You became emperor before telling me that my parents were taboo level?

Chapter 1327: One sword destroys the five innate elements?

Hearing Gu Wen's words, everyone showed an expression of noncommittal on their faces.


Is persuasion really useful?

This is really a question!

Seeing everyone's expressions, Gu Wen's heart was full of bitterness.

But he was also very clear in his heart!

If their clan wanted to take action against Ye Chen, his persuasion would not really have much effect.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

In addition, he could only pray that his clan members would not be so desperate.

"Xiao Qi!"

"That guy just now didn't seem to be that strong!"

"Is the place beyond the Xiantian Wutai really powerful?"

Looking at Xiao Qi, Ye Chen asked thoughtfully.

"It's not that they are not strong! It's that Brother Ye Chen is too strong!"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Xiao Qi laughed dumbly.

"Let's put it this way!"

"As for that guy just now, as long as he doesn't want to, it will definitely not be a problem to push the Xiantian Wutai!"

Then, Xiao Qi continued.

Ye Chen was stunned when he heard Xiao Qi's words.


"In fact, we don't need much time to deal with Taichu, Taiyi and other guys next!"

Then, Xiao Qi continued.

Hearing Xiao Qi's words, Ye Chen nodded gently.

In his heart, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

What will it be like to leave Xiantian Wutai and go to that place?

It is worth mentioning that with the passage of time, there are more and more pictures in Ye Chen's mind.

In his mind, there are already a lot of pictures about Xiantian Wutai.


Endless killing!

It seems that those pictures show!

Xiantian Wutai, was it broken by himself?

One sword split into five!

Thinking of these questions, Ye Chen couldn't help but ask Xiao Qi.

What is going on?

"In fact, the innate five elements were originally one, but it was indeed split into five by Brother Ye Chen's sword in his previous life!"

"As for what happened, it will probably take Brother Ye Chen a while to remember it!"

Blinking, Xiao Qi said slowly.


Hearing Xiao Qi's words, Ye Chen was speechless.

Is it because the cause and effect is too big that Xiao Qi didn't say much?

Thinking of this question, Ye Chen scratched his head for a while.

Hearing Xiao Qi's words, An Ran and Xiao Zi didn't react much.

Obviously, they knew something.

But Zhuang Yi and the others were petrified on the spot.

"Isn't this a bit too exaggerated?"

"One sword smashed the innate five elements?"

Subconsciously, Zhuang Yi blurted out.

"Why did Ye Chen do this in his previous life!?"

Then, Zhuang Yi said another sentence?

However, unfortunately, Xiao Qi didn't mean to answer his question at all.

"Little monster!"

"What's so exaggerated?"

"Don't forget who the master was in his previous life!"

"As for why you do this? Isn't the reason simple?"

Looking back at Zhuang Yi with disdain, the Bone Dragon said with a half-smile.


After a pause, Zhuang Yi asked in confusion.

"It must be the Xiantian Wutai that makes the master very dissatisfied!"

The Bone Dragon said with a curled lip.

"Get lost!"

Rolling his eyes, Zhuang Yi's face was full of black lines.

Isn't this nonsense?

It's not the Xiantian Wutai that makes Ye Chen dissatisfied!

Could it be that it's fun to smash the Xiantian Wutai?


Muttered a word, and the Bone Dragon didn't mean to continue to argue with Zhuang Yi.

On the other side, the old man and the middle-aged man had already started a killing spree.

Tai Shi, Tai Su, Tai Ji, their figures were everywhere.

As they took action, the God Killing Clan staying in the three places simply had nowhere to hide.

And, they were simply vulnerable in front of them.

Ye Chen and his companions, who were walking along the way, also looked at the three places with a sense of meaning.

"These two guys are really efficient!"

Shaking his head, Jiang Yi said with emotion.

"Isn't that normal?"

"They are the top strong men of the ancient gods!"

Looking at Jiang Yi, Suan Cangsheng said with a smile.

Then, he looked at Gu Wen with deep meaning.

In Suan Cangsheng's view, it was a good thing that the two strong men in Gu Wen's clan went on a killing spree this time.

As they killed a large number of godslayers!

The killing in the three places including Tai Shi suddenly decreased a lot.

Probably, all the major races and forces were scared.

Are they worried that the butcher knives of the two guys will point to themselves?

"Old charlatan!"

"You seem very happy?"

"Because the killing in the three places has decreased?"

Looking at Suan Cangsheng deeply, Jiang Yi sneered.

In his view, it is very ridiculous to pity the world and worry about people!

"Isn't this worth being happy about?"

"Killing can't solve the problem!"

Spreading his hands, Suan Cangsheng said confidently.

"Killing can't solve the problem, it's true!"

"But killing can avoid countless problems! And make the problem become history!"

On Ye Chen's shoulder, Xiao Zi looked at Suan Cangsheng and said slowly.


Hearing Xiao Zi's words, Suan Cangsheng was speechless.

He opened his mouth, and he didn't know how to refute the other party.

Because, at this moment, he thought of a question.

Countless years ago, Xiao Zi killed the five innate beings, and indeed allowed the five innate beings to live in peace for a very long time.

This is the fact!

Could it be?

Is the idea that he has always insisted on wrong?

Thinking of this, Suan Cangsheng unconsciously showed a confused expression on his face.

"Only when a cultivator is firm in his faith can he move forward!"

As if guessing Suan Cangsheng's thoughts, An Ran said something out of the blue.

"Is right or wrong important? Just have a clear conscience!"

Then, she said another sentence.

Hearing An Ran's words, Suan Cangsheng was stunned, and then nodded.

Then, his eyes and expression became extremely firm.

"Thank you!"

Looking at An Ran, Suan Cangsheng said something.

Hearing the words of several people, Ye Chen had a calm expression from beginning to end.

Just as everyone was chatting for a while, the middle-aged man from the ancient gods came back.

"Ye Chen! We have slaughtered all the godslayers from Taishi, Taisu, and Taiji!"

"Next, it's the godslayers from Taichu and Taiyi!"

"I hope you remember your promise!"

He looked at Ye Chen and flew away again.

"Gu Wen!"

"It seems that until now, your status in your clan is still not low!"

After the middle-aged man left, Ye Chen looked at Gu Wen and said with emotion.

"Not bad!"

He smiled, and Gu Wen's eyes flashed with surprise.

Perhaps, he can become the emperor of his own clan?

At this moment, Gu Wen said secretly in his heart.

Thinking about it, he felt extremely excited.

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