You can become stronger by lying down

Chapter 28 You are surrounded

Ji Xian and the other two left, leaving behind the Ten Thousand Beasts Demon Cave, which had been turned into ruins.

The Star Explorer ran all the way, trying to catch up with the three, but the distance between the two places was too far and the other party was fast. After running a few steps, he had to give up.

He looked at the backs of the three people getting farther and farther away, and said regretfully: "It's a pity that such a good opportunity is gone. I don't know when I will meet the Star Emperor again."

In the live broadcast room, the number of viewers has successfully exceeded 10,000, and netizens are discussing it hotly at the moment.

The talking mute: Why can you all play "Star", but I can't? I'm still in the queue, fuck!

Yizhi Chengxian: What was the Star Emperor crazy about just now? The anchor should go there and take a look, maybe you can find the treasure!

Koi Dog Head: Join the group xxxxxxx, and relax regularly at night, you know.

Qiye: Has anyone ever played the task of "Star" in a team? I am level 3, a character warrior, with strong strength. If you are interested, Q me.

The Star Explorer saw that many people in the live broadcast room asked him to go to the Ten Thousand Beasts Demon Cave to have a look, and he was a little tempted.

After thinking for a moment, he set off.

He was actually quite interested in the Ten Thousand Beasts Demon Cave. He wanted to know why the Star Emperor would box there.

Was it to vent pressure or for another purpose?

After more than two hours of travel, the Star Explorer arrived at the location of the Ten Thousand Beasts Demon Cave.

After Ji Xian's ruthless destruction, this place was no longer what it used to be. The ground collapsed deeply, forming a huge tiankeng.

The black fog in the air also dissipated, but the smell of decay still existed.

The Star Explorer stared at the ruins in front of him in a daze, and said woodenly: "The game NPC is so strong! Does that mean that we players will also have such powerful power in the game in the future?"

He was shocked by his own thoughts, but he felt that this situation was really possible.

He had seen videos of players brushing wild bosses in the game forum before, especially the arrow shot by Annihilation when killing the boss, which was still fresh in his memory.

That arrow was not an ordinary attack, but a character skill that players can learn after reaching level 5.

A skill at level 5 can have such a terrifying lethality, so what if it is dozens of levels or hundreds of levels?

I'm afraid it will be about the same as the attack power of the Star Emperor just now? !

In the live broadcast room, netizens were also shocked by the environment on the scene.

Gongzi Xiaobai: Damn! Such a big pit? I see that the area of ​​dozens of miles has sunk. The Star Emperor is really so terrifying.

Punch the Snake: What is the game planner doing? The NPC created a pit for no reason. Is this preparing to develop tourism in the game?

Aunt Yunhu: Screenshots have been taken and will be posted on the forum later, so that netizens can also take a look at the violent single-push Star Emperor.

Meng Daoren: Is the anchor an explorer? Specializes in exploring unknown areas and developing game maps. I admire it.

The whole village hopes: The map shows that this is the Ten Thousand Beasts Demon Cave. I will enter the game now. The anchor waits for me. I will arrive in two days.

Hua Qingyou: I have to work overtime again tonight. It's difficult.


The Star Explorer walked cautiously on the edge of the pit, and looked into the pit. It was pitch black and bottomless.

He shuddered and hurriedly took a few steps back, but his back suddenly hit something, and he turned his head subconsciously.

A hideous creature with a strange body appeared in his eyes.

His pupils suddenly contracted, his body stiffened, his back felt cold, and goose bumps fell all over the floor.

[Swift Evil Spirit, lv35]


The Star Explorer was about to curse, but before he could say anything, he saw the Swift Evil Spirit raised his thorny arm and waved it, and his body turned into a white light.

[You have been killed by the Swift Evil Spirit]

Seeing this sudden scene, everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned. The anchor was killed by the monster in one move!

When Ji Xian destroyed the Ten Thousand Beasts Demon Cave, although he was as fierce as a tiger, he did not kill all the evil spirits in the Demon Cave. After all, a few evil spirits survived.

These evil spirits climbed out of the tiankeng and happened to meet the Star Explorer at the edge of the pit, and then, nothing happened.

Somewhere in Lianyun Mountain.

A fierce fight was taking place, and more than a dozen players were besieging three people in strange clothes.

Although the number of players was large, the three opponents were strong and beat the players back step by step.

"Brother, what should we do? This is not a solution!" The player with the ID "Dragon Claw Hand" shouted to someone in the crowd.

The player "Tianxie", the big brother in Dragon Claw Hand's mouth, heard the words and whispered: "Go to the world channel to request support and say that we have encountered several evil NPCs carrying treasures."

Dragon Claw Hand's eyes lit up, and he quickly withdrew from the battlefield, opened the world channel to request support, and attached pictures of the scene.

Many players heard the news and rushed over.

On the battlefield, the three enemies saw the player called for support, and used all their strength to repel the other side in one fell swoop, signaled, and turned and ran.

"Brother Lin, these people are sick! They are just a bunch of mad dogs." Duan Chao frowned and said to Lin Qingjie beside him.

"Duan Gou, I agree with you. These people have such low cultivation, but they are not afraid of death when fighting with us. I really don't understand." Cai Hong also echoed.

Lin Qingjie listened to the two people's conversation, smiled bitterly, and thought of the wonderful experience that had just happened.

The three of them came from Donghuang Tianwu College. They came to Lianyun Mountain to investigate something, but an accident happened on the way.

A group of people with unknown origins suddenly rushed out, stopped them, and threatened to rob them.

At that time, they were also confused. Someone dared to rob students of Tianwu College. I'm afraid they don't want to stay in Donghuang.

Tianwu College is the first institution in Donghuang. It is also the backbone of resisting the monsters and evil spirits in Donghuang. It has a long history and profound heritage. It is the martial arts holy land of Donghuang.

Everyone who practices here is a talented person.

Tianwu College is extremely protective of its shortcomings. Any outsider who has bad thoughts about the students in the college will suffer the boundless anger of the college.

Over time, people from the outside world became afraid.

Suddenly, dozens of sharp arrows flew out of the forest and shot at Lin Qingjie and the other two.

Their faces changed slightly, their steps paused, and they hurriedly took out their weapons to resist.

There were rustling sounds around them. The three looked around and their hearts suddenly sank.

Many figures came out from all directions, holding weapons in their hands, and cold light flashed in the forest.

Yanmie and Chen Hao were also in the crowd, and they also came to grab the treasure.

Chen Hao carried a big sword and strode to the front. He waved his arm and pointed the sword at Lin Qingjie and the other two, and said arrogantly: "You have been surrounded. Hand over the treasure quickly and I will spare your life!


He made a gesture of wiping his neck.

In the crowd, Yanmie retracted his gaze, shook his head and sighed.

Is this guy an idiot?

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