The girl said excitedly: "You are stupid! My best friend and I were frightened at the time, okay? Where did you think so much

?" "You are stupid, you let him run away for this kind of thing, didn't you cheapen him for nothing?"

The boy became more and more angry the more he spoke, "The key is this, there is no way to call the police, there is no evidence at all!"

Xu Meng watched the two of them quarrel, and stopped talking a few times.

It can be seen that this boy is very annoyed that his girlfriend was secretly photographed.

But this matter is not comfortable for anyone.

As for the girls, they lack the awareness of self-protection and do not actively find ways to defend their rights.

Xu Meng thought for a moment and asked, "Where did you find out

about this?, is there surveillance nearby?" As long as there is surveillance, it is easy for Xu Meng to find out this scumbag.

The girl whispered: "In an underground passage, when you go up the stairs, there is no monitoring in that underground passage." "

That's the problem.

Even if there is a video of the suspect fleeing, there is no direct capture of the scumbag, who is committing an illegal act.

Just catching this person will not convict him.

The boy said, "Brother Meng, this is ...... We know it's hard for you, but I can't swallow it, so I'd like to see if there's anything you can do.

Xu Meng asked silently: "That, your girlfriend, has a ...... "

Wear it." Xu

Meng: ......

Xu Meng sighed, "What, if you wear it, that person can't see anything even if he shoots...... Don't be suspicious. The

boy said: "But I'm still very unhappy, how can there be such a scum!"

Xu Meng just comforted the boy.

Xu Meng understands that no matter whether he is succeeded or not, this scumbag behavior is a fact, and he must rectify it.

But now it can almost be said that there are no clues.

Xu Meng thought for a moment and asked, "On what day and when did you pass through the underground passage?" The

girl replied: "Last Sunday, around half past four in the afternoon, the location was at the east gate of the Summer Palace, in the underpass.

"What did he wear that day?, would you still recognize him if you found him?"

"Yes!" the girl thought about it carefully, "he was wearing blue short sleeves that day, as if he were ...... It seems that he still wears slippers, and by the way, he also wears glasses.

Xu Meng nodded, "Okay, I'll leave this matter to me."

"Can this really be found?" Thank you, Brother

Meng!" "You guys wait for my news!" After

the two left, Xu Meng immediately opened his notebook and called up Skynet.

Target: An underground passage at the east gate of the Summer Palace.

On both sides of the passage, one side is the living area, and the other side is the east gate entrance of the Summer Palace.

There are a total of five cameras nearby.

Xu Meng immediately looked at the recorded footage of the camera.

After checking for half an hour, at the entrance of the passage on the east side of the Summer Palace, a man with blue short sleeves and flip-flops appeared on his feet.

He wears a pair of glasses and holds a hand-held hand-held hand.

All characteristics show that this guy is the scumbag.

He glanced back at the underpass and hurried into the park.

This process is basically only a side face, but the moment he turned around, the surveillance captured his face.

With this straight face, it's easy to do.

Although it is not very clear, Skynet will use big data to investigate, and it is not difficult to find out this person.

After four hours of continuous searching, the trajectory of this target has been drawn.

Xu Meng finally determined that this scumbag entered the unit building of a community thirty minutes ago and never came out.

And this unit building is only 800 meters away from the Summer Palace.

Although the location of the target was identified, there was no direct evidence.

Maybe the content of his mobile phone shooting has long been hidden by him.

Without evidence, Xu Meng would not be able to confront him.

Then Xu Meng could only put some bait to lure him into the bait.

Subsequently, Xu Meng turned on Skynet's trajectory capture system and specifically locked on this person.

Once he comes out, Skynet will monitor him and then plot his trajectory.

He looked at the time, tomorrow was Saturday.

Then tomorrow may be a good opportunity to release bait.

The female claimant was shown the surveillance video, and the female claimant was very sure that it was

this guy! She and her boyfriend were very excited, and they wanted to arrest this guy now!

But Xu Meng told them to calm down, and if they wanted to punish him, they still had to rely on evidence.

The next day, Skynet showed that the guy had left the neighborhood just after eight o'clock in the morning.

There has been no surveillance footage of him since then.

Xu Meng frowned and said, "It's still a step late, I didn't expect him to go out so early."

At this time, Li Ran and An Xiaoxian also came.

When they saw Wang Lingxin in a miniskirt, they instantly drooled.

"Oh my God...... This leg ...... Tut-tut...... White, tender and smooth, even An Xiaoxian couldn't help but admire.

Not to mention Li Ran.

Wang Lingxin instantly became shy.

Xu Meng asked, "White, tender, smooth, and hairless, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" An Xiaoxian nodded frantically.

Wang Lingxin said embarrassedly: "Brother Meng, what are you talking

about, Xu Meng said to An Xiaoxian: "Are you sure you are not talking about Hainan chicken?" An Xiaoxian

suddenly realized, "Uh...... This is the description...... Yang Lei, who seems to be used to describe Hainan chicken

, asked: "Brother Meng, what about the person who wants to be rectified this time?"

Xu Meng responded: "It's too late, and then we can only wait to see if he will come back, or see where he goes, and wait for Skynet to give us data." As he

spoke, the target returned.

He wore these floral pants, his hair was unkempt, and he still looked messy when he first woke up.

Holding a mobile phone in his right hand and a bag of soy milk fritters in his left hand, a pair of flip-flops crackled as he walked.

Looks like I'm going to buy breakfast.

No one can see that this seemingly ordinary person is actually a pervert.

Xu Meng said: "Let's take action!" Ling Xin and the little fairy, Yang Lei paid attention to tracking and shooting.


The next moment, Wang Lingxin and An Xiaoxian passed in front of the perverted man as if nothing had happened.

The perverted man was originally sleepy-eyed.

Seeing Wang Lingxin's long legs, her eyes suddenly couldn't move.

"Damn...... It's so beautiful, the

perverted man walked a few steps, but he still felt that he couldn't help it, so he turned around and quietly followed. Xu Meng said silently: "The first step of the strategy was successful.

In this way, Wang Lingxin and An Xiaoxian talked and laughed and walked in the direction of the Summer Palace.

Not to mention the pervert, passers-by's return rate to Wang Lingxin is also very high.

It's just that they only dare to look at it, and no one has the guts to do it.

Just look at this perverted man today, the thief's guts are still gone.

Along the way, the perverted man put his phone in his pocket and ate his soy milk fritters.

After eating, the plastic bag was casually thrown on the ground.

Zhao Xiaotian said angrily: "This guy, does he have any

quality!" Xu Meng responded: "Are you sure you want to talk about quality with a pervert?"

Then, Xu Meng said: "Li Ran, Xiaotian, you go up!"

"I know Brother Meng."

Next, Li Ran and Zhao Xiaotian quickly caught up from behind, and then continued to walk forward.

Finally, Wang Lingxin and An Xiaoxian came, and the underground passage came.

After passing through the underground passage, you can reach the Summer Palace on the opposite side.

In order to make the other party more courageous, An Xiaoxian separated from Wang Lingxin here.

An Xiaoxian continued to walk along the road.

Wang Lingxin walked into the underground passage.

Xu Meng said hurriedly: "Pay attention, pay attention, the target follows into the underground passage, all ready." The position of the target's shot should be when going up the stairs, and everyone is watching. "


Although it was well planned, everyone was still a little nervous.

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