You became a lawyer and sent the judge in?

Chapter 87 The law firm is expanding, and Mr. Luo calls: I will introduce you to a cool criminal cas

After the Penguin case.

Many people come to Bai Jun Law Firm to litigate civil litigation and civil and commercial cases!

For these civil lawsuits and civil and commercial cases.

Su Bai doesn't refuse anyone who comes.

As a result, he and Xu Xiang were overwhelmed, completely overwhelmed.

Xu Xiang rubbed his temples: "Lawyer Su..."

"After our law firm pressed the penguin on the ground and rubbed it, we were so busy with so many cases that we couldn't handle it!"

"Not to mention there are still some people coming for consultation!"

"Continue like this.…"

Xu Xiang didn’t finish his words.

When Su Bai heard Xu Xiang's words, he also realized that the current law firm had too few staff.

The scale is still too small.

It's just that he and Xu Xiang couldn't support such a large caseload.

Xu Xiang has also postponed some small cases recently and began to gradually take on some larger litigation and settlement cases.

However, the cases are still being accepted.

during this time.

Su Bai and Xu Xiang were very busy.

Although Li Xuezhen said that as a trainee lawyer, she could not handle cases independently.

But I have to deal with a lot of chores and I am very busy.

The entire law firm, including three people, was extremely busy.

This also made Su Bai realize that the law firm must continue to expand.

At present, law firms have a lot of funds on their books, but what they lack is just people and lawyers.

"Looks like we need to recruit more troops!"

Su Bai took a long breath and asked Li Xuezhen to recruit lawyers on the recruitment software and set certain threshold conditions.

Must be able to handle cases independently, with at least two and a half years of experience!

As for the issue of salary and benefits.

Good to talk!

What is the biggest shortage for a small law firm?

It's the case, the source of the case.

After the Penguin case, Bai Jun Law Firm has no shortage of good case sources!

After the recruitment was announced, many lawyers came to apply.

Nandu Bank case, marriage fraud case, Qifeng case.

No matter which case is mentioned alone, it will be very explosive.

Let Baijun Law Firm become well-known in the law firm circle in Nandu!

Previously, law firms could not recruit good lawyers just because of salary issues.


At present, the law firm is on the right track and thriving.

Salary benefits have been significantly increased.

Taken together, these factors result in relatively more good lawyers applying.

During the period during which recruitment is posted.

Su Bai screened the resumes of many lawyers.

In the end, only a middle-aged man around forty years old with shaky hair was identified.

During the interview process.

Su Bai looked at the middle-aged man Duan Liang, glanced at the shiny bald head, then looked at the man's resume and asked:

"Lawyer Duan, all the lawsuits on your resume have been handled very well.

Logically speaking, you should already be the backbone of the law firm. Why did you choose to resign and change jobs? "

This question seemed to mention something that made Duan Liang unhappy.

There was a hint of anger in Duan Liang's tone:

“Because the partners of the law firm keep making excuses!

Talking about salary increase, the salary has not increased by a penny in several years! "

Hear the cake

This made Su Bai slightly embarrassed, but it only took a moment for him to return to normal.

"Well! Painting cakes is indeed shameful!"

Su Bai nodded heavily.

Wasn't he a painter before?

Can he call the wonderful plan he gave his employees in advance, which was just out of his ability before?

Su Bai handed Duan Liang the law firm's treatment conditions.

"Lawyer Duan, this is our law firm. Based on your resume and your ability to handle litigation cases, let's see if the salary offered is suitable."

After Duan Liang took the materials, he took a quick look and found that although the conditions offered by Su Bai were not attractive, they were reasonable.

So he nodded slightly: "This salary level is suitable."

"So even if this is settled, when will it be convenient for you to go to work?"

"As long as I have a case and can make money, I can do it anytime!"


Very well said!

Su Bai stood up, extended his hand, and welcomed with a smile:

"Our law firm currently has many cases. You are welcome to join our Bai Jun Law Firm. If you can, you can come to the law firm tomorrow."

Duan Liang smiled, held Su Bai's hand, and said, "Okay, Lawyer Su."

Recruitment completed!

After Duan Liang left, Su Bai took a long breath. With Duan Liang included, there were four people in the law firm!

four people!

According to the current development of law firms, he is not far away from becoming a Dalu capitalist!

After Duan Liang joined the law firm, it obviously greatly reduced the pressure on the law firm.


Duan Liang is mainly proficient in civil and civil and commercial litigation.

Nowadays, most of the people who come to law firms for consultation and entrustment of lawsuits are civil lawsuits.

Just fills this problem!

Inside the office.

After Duan Liang joined, Su Bai felt much more relaxed. He took a sip of 6993 kilograms of tea and took a long breath.

And this time.

Xu Xiang opened the door and walked in.

I briefly sorted out the litigation cases that the law firm received during this period and put them on the table.

"Lawyer Su, these are the cases our law firm has entrusted during this period. I have sorted out these cases. Please take a look."

"OK, all right."

Su Bai picked up the lawsuits during this period and went through them roughly.

The vast majority are civil litigation cases.

These civil lawsuits and civil and commercial cases are all simple cases, and there are no complicated cases.

Just leave it to Xu Xiang and Duan Liang to handle it.

He can also be a "capitalist" for a period of time with peace of mind.

"You and Lawyer Duan should be able to handle these cases, right?"


"Lawyer Duan and I can barely handle these cases. After all, they are civil cases, which are much easier to handle if they don't involve public prosecutions. However, our law firm definitely has not only civil cases, but also some criminal cases."

After Xu Xiang finished speaking, he said with a smile:

“Lawyer Su’s current civil litigation cases in our law firm are handled very smoothly by Lawyer Duan.”

"Criminal case"

"Lawyer Su, I really like criminal cases."

Su Bai heard what Xu Xiang meant,

He had heard Xiao Haibo say before that Xu Xiang's family was not short of money.

Although she is not as good as the little rich woman, she has no worries about food and clothing and is a small demolished household.

I came to Bai Jun Law Firm just because I like criminal cases.

At present, the law firm's entrustment of criminal and civil cases is indeed somewhat unclear.

It's fine if the time is short and the staff is small, but over time and the law firm's staff expands, it can easily have a bad impact.

Looking at it now, the three lawyers in the law firm are very busy and no problems have arisen yet, so it should be time to make a clear distinction.

"Let's have a meeting!"

In the conference room.

All four people from the law firm were present.

Su Bai made a simple summary of the work during this period:

"During this period, our law firm has expanded. This is the first meeting that Attorney Duan has attended. We first welcome Attorney Duan to join our Baijun Law Firm."

Bang bang bang. Bang bang bang.

Li Xuezhen’s little hands clapped the loudest.

If the law firm expands, wouldn't it be more beneficial to her as a future partner?

It must be given a warm welcome!

Su Bai noticed the smile on Li Xuezhen's face and the clapping sound of her little hands. Naturally, he could tell what this innocent female college student was thinking in her heart.


After coughing twice, he reminded: "Okay, that's enough welcome. Let's get down to business."


"Okay Lawyer Su!"

Li Xuezhen had a serious face and sat upright.

Su Bai continued: "Currently, our law firm has a lot of case sources, but there is no division. In order to avoid some problems in the future, we are now dividing them according to the type of the case. Can Lawyer Xu and Lawyer Duan do it?"

Xu Xiang: "It's okay, Lawyer Su."

Duan Liang: "Lawyer Su, I will follow your arrangement."

Li Xuezhen: "."

Silent, lowered her head, with a small face, she was not yet qualified to handle cases independently and speak.

Su Bai nodded slightly: "Lawyer Xu, is responsible for the civil affairs of the law firm and simple criminal cases within the law firm."

"Lawyer Duan, responsible for civil affairs and other civil and commercial cases."

"I am responsible for some cases that are temporarily difficult to solve."

"Furthermore, for each case received, the individual is responsible, and if a lawyer is named, the lawyer will be responsible for the case."

"Okay Lawyer Su, I agree."


Nowadays, many consultations and litigation agents come for Bai Jun Law Firm and Su Bai. This division can be said to be very fair.

Xu Xiang and Duan Liang didn't have any opinions.

The division is complete.

Su Bai took a long breath, there weren't many people in their law firm at the moment, but!

The pace of development is not slow.

Moreover, it didn’t take long for the law firm to be in his hands!

The future is promising.


In Luo Daxiang's office.

Two elderly men in their seventies were sitting on the sofa. After speaking, their faces were full of tension and worry.

After listening to the descriptions of two elderly people in their 70s.

Luo Daxiang frowned slightly and then said:

"Don't worry about this case, I will definitely help you contact a lawyer to solve the case!"

"We will never let good people suffer delayed justice!"

"Thank you Professor Luo"

"Professor Luo, I really appreciate you finding a lawyer for us this time."

After thanking you.

The two old men looked obviously relaxed.

He stood up, walked slowly, and left the office.

Watching the two old men leave, Luo Daxiang sighed deeply.

He usually reviews people, not just cases.

There are also families who can’t afford to fight the case, or who can’t find a good lawyer.

Go ask for some legal aid for them, or find a lawyer you know and file a lawsuit.

In the last Qi Feng case, Qi Feng's parents found him and he found Su Bai.

But this lawsuit

There are too many problems to face!

To be honest, it is indeed not easy to fight!

Luo Daxiang frowned deeply, and then in his mind, he considered all the lawyers suitable for this case, and finally made a call to Su Bai.

After the call is connected.

"Lawyer Su, have you been busy lately?"

Su Bai was slightly startled when he received Luo Daxiang's call, but then he reacted and said with a smile:

"Mr. Luo, I'm not busy at the law firm recently. What can I do?"

I heard Su Bai say he wasn't busy.

Luo Daxiang breathed a sigh of relief. He thought this case was very suitable for Su Bai. If Su Bai was busy, it would be difficult for him to open his mouth.

"Is such that."

"I have a criminal case here, and they found me. The case is quite complicated. I'm thinking about introducing this case to you, Lawyer Su. I wonder if Lawyer Su is interested?"

Su Bai smiled and nodded, and made a little joke: "Teacher Luo, if the case you introduced is not awesome, I won't accept it!"

Luo Daxiang smiled and replied: "I think this case is a bit awesome!"


Luo Daxiang sent the general process of the case to Su Bai via email.

After Su Bai saw the case, he nodded slightly: This case is indeed a bit awesome!

An awesome fighter!

Seeing the case, Su Bai was already excited!

At present, the law firm has entered a stable stage and has entered a slow growth mode. Lawyer fees and other matters do not seem to be very important.

The important thing is, why don’t we take on a few more awesome cases? !

Make a name for yourself?

This case is very suitable!

PS: Please vote for me, there will be another update ~

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