

"Okay Lawyer Su..."

Han Chen nodded and left the office.



at the same time.

In a hotel in Nandu, the woman Xie Jingmei looked at the photos on her mobile phone and shed tears inexplicably.

In order to litigate, she found many law firms and lawyers.

After learning about the case, many people have no idea of ​​taking it.

Until she found Haifang Law Firm, a lawyer from Haifang Law Firm introduced her to Bai Jun Law Firm.

Of course Xie Jingmei knows about Bai Jun Law Firm...

Lawyer Su Baisu, who is well-known on the Internet, is a lawyer in this law firm.


What she was worried about was whether Lawyer Su would take her case.

According to the words of the lawyer staff member who received her at Bai Jun Law Firm.

The law firm will take her case, but she is worried about whether other lawyers can win.

Xie Jingmei was lying on the bed, silent and silent, when suddenly the phone rang in her ears.

Xie Jingmei immediately picked up the call when she saw it was Nandu's mobile phone account.

After picking up, I heard a familiar voice coming from over there.

"Hello, is this Ms. Xie Jingmei? This is Xiao Han from Baijun Law Firm. We should have met today."

"Yeah, yeah! I'm Xie Jingmei..."

"That's right, that's right. This is the right case that I asked for help. There's nothing wrong with my case."

"Lawyer Su said he would help me fight this lawsuit...?"

"Okay, okay, thank you, thank you!"



After hanging up the phone, a light appeared in Xie Jingmei's eyes.



at the same time.

There was also a notice from Jiangdu.

It is a follow-up to the previous case of Lin Haoxue.

After Lin Haoxue was acquitted and released, the murderer of the dead female body was still not found.

Jiangdu has conducted a vigorous investigation on this and said that it will give a follow-up result.

This is what I called to inform you today.

Through questioning, Su Bai learned the truth.

turn out to be.

The real murderer back then had a certain relationship with Hu Yulong.

Then Hu Yulong used the reason that the case was under great pressure and the case needed to be solved as soon as possible.

Winning over a group of relevant people resulted in an unjust, false and wrongful conviction.

After several months of investigation, Jiangdu identified the murderer and arrested him.

Several more charges were added to Hu Yulong's body.

Tsk tsk.…

After Su Bai understood all the facts, he shook his head slightly.

No wonder when Lin Haoxue took this case, there was insufficient evidence to convict him.

It turns out there is such a story in it.

No wonder!

Su Bai thought silently in his heart.



in addition.

Su Bai also learned the news that regarding Li Mu's case, the second-instance appeal was unsuccessful.

It was rejected by Nandu High Court.


Taking advantage of her age and being unreasonable, Chen Meixia made another show, stopping the judge and asking why she didn't agree to the second instance request.

He even said in front of the judge that he had met the judge before.

Was it the judge who gave her son tiny shoes to wear?

And so on.

After a day or two of hesitation, Chen Meixia finally blocked the door of the court.

The court had no choice but to ask court staff to persuade Chen Meixia to leave.

But in the process of persuading people to leave.

there is a problem.

Chen Meixia hit and made trouble with the relevant staff members, and kept swearing.

He even used a cane to directly break the bridge of a staff member's nose.

have to.

He was on probation and was charged with intentional injury, and the person injured was a public official.

It can be directly said that it is a crime plus one.

When there was trouble in the first two days, the court did not pursue the case because of the face of the elderly person. But now that Chen Meixia has committed intentional injury, it is difficult not to pursue the case.

The leaders of the court department asked the bailiff to temporarily control Chen Meixia on the spot.

And notify the relevant departments to come and go through the process.


The bridge of the nose is broken, so if the injury is assessed, it may be a minor injury.

The conditions for sentencing have been met.

This... This incident occurred during the suspended sentence, which can be regarded as fulfilling Chen Meixia's wish to retire in prison...

After Su Bai learned the news, he thought silently in his heart.

PS: Please vote for me~

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