You became a lawyer and sent the judge in?

Chapter 406 Is he a natural scapegoat without any background? fart!

The criminal murder involved in this case is criminal murder as defined by law enforcement.

It depends on the specific case...

In this case, although there were murder plots and circumstances, it was more reasonable to define it as a crime of passion.

Why do you say that?

Because in this case, the relationship between the suspect and the victim is relatively close.

And judging from the situation of the law enforcement charges, Su Bai did not see the criminal purpose of the criminal suspect.

In other words, it was not apparent that the criminal suspect had the criminal purpose of committing murder.

The suspect and the victim were lovers.

The two are college classmates and are currently sophomores at school.

The relationship between the two has always been very good.

And we often make appointments to hang out together.

In this case, as a criminal suspect, a huge conflict and contradiction broke out between the man and the victim on the day of the crime.

There was a fierce quarrel and a breakup.

The victim was subsequently killed.

The specific and detailed process is that the man broke up with the woman because of a quarrel.

So he wanted to alleviate the huge contradictions and conflicts that broke out between them.

The man mentioned that he wanted to meet the woman and made an appointment at a location.

Then at the rendezvous place, the woman was killed.

Su Bai took a rough look at the detailed situation.

The man stated that he did not see the woman at all at the meeting place.

It is even less possible to kill the woman.


He had a very good relationship with the woman, very close, and there was absolutely no reason to kill her.

At that time, he just made an appointment with the woman to meet at a certain place with the purpose of easing the conflict.

But I never thought something like this would happen...

Judging from the subjectivity and the details in the first-instance file, Su Bai believes that the man's statement has a certain basis.

But from the evidence, how can we say...

Later, during the investigation by law enforcement, they found the tool used by the man to commit the murder!

And from all aspects, the man has the most subjective motive and suspicion of committing the crime, and he also has the time to commit the crime.

Scenarios added together.

unambiguous evidence.

The first instance sentenced the man to death with a suspended sentence.

It stands to reason that the evidence in this case is conclusive and there are no other issues.

But the key point is...

The criminal suspect, the male college student, has always denied that he did not kill his girlfriend.

He had no idea where the crime tools came from.

It is unclear how it was found from him.

The male college student kept shouting that he was wronged and hoped that the law would give him a fair verdict.


The court did not adopt his view, but relied on key evidence such as the murder weapon.

The male college student was sentenced to death with a suspended sentence at first instance.

how to say.

Su Bai felt that the situation involved in this case was relatively complicated.

First - all suspicions pointed to the male college student.

There are also key exhibits such as crime tools.

If it was really the college student who brutally killed him, according to the normal trial process, there would be no claim of injustice or other circumstances.

Secondly - if the male college student is not a suspect, then where is the real suspect?

Where did the so-called murder weapon come from?

This case was initially taken up by Xiao Haibo's law firm, and it was also taken up by Lao Wang during the first trial.

Lao Wang said that this case can be considered from all aspects.

The victims didn't look like the male college student. To put it bluntly, he didn't think the victim was killed by the current suspect.

But the main suspect and main evidence in the case pointed to the male college student.

The first instance had such a penalty result again.

They originally wanted to appeal to the second instance.

However, I learned that the jury system may be implemented in the near future, so I have to wait until now.

Then he handed it over to Su Bai.

After Su Bai learned more about the case, he decided to meet the suspect face to face.

Only in this way can we have a deeper understanding of the true circumstances of this case.

after all.…

In this case, if the suspect did not kill the person, where did the crime-killing tools come from?

This is the most critical point!

First, it can prove whether the criminal suspect is the criminal.

Second, if the current criminal suspect is not the criminal, then you can use this crime tool to find the real criminal!



After walking out of the office, Su Bai wanted to take Li Xuezhen to meet the criminal suspect and understand the situation.

But after searching around, I couldn't find Li Xuezhen.

Until I came to the offices of trainee lawyers, assistant lawyers, and public lawyers who had just become full-time lawyers outside the office.

only saw.…

Li Xuezhen was surrounded by a group of people, smiling all over her face.

There were many trainee lawyers and assistant lawyers around who kept saying:

"Thank you boss lady for buying milk tea..."

"Thank you to the boss lady! Thank you to the boss lady for buying the snacks. The boss lady is the best person in our Bai Jun Law Firm!"

"I hope the boss lady can lead us for a long time to develop Baijun Law Firm together!"

"Ahem... I hope the landlady and the boss will get better and better!"

Hearing these compliments, Li Xuezhen's lips became more tense than AK's.

It feels good to be called the boss lady!

Simply delicious!

Listening to the praises of many trainee lawyers and trainee assistants in front of her, Li Xuezhen's face was filled with satisfaction.


When Li Xuezhen was facing these trainee paralegals with a smile on her face.

The lawyers suddenly fell silent.

What's the saying?

What I'm most afraid of is the sudden silence in the air!

Li Xuezhen realized something was wrong, turned around and saw Su Bai standing behind her.

Lawyer Su? !

? ! !

Li Xuezhen's small face still forced to remain solemn:

"Lawyer Su, are you here to inspect the work?"

Su Bai:….

Is this how Li Xuezhen eclipsed herself as the original founder of Baijun Law Firm step by step?


Su Bai pretended not to see him for the time being: "No...I came here to find you."

"There's a case that needs to be dealt with."

"Come here with me."

Li Xuezhen: "Oh, good Lawyer Su!"

Li Xuezhen kept up with Su Bai's pace.

After the two of them walked away, some trainee lawyers and assistant lawyers at the workstation made some faint noises.

"No...the boss and the boss's wife seem to be a perfect match!"

"Knocked CP hard!"

"Hahaha, me too! I came here because of Lawyer Su's reputation at first. When I saw the proprietress and the boss at the trial, I thought they would be a good match. In reality, it turns out that they are!"

"I don't care if someone is short-handed and soft-spoken. Lawyer Li is our boss's wife anyway!"

"Yes, yes! Support!"


Is Li Xuezhen starting to flock to the co-author? !

Then this law firm will belong to Li Xuezhen from now on?

Su Bai:….

Inside the office.

Su Bai didn't pay too much attention to what happened just now and sent the details of the case to Li Xuezhen.

Li Xuezhen was originally worried that Su Bai would be unhappy after seeing the scene just now.

But after seeing the specific circumstances of this case, all thoughts were temporarily left behind.

After confirming the contents of this case again and again, Li Xuezhen said in confusion: "Lawyer Su..."

"Why does this case seem so strange to me..."

"The main tool for committing the crime has been found and confirmed to be the murder committed by the criminal suspect in violation of criminal law."

"However, the criminal suspect insisted that he did not kill anyone and did not kill his girlfriend."

"Isn't this contradictory?"

Su Bai nodded: "This is indeed very contradictory."

"That's why we need to further understand the specific circumstances of this case."

"get ready.…"

"We need to meet the person involved to understand more deeply."

"Okay Lawyer Su!"

Li Xuezhen nodded with a straight face.



Linshui City, Detention Center.

Linshui City is a small city in Northern Province, and this is where the case occurred.

After meeting the relatives of the criminal suspect Lin Wanjia and communicating with Xiao Haibo, Lin Wanjia's father signed the commission agreement.

Su Bai came to the detention center and prepared to meet the suspect Lin Wanjia.

Although Lin Wan's parents kept saying that their children were good children and would never kill anyone.

But under normal circumstances, parents are not familiar with their children's specific circumstances when their children are away from home.

Say it again.

Generally speaking, from a subjective point of view, parents do not think that their children are extremely vicious and bad children.

In any case, it would be better to meet the suspect.

Summons room.

Lin Wanjia was brought in by law enforcement officers and sat quietly in his seat.

It can be seen that Lin Wanjia's mental condition is not very good and he is very depressed.

After seeing Su Bai, Lin Wanjia obviously did not recognize his identity.

After Lin Wanjia sat down, Su Bai took the initiative to introduce:

"Hello, I'm your attorney Su Bai."

"It was your relatives who asked me to entrust you with this case."

"Is there anything you want to express?"

I don’t know if Lin Wanjia has been in the detention center for a long time, or if the first-instance verdict made him a little confused.

After hearing Su Bai's question, Lin Wanjia was stunned for two seconds before slowly speaking:

"I didn't kill anyone..."

"I really didn't kill anyone that day. I just had a fight with her and wanted to make peace with her."

"I don't know what happened..."


"Help me..."

Lin Wanjia raised his head, his voice full of urgent plea for help.

Through the current observation of Lin Wanjia, Su Bai was able to roughly confirm that Lin Wanjia was not the murderer.

Su Bai nodded: "Well..."

"As your attorney, I will definitely try my best to protect your legal rights and interests."

"But what I want to know said you didn't kill anyone."

"So... where did the murder weapon come from?"

When Lin Wanjia heard this question, he shook his head crazily: "I don't know."

"I don't know where the murder weapon came from."

"I have never used that murder weapon at all, that thing is not mine!"

"Lawyer, I swear, I really don't know!"

Lin Wan made an oath gesture with his middle finger and index finger, and his voice was particularly firm.

Su Bai could not see any trace of deception in Lin Wanjia's emotions or actions.

But with objective factual evidence, Su Bai could only ask slowly.

"You said you never used that crime tool, and that thing didn't belong to you."

"Then can you think about it carefully, is there anyone else or is there any other possibility that this murderer was framed by someone else and framed you?"

Hearing Su Bai's question, Lin Wanjia shook his head: "I don't know."

"But I know that before Xiaoxue quarreled with me and broke up with me, there was a rich second generation in our school who had been pursuing her."

"Xiaoxue also talked to me about the rich second generation. She said that the rich second generation is powerful in the local area... and his family is very rich."

"The industry is also a pillar industry of the local area."

"Xiaoxue and I didn't agree when we were together... I don't know anything about the rest."

Hearing Lin Wanjia's description, Su Bai frowned slightly:

"Then when Xiaoxue was quarreling with you and breaking up, did she have any contact with this rich second generation?"

"should have!"

"I'm not sure if there is a specific connection, but I guess there should be a connection."


Su Bai nodded, compiled Lin Wanjia's statement, and left the detention center.

Wait until you get out of the detention center.

Li Xuezhen looked at Su Bai and asked, "Lawyer Su..."

"In this case, I don't think Lin Wanjia is the murderer..."

Su Bai turned around: "Why don't you think it's the same?"

"Because I can see that there is the stupidity of a college student in his eyes..."

Su Bai:….

"Apart from this, is there any other objective analysis?"


"Judging from the dossier, there are still a lot of doubts."

"Just like how to purchase the murder weapon...there are no objective facts to prove this."

"As a college student, he does not have such a strong sense of anti-reconnaissance."


Su Bai nodded: "This case involves some complicated things."

“But I’d better prepare the appeal materials first and apply for second-instance jurors.”

"Okay Lawyer Su."



the other side.

Northern Province, in the garden of a villa.

A young man who looked to be in his early 20s was sitting on the sofa.

He asked the woman in front of him anxiously.

"Mom... I didn't do that on purpose. I really did it by mistake."

"I heard that Lin Wanjia was sentenced to a suspended death sentence..."

"Will they find me later? Do I need to go abroad to hide first?"

The woman frowned slightly: "Hide? Can you go abroad?"

"This matter has been dealt with. Lin Wanjia has been sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and this matter is over."

"You don't have to go anywhere, just stay at home with peace of mind. You should go to school and go to class. Be more honest with me in the future!"

"If there is a next time..."

The young man spoke quickly, came to the woman with a smile, and made an oath.

"Mom...don't worry!"

"There will never be a next time, thank you mom, but did you do this?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask..."

"Pack your things and go to school."

Hearing the woman's cold tone, the young man nodded obediently.

Half an hour later, the woman's expression calmed down when she saw the young man leaving the villa.

this matter.…

But she asked for a lot of connections.

Of course, the most critical point is that in this case, there is a natural scapegoat with no background.

Otherwise, if this case is investigated in depth, it may not be easy for her to handle it.



PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

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