"Mr. Wang, don't be angry, the director may also have his own considerations, where do the ratings of the show come from? Isn't it this kind of conflict that is contrary to popular theory? Let that Ye Feng continue to be proud, Brother Lu Yu will definitely clean him up!!"

In the office, the little assistant sandwiched between the director and the producer could only soothe his boss's emotions.

And the piggyback conveys an idea of the director of the program team about the current situation.

"This.... Hey, okay, Xiao Chen is a rare talent, and he is also decent, didn't he remember that he was shouting on the Internet that he was going to compete with this Ye Feng? After being ready to go for so long, it was time to take action, right? Just let me see how this friend of women, who has traveled all over the world, will be ashamed on the stage of the program group!"

The matter has come to this, and the producer can only shrink in the office.

There is a glimmer of anticipation for the uncertain situation that will unfold next.

It turns out that this show can go so far in a form with vague ideas and three views.

Chen Luyu, who stands in the dominant position, is undoubtedly indispensable.

It's just that what he didn't expect was.

Today's Chen Luyu has already been grasped and subdued by Ye Feng.

Don't talk about yin and yang weirdness on stage, if he doesn't help Ye Feng now, it's not good to accuse Jia Xiaohong in turn!

and even the eyes of all the program staff!

" Mr. Ye's arguments are very level, presumably the mediation teachers present must have made a conclusion about the results of the two of them after listening to the mental journey of the two on the stage, there is a saying called do you what you don't want to do to others, Ms. Jia, are you married to love, or the four houses in Mr. Cao's family, you must also have a clue at this moment.

So let's open up, in fact, it's not just because of Mr. Cao, if your current preconceived notions can't be improved, then even if you start a mental journey, the final outcome will not be happy.

Although I often say that if you want to capture a man's heart, please grab a man's wallet first, there is also a premise that you are an independent individual, and if you have nothing at home like you, and you are too greedy in front of your in-laws, you will only be looked down upon in the end, and even if the house is in hand in the end, your waist may not be able to straighten up!

Chen Luyu has always been extremely confident on his home turf.

speaks slowly and logically, even if he is dissing the other party, but the delicate voice is like a warm man who makes people unable to hold grudges.

There was not even blame or blame in his tone.

Therefore, this made Jia Xiaohong, who was already a little delirious to Ye Feng's scolding, lower her head more and more.

This moment.

The audience broke out into unprecedented applause

! Because most of them were Chen Luyu's loyal followers!

So even now Ye Feng has tampered with the idea of this show.

But it seems that with Chen Luyu's silent acquiescence, all this unreasonableness has become reasonable!

Those were clearly hinted at by the director of the program group.

The emotional experts who wanted to give Ye Feng a little color suddenly felt like they had eaten mustard.

They stared at each other with big eyes, and they didn't know what to do.


"Did Mr. Chen take the wrong medicine today

?" "It's so decent, how can you talk to your rival

?" "Didn't we say okay?, do you want to invite everyone to come over and avenge him, and teach this kid who doesn't know the height of the sky a lesson

?" "Why did you turn against Ye Feng and lick it up

?" "I don't know, are we still in this situation?"

It's definitely going to be on.,Otherwise, a few of our brothers will come for nothing?!"

"Or.... When the time comes, Mr. Chen will definitely not forget

you" "Get out, you bad old man

" "....."

Several experts are obviously all old foxes, after some discussion.

No one wants to listen to the director's orders.

Because no one wants to touch Chen Luyu's moldy head at this juncture.

So in the next twenty minutes.

The experts also followed Ye Feng's head and Chen Luyu's words, and began to whip Jia Xiaohong repeatedly.

And the reason why they did this directly led to the fact that the show has not been recorded yet.

Jia Xiaohong left the scene angrily because she was ashamed.

Without even a trace of hesitation

! At this moment, all the audience at the scene expressed solemnity at this ending!

God, is all this true

? Why is Ye Feng on which program and which program will be the scene of a car accident?

Go and fall in love hand in hand, but as a result, he scolded a group of female guests, and took the emotional mentor of the program team, Yang Rong!

went to City Lights, but because the scale of the topic chat was too large, the other party who disagreed with the host left the table angrily.

But today I thought it was the hero of this rising star Internet celebrity.

But .....

At the same time, in the staff tunnel in the studio backstage.

After recording the show, Ye Feng almost didn't hesitate to stay away from this place of right and wrong early.

But at this moment, it was also disrupted because of the program.

As a result, he wanted to avoid the questioning of several emotional experts, and Chen Luyu, who was held accountable by the director team, also belatedly trotted forward.

shouted at Ye Feng in front of him: "Ye

Feng, wait, wait a minute!" "What, something?"

Ye Feng, who had already hurriedly changed into a suit and changed into a shirt on the outside, stood leisurely.

Turning around, he glanced indifferently at the man who claimed to be authoritative, but was torn apart by his own hands with all his halo and feathers.

"I helped you pave the way, and I also piggybacked on such a trouble, I'm afraid that the core position of this show in the future will not have a place for me, so in exchange, do you have to give me some real benefits?!"

Chen Luyu pushed his glasses.

Under the reflection of the remnant sun, it looks particularly ruthless.

Being a stranger in a foreign land, in Chen Luyu's opinion, Ye Feng, a strong dragon, crossed the river.

After disrupting the original order of a program group, it is almost impossible to get out cleanly.

"But our contract has already been cleared!" Ye Feng said with squinted eyes.

"That's just what you think!" Chen

Luyu snorted coldly and said: "If this show is submitted for review, it will definitely make the investor lose money! And the producer Wang always has some power in Jinling, let alone Jinling, you can't even get out of this building!!"


Ye Feng was silent, it turned out that he had been thinking about slipping away for a long time.

How could he help the TV station need access cards everywhere, and how could he not realize that he was leaving the studio hall with higher senses than ordinary people.

Mr. Wang's subordinates and the minions of the program team were frantically searching for themselves around.

It is now a society governed by the rule of law, although it is not enough to drop him.

But if it falls into the hands of these local snakes, it will inevitably be entangled with them for a long time.

But who would have thought that Ye Feng would chuckle and say, "Really, then you might as well tell me what you want?" "

Simple, I want to know the source of your source of information about my past!

If this answer is satisfactory enough, I can temporarily persuade Mr. Wang not to do anything to you, and ensure that you can leave Jinling completely, and this show will not be edited by people, and then released casually, haven't you always liked to go against poisonous chicken soup?" So I don't want my hard work to get to Jinling in vain, right?"

Chen Luyu said straight to the point, and now he is mixed up with his part.

It stands to reason that such a private thing has already been shoveled and cleaned up by a professional team.

But who would have thought that Ye Feng could still know about it, and the other party relied on it behind him.

It's just a small live broadcast company in a third-tier city.

So he was now so suspicious that he suspected that there was an inner ghost in his team.

And to pull out this nail that is lurking inside

! It is precisely because of this that a big-name host like him will show weakness

to Ye Feng! The matter has come to this point, I have to say that this Chen Luyu still has a brain!

It's just that Ye Feng doesn't want to expose Zhong Lanlan's name.

So he just chuckled and said, "What kind of deal are you?" "

It's a deal, but if you're not willing to cooperate obediently, then I don't mind turning this deal into a threat!"

Chen Luyu said, clapping his palms.

Immediately after that, two tall men in standard suits emerged from the shadows of the corridor.

The man wears headphones and sunglasses, and holds two bright rubber batons in his hands.

It seems that as long as Ye Feng's action makes Chen Luyu unhappy, these two batons will smash on his head one after another!"

"Heh, it seems that I underestimated you, and I can't quarrel on the Internet, so I came to play the real game with me, and even didn't hesitate to gamble with my reputation, just to lure me into the bait and confess me here.... It's really calculating!" Ye

Feng saw that the other party was hard with him.

And didn't show how flustered, as it turned out.

He didn't fully trust that the other party would be convinced by himself because he lost the debate with him, and bowed his eyebrows.

A two-faced and capricious villain like this set up a Hongmen banquet to confront him.

It is Chen Luyu's most logical behavior! It's

just that before Ye Feng could make a move, the bodyguard next to Chen Luyu began to hold back.

There he twisted his neck and said: "Boss Chen doesn't need to talk nonsense with such a person, to deal with this kind of troll who only knows how to talk high, two big-eared scrapers fan over, and the other party will know how to be obedient!

Brother Chen asks and you answer, if you dare to play tricks, don't say it's you, even the little broken company behind you will not be able to open within a week!!".

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