"Okay, then uncle, we're welcome!" Zhao

Xiaotian grabbed the crab and ate it, "It's so fragrant!"

At this time, another middle-aged woman came in.

She smiled and said, "A few people, will you go to my store to taste it later?"

Unexpectedly, the shopkeeper Liang Guiying said: "Go ahead, their razor clams are also delicious! The taste is great!"

This made Xu Meng and them even more puzzled.

The shopkeeper even took the initiative to promote other homes?

Xu Meng nodded, "Okay, let's go over and try it later." "

After eating the octopus bamboo shoot jelly and crabs, everyone is ready to change to the next one.

Xu Meng asked: "Auntie, how much is it? And uncle's roasted crab, how much is it?"

Unexpectedly, Liang Guiying waved his hand and said: "Don't be in a hurry to calculate the money, you can go and eat casually on the whole street, and finally finish eating at whichever house, you will settle the bill at that house, and we will calculate it separately when we come back." "


several people were eye-opening.

An Xiaoxian was surprised: "Can you still do this?"

Yang Lei said: "Speaking of which, the entire food street is self-service? Take whatever you want, sit wherever you want, and finally count the money."

Liang Guiying smiled and nodded, "Yes, all of us on the street know each other, and we have been here together for decades." The

uncle also followed: "We are here, the price is very economical, the main thing is that the taste is good, many people come to the island to eat with us." "...... That's amazing!"

Several people were amazed.

This way of doing business is really unheard of.

I always thought that the food street in the scenic area was used to rip off customers, but I didn't expect the shops here to be so pure.

Now I finally know why this food street is so popular.

Coming to the other side, it is a company that specializes in making razor clams.

The boss fried a large plate of razor clams, as well as a few dishes such as steamed vermicelli with razor clams.

Plus chilled sour plum juice.

Take a big bite of the clam meat, and then take a sour plum juice, it's not too refreshing.

The boss stepped forward and asked, "What do you think?" "

It's delicious!"

Zhao Xiaotian was amazed.

The proprietress was the middle-aged woman who had just gone in to dig Xu Meng and them, and sat down with Xu Meng. She asked, "Are you food bloggers? The kind that specializes in digging for food everywhere?"

Li Ran responded: "We are not food bloggers, but we have more than one million followers on the public account."

"That's good, boy!" the

proprietress gave a thumbs up.

In this way, the proprietress shared the story of the island with Xu Meng.

On the contrary, Xu Meng talked to the proprietress about some official accounts.

At this time, another grandmother came.

She came to the restaurant with the food and gave it to the diners at the other table.

It's an amazing phenomenon.

An Xiaoxian asked, "Grandma, which family

are you?" "I am roasted crabs and grilled oysters, do you want to try them?" "

Yes, we will try them later, we think you are amazing, and the dishes are served all over the street." Grandma said happily: "We are all of us, just like a family, we don't care so much."

You can take your food to any restaurant and eat it.

At the end of the checkout, it was no problem.

Xu Meng exclaimed: "Originally, peers were enemies, and they were in a competitive relationship. The peers here have become relatives, amazing!" Haha! The

proprietress of the razor shop asked, "Do you know how old this grandmother is?"

Wang Lingxin responded.

"She's 72 years old.

"72 years old? I don't see it at all. The

proprietress said: "Although she is old, she is still in good health, and she runs errands for a meal." Everyone was amazed.

In this way, Xu Meng and his entourage ate here for more than two hours and tasted most of the food on the street.

Take a break and everyone is ready to move on to the next attraction.

One by one, the shops are saying goodbye.

Xu Meng couldn't help but sigh: "When we came, we didn't know anyone, and when we left, the whole street was sending each other."

This is the charm of the Twin Islands Food Street.

Yang Lei said: "Brother Meng, let's go back and help them promote it by the way, the dishes here are not expensive, and they are delicious, the key is that they are very enthusiastic." Just then, a girl caught up with her.

"That...... That one...... You

well-behaved girl with a glass of sour plum juice in your hand.

The speech is slurred and confusing.

Xu Meng asked, "Excuse me, is there something wrong?"

The girl said: "Meng wanted to speak a few times and stopped, and

the girl finally spoke: "Brother Meng...... Anti-scum?"

Li Ran and the others glanced at each other a few times.

Xu Meng asked, "Do you also pay attention to our official account?"

The girl's eyes widened and she said in surprise: "It's really you!"

Everyone laughed.

Zhao Xiaotian was surprised: "Can you recognize this?" The

girl looked very proud and said: "When you were eating razor clams just now, I was behind you, I heard you chatting with the boss lady, I guessed that it should be you."

After thinking about it, the girl continued: "But your appearance is not the same as in the video, I have been following you all the way for a long time, and I have never had the courage to ask." Just saw you were leaving...... I simply came up and asked, anyway, even if I recognized the wrong person, it would be embarrassing at most, and it wouldn't hurt.

But if it's really you, if I miss it, I don't know when I'll meet you in the future!"

Xu Meng smiled slightly and responded, "I see." The

sour plum juice in the girl's hand was ice, and there were a lot of water droplets, which made her hands wet.

She took out a tissue to dry her hands, then stretched out her hand and said to Xu Meng: "You are Brother Meng! More handsome than in the video

! My name is Tong Shuyao, I am your fan!

Others also introduced themselves positively.

Tong Shuyao said happily: "I remember you mentioned in several videos, your videos use face-swapping technology, I didn't expect to meet you in person today, it's so exciting!"

Xu Meng was also surprised, he didn't expect to go to sea to play, and the island also has its own fans.

Li Ran and Zhao Xiaotian began to be interested in this girl named Tong Shuyao again.

This girl is not particularly outstanding in appearance, and she is only as tall as average.

But the voice is sweet, and there is a feeling of a little bird.

Many boys like this style of girls.

So it is normal for Li Ran and Zhao Xiaotian to have a good impression of her.

After chatting for a while, Xu Meng asked, "Are you going out to play by yourself?"

"Yes, but I'm not here to play." Tong Shuyao responded.

Zhao Xiaotian couldn't help but ask, "What is it?"

Saying this, Tong Shuyao smiled sweetly.

"I'm going to propose to my boyfriend tomorrow!" ...... to

my boyfriend

Marriage proposal ......

Hearing these words, Xu Meng received the collapse value of Li Ran and Zhao Xiaotian.

Seeing the collapse value, Xu Meng immediately knew what was going on with these two guys.

"It's cold, sure enough, good girls are from other people's families. "

Ho Ho Ho

Ho Li Ran and Zhao Xiaotian are very depressed.

But then again, Tong Shuyao's boyfriend is really happy!

How determined Tong Shuyao was to make this important decision.

Xu Meng said: "That's good, it's very enviable."

Tong Shuyao said: "My boyfriend, although not as tall and handsome as Brother Meng.

But, I have been with him since my freshman year, and he has been very good to me for more than three years now.

When I get my graduation certificate this year, I will get a marriage certificate with him.

An Xiaoxian was full of envy and said, "It's so good Xu Meng asked, "So, what about your boyfriend?"

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