You can become stronger by lying down

Chapter 76: One wave has not yet subsided, another wave has come

Outside the bloody plain, the players stationed there were attracted by the sudden roar. When they looked up, they saw colorful light scattering in the black fog. They vaguely seemed to see a huge thing rolling in the fog.

They watched in ecstasy without blinking an eye.

It wasn't until a while later that the light faded away and everything returned to calm.

"Can anyone tell me what that thing is? I seem to have seen a dragon. Is there something wrong with my eyes?"

"Brother, you read that right. It is indeed a dragon, the living kind."

"What is going on inside? I really want to go in and see what this damn plan is trying to do!"

"Is there anyone who recorded the video? Take it out and play it back. I haven't seen enough."

Several players gathered together and chatted animatedly. The appearance of Shenlong really scared them.

The underground passage was in a mess, with rubble scattered here and there. Snakes suffered heavy casualties and their corpses were everywhere.

In addition, the dozens of evil spirits were even more miserable. They were lying on the ground with their limbs mutilated. Their blood-red eyes were staring at the boss, and the fear before death still remained on their faces.

The three arrows of annihilation were like a strike from the gods, shattering the stars and the moon, destroying the sky and the earth, making them unable to resist at all.

Everyone was stunned, forgetting to break out, their bodies shivered involuntarily, and they looked at Annihilation as if they were looking at the devil.

They felt that if that trick was used against themselves, absolutely no one would survive.

"Brother Mie, are you okay?" Chen Hao was worried and rushed towards Annihilation.

Annihilation turned his head and smiled with difficulty. His face was covered with blood, his eyes were half-opened, and his breath was sluggish.

Chen Hao's pupils shrank and he accelerated towards him. When there were still a few meters away, Annihilation's body suddenly softened and he fell to the ground, unconscious.


Chen Hao cursed, came to Annihilation, picked him up on his back, turned around and ran backwards.

"Hurry up and clear the way, don't be so confused!"

Everyone trembled, a strong sense of crisis emerged in their hearts, and their blood surged. They suddenly unleashed their ultimate strength and stepped up to clear the way.

They worked together and cooperated with each other tacitly to form a steel barrier for advancement, clearing all obstacles ahead.

As the distance traveled, the holes on the rock walls on both sides of the road gradually became fewer and fewer snakes blocked the road.

Finally, after running non-stop for more than an hour, they got rid of the pursuit and came to a spacious area along the road.

There is no lighting here, it is very dark, you can't see your fingers, and there is a putrid smell in the air.

Everyone turned on their flashlights and took a rough look at the place.

It is very wide, shaped like a circle, with a substantial internal space, about a hundred meters high from top to bottom, and surrounded by several passages.

"Rest where you are."

Chen Hao placed Annihilation on the ground and shined a flashlight on his face. Well, he looked half dead.

"Brother Mie, you can't die! You have to hold on. If you die, we will all be finished."

Chen Hao pretended to be sad and said sadly: "You are the best brother in the game, a man who stands at the top. We have endured so many storms and waves together. I believe you will never fall here." "

Others couldn't help but want to laugh, but considering that they might be scolded for laughing, they had no choice but to cover their mouths with their hands and snicker to prevent the sound from coming out.

Chen Hao continued to cry and cry, unable to shed tears. He dipped his fingers into some saliva and wiped it under his eyes. This coquettish operation completely shocked his little friend.

"Ahem, shut up, stop howling. If you keep howling, I might really die." Annihilation let out a violent cough, opened his eyelids like lead, and breathed like a gossamer.

Chen Hao stopped crying and grinned.

Annihilation glanced at him with disgust, opened his backpack, took out a blood-tonifying pill bought from the mall, and swallowed it without hesitation under Chen Hao's dull eyes.

The Blood Replenishing Pill is a popular item in the Spiritual Crystal section of the mall. It is also known as the Resurrection Pill. Eating it can instantly restore a person who is on the verge of death to full health.

Of course, the price is also prohibitively expensive.

The elixir melted instantly in the mouth, and after one breath, all the injuries suffered by Annihilation were recovered. He jumped up from the ground and became lively.

Chen Hao clutched his chest in pain, how many millions! just this.

"Brother Mie, can you tell me how many spiritual crystals you have now?" he asked.

Annihilation said conservatively: "Not many, more than a hundred!"

Chen Hao turned around and walked away silently, not wanting to talk to him anymore.

More than a hundred pieces, based on the purchase price of 1:500,000 RMB, which is more than 50 million, which is not much.

That's weird.

Annihilation looked around with a flashlight. The rancid smell in the air penetrated his nose. He frowned and looked down at the ground.

The moist soil contained a hard-to-find blood color, as well as some rotten pieces of flesh.

In an instant, he seemed to have thought of something and hurriedly shouted: "Get out of here quickly, this is a corpse pit!"

However, his reminder was still a step too late. The sound of breaking ground was heard, and rotten and hairy arms poked out from the ground, like blossoms, filling the entire surface in an instant.

Everyone's scalp was numb, they screamed in fear, they picked up their weapons and smashed those arms.

The arms were thrown away together, red and black, and the foul-smelling blood was spilled, and there was a squeaking sound when it dripped on the ground.

But even if they responded immediately, dozens of people were still grabbed by their calves with outstretched arms and forcibly dragged underground.

The sounds of chewing, tearing, and screams were mixed together and spread in the empty underground cave. Everyone was covered in goosebumps and sweating profusely.

Bang bang bang~

The earth and rocks exploded, and the rotten corpses came out!

"Fuck nm, one wave comes after another. I won't run away this time. Brothers, do it!"

Chen Hao held the sword in his right hand and the shield in his left hand, and went straight to kill him. When he raised the knife and fell, a rotten corpse was chopped into two pieces.

Others also took the risk. Anyway, I am not afraid of wearing shoes when I am barefoot. After four hours, I am still a good man.

Annihilation has no choice but to run away, so let’s do it! This rotting corpse is strange no matter how you say it. Killing it will also increase your experience, which is not a loss.

A fierce fight broke out, everyone's skills were thrown everywhere, and they were not afraid of collapsing the hole. They didn't care anymore. They escaped all the way and didn't want to escape again.

Not interesting.

After a burst of wild bombing, the fighting ceased, and corpses lay all over the ground. Everyone also suffered casualties, nearly half of them died, and the rest were more or less injured.

"Damn it!" Chen Hao gritted his teeth, his face gloomy.

These dead people were all his brothers, and some even died to protect him.

Annihilation came over and patted him on the shoulder, "We will meet again in four hours, just be patient."

Boom ~

Suddenly, the ground beneath everyone's feet shook violently and collapsed in an instant. Before they could figure out what was going on, they all fell down.

There is another chapter, around 11:30.

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