You became a lawyer and sent the judge in?

Chapter 401 I know you are anxious, but don’t be anxious. Audience: Is this defendant anxious? !

On the judgment seat.

As the presiding judge, Chu Changhe sorted out the current notices from the defendant and the three media.

Now the specific accusations from the three media have been directed at Chenggong Law Firm.

And the responsibility was thrown to the person in charge at the time.

To reduce the responsibility borne by the media itself.

This involves certain collateral liability issues.

Take the simplest example.


The most common situation.

Bank staff stole customers' property.

So what responsibilities does the bank play in this process?

The bank exercised its custody responsibility, but its own custody was not in place, allowing its employees to commit theft.

Then the bank must be responsible.

And if deposits and withdrawals are made under formal procedures, the bank needs to take full responsibility.

As for how the bank recovers the money, this is a question that the bank needs to consider, not a question that the victim needs to consider.

Same reason.

In this case, the situation involved is similar to that of the bank in the example.

Although the heads of the three media outlets at the time were affected, they made inappropriate remarks because of their personal relationships.


Media companies and state media have certain collateral responsibilities.

Need to bear corresponding responsibilities.

But...this is different from banks.

The media can confirm whether it bears main responsibility or partial responsibility through specific performance and detailed process.

This is why three media outlets issued statements to draw attention to the successful law firm.

The reason for doing this is to reduce one's own responsibility.

to meet the deadline for a reduced public apology.

at the same time.

The urban media in the West District also stated the current treatment of the person in charge.

Metro Media has suspended him, retaining the authority to trace criminal liability.

This criminal liability is a serious infringement of the rights and interests of the company or official entities, which has caused a huge impact.

The person may be prosecuted.

The specific crime is official embezzlement.

The reason why Su Bai was able to obtain direct evidence about the successful law firm in this case.

We communicated with three media outlets, filed a case, and asked court officials and law enforcement officials to investigate.

Therefore...there is not much to refute the statements made by the three media outlets of the defendant.

Because the focus of this case is not here.

Instead, it lies in Success Law Firm.



"I have learned about the statements made by the three media outlets of the defendant."

"We will not make any judgment for the time being on the statements made by the three media outlets of the defendant."

"The verdict will be announced when the case is over."

On the bench, Chu Changhe spoke slowly.

After hearing the presiding judge's statement, Su Bai turned his attention to the defendant's seat at Chenggong Law Firm.

In this case, the most important defendants are not the three media companies.

Because the evidence from the three media outlets is solid, there is nothing to say.

The main defendant is Chenggong Law Firm.


Because Bai Jun Law Firm was involved in the turmoil of public opinion.

Successful law firms are indispensable behind the scenes.

Yu Cheng and Li Ming contacted their friends in the media and contacted the main people in charge of the media to publish the rumors.


They took the opportunity to compare with Bai Jun Law Firm, slander Bai Jun Law Firm’s goodwill, and engage in unfair competition.

These are the most critical issues in this case.

Now the statements and defenses of the defendant's three media outlets have almost been completed.

Next it was the turn of the lawsuit against Success Law Firm.

Su Bai, as the plaintiff, also has direct evidence for the accusation against Chenggong Law Firm.

From the perspective of evidence, it is not difficult to make a determination.

At the trial table, after the charges against the three media outlets of the defendant and the corresponding pending penalties were dealt with.

Chu Changhe looked at the plaintiff's seat again.

"In this trial, the lawyers appointed by West District Metropolis Media, West District Minsheng Media and Tianyu Media have no objection to the accusation of spreading rumors stated by the plaintiff."

"The relevant facts have been roughly clarified."


“Please present the plaintiff’s evidence and corresponding claims against Chenggong Law Firm.”

"Good judge."

Su Bai took a deep breath.

According to the evidence they have now, there is no problem in suing Chenggong Law Firm.

The determination of unfair competition is a certainty!

The main problem is still in the appeal!

That is to ask the presiding judge to impose a penalty on Chenggong Law Firm.

Organize your thoughts.

Su Bai began to state the accusation against Chenggong Law Firm.

On the other side, Yu Cheng and Li Ming were also waiting for Su Bai's statement so that they could take appropriate measures.

Su Bai continued: "We are accusing Chenggong Law Firm of spreading rumors about us, slandering our goodwill, and engaging in unfair competition."


"According to the evidence we have provided so far, there is——"

"Lawyers Li Ming and Yu Cheng of Chenggong Law Firm privately contacted multiple media outlets, saying they had breaking news."

"Then inform these media that we have major stains and ask these media to spread rumors about us on major platforms."

"Presiding Judge, we would like to explain here that the request here involves personal relationships."

"In other words, there is a certain degree of intentionality and there is no objective reporting."

"This is the subjective intention of lawyers Li Ming and Yu Cheng of Chenggong Law Firm."

"Among them, the main platforms for spreading rumors include the defendant West District Metropolis Media, West District Minsheng Media and Tianyu Media."

"As for the specific circumstances of spreading rumors, we have made it very clear before, so we will not go into too much detail here."

"The evidence submitted is mainly their private contacts and chats, as well as the content of the rumors against us."

"in addition."

"In the process of spreading rumors, Chenggong Law Firm Li Ming and Yu Cheng took this opportunity to suppress the reputation of Baijun Law Firm."

"At the same time, we will use the opportunity of suppression to allow some rumor-mongering media to promote their law firm."

"At this point, when we are filing the case, court staff and law enforcement staff have already collected relevant evidence."

"There is solid direct evidence on this."

"The above is the evidence we currently have."

"Our request is-"

"For Chenggong Law Firm's malicious rumors and unfair competition against us."

"We require it to publicly apologize to us, including on short video platforms and social media platforms."

"The public apology period shall not be less than one month."

"In addition, there is unfair competition between Chenggong Law Firm and our Baijun Law Firm."

"It involves slandering our goodwill."

"In this case, we request that the defendant Chenggong Law Firm assume our liability for compensation."

"We also request the court to determine that the alleged behavior of Li Ming and Yu Cheng, the main persons in charge of unfair competition at the defendant Chenggong Law Firm, has seriously violated the professional ethics and professionalism of lawyers."

"His lawyer's professional license has been revoked."

"The defendant, Chenggong Law Firm, is required to suspend operations for two months."

In the defendant's seat, Li Ming and Yu Cheng were a little nervous when they heard Su Bai's previous statement.

Because based on Su Bai's statement, it can be seen that the plaintiff now has sufficient evidence.

They are likely to lose this trial.

But after hearing the subsequent statements, both of them lost their nervousness at all.

Instead, there was a kind of anger, which turned into anger.

Why did I turn from nervous to angry?

Then you need to hear what the plaintiff’s lawyer is asking for!

The plaintiff requested that both of them have their law licenses revoked and that Cheng Cheng Law Firm cease operations for two months!

They are also asked to compensate here. Although the amount of compensation is not mentioned, the amount of compensation will not be too low.

Because they involve unfair competition, the amount of compensation is much higher than that for spreading rumors.

What does this belong to?

This has ruined their law firm and their personal futures!

Faced with Su Bai's lawsuit, Yu Cheng immediately refuted:

"President, we think this lawsuit is completely unreasonable!"

“The subject involved in unfair competition should be the law firm!”

“Why does it involve revoking an individual’s law license?”

"The claim stated by the plaintiff is completely unreasonable."

"Our application is rejected!"

Hearing Yu Cheng's excited tone, Su Bai immediately responded:

“Please ask the defendant’s lawyer to stop being so excited.”

"This is during the court hearing, and we are stating our legal claims."

"In the process."

"We have the right to make any legal claims."

"This is the legal right granted to us by the law, and there are no violations or violations."

"At present, we have not elaborated on the specific situation, or the trial has not determined that the defendant was involved in unfair competition."

"Why was the defendant so excited when he heard our lawsuit?"

"Why are you so anxious to dismiss our lawsuit?"

"Here I would like to ask the client of the defendant Chenggong Law Firm to calm down his emotions."

"Then the normal argument will be made at the trial."

"After has not yet been determined that you are involved in unfair competition. Why are you so anxious to refute it?"



The meaning of this is very obvious. I know you are in a hurry, but don't be anxious yet.

It’s unreasonable for you to start rebutting the lawsuit’s demands before a decision has been made...

During Su Bai's statement, the audience watching the trial wildly commented: "Hahaha!"

"It can be seen that the two lawyers from the defendant Chenggong Law Firm are really panicked!"

"This hasn't been judged as unfair competition yet, so why are you starting to sue now?"

"Did you just skip the judgment and start negotiating terms? Or did you know that you would definitely lose this case, so you just gave up the resistance?"

"Indeed, don't you usually directly dismiss the other party's accusation in the court hearing?"

"How come this arraignment turned out to be the other way around? Directly deeming the appeal unreasonable?"

"Hahaha, when I saw the defendant's reaction, I laughed to death!

Before the trial even started, the plaintiff couldn’t wait to start rebutting this claim!

Absolutely hilarious! "


While watching the live broadcast of this court trial, people were paying attention and making crazy comments.

Yu Cheng also realized that his statement just now might seem a little anxious.


He also knew very well that in this situation, the other party had direct evidence.

The conditions for them to involve unfair competition are very sufficient, and the chain of evidence is also very sufficient.

The other party is so well prepared that if they want to refute on this point, it is basically impossible to win the case.

Therefore, there is no choice but to reject the appeal.

Thinking of this, Yu Cheng felt a little regretful.

For now.

It is basically impossible to win this case!

We can only see whether the punishment involved in losing the case is severe or not.

Yu Cheng sighed secretly... raised his head and looked at the presiding judge's seat.

Waiting for further processing by the presiding judge.



PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

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