"Okay Brother Meng!" Ding

He was pleased to hear.

Although Luo Shaodong, who is vomiting all over the place, looks a little pitiful and embarrassed.

But remembering that he forced himself to drink again and again before, it was really relieving.

On the other side, Miao Hao, who was trembling on the side, collapsed little by little.

"Your name is Miao Hao, right?"

"Right...... How...... What's wrong, Brother Meng

: "You like to watch the excitement, it's not a big deal, right? Come on, I'll drink with you."

"Brother Meng, I don't know how to drink...... I was pulled by this guy Luo Shaodong, "Crash value from Miao Hao, +1200

" Xu Meng said: "But how did I hear that you usually make fun of Xiao Ding?"

"That's all a joke of Brother Meng...... Xu Meng, who was joking, said: "Then you should compensate Xiao Ding first."

Miao Hao was very depressed, he knew that he wouldn't be here tonight.

Except for a meal of food, there is no benefit at all.

Miao Hao said in a low voice: "Xiao Ding...... I didn't do it right before, and I won't be like that in the future" uh...... Well...... Okay, it's all colleagues, and Ding He doesn't want to make too much trouble.

Xu Meng continued: "It's okay not to drink, but I won't cheapen you so much."

This Miao Hao hurriedly said: "Then I'll write a book...... I can write a letter to you.

Xu Meng waved his hand and said, "No, your book is not worth much." As he

spoke, Xu Meng pulled Miao Hao and squatted down, and then took out a haircut clipper from his arms.

"Push your own hair off, and then push Luo Shaodong's hair off, all of ...... "Huh?"

"Crash value from Miao Hao, +1111

" "Push, don't push I'll do it myself." "

Push...... I pushed

Xu Meng and moved a chair and sat down.

Miao Hao struggled for a long time, and then planned to push Luo Shaodong first.

Xu Meng said unhurriedly: "I suggest that you push yourself first, and then push Luo Shaodong's." "Why?"

"Wait, you'll know."

Miao Hao thought about it for a while and said, "I'd better push him off first

, feel free, you can push it."

In this way, Luo Shaodong, who was drunk, let Miao Hao push him into a bald head.

Xu Meng said to Ding He: "Take a picture, this is the end of drinking too wildly."

After pushing Luo Shaodong, Luo Shaodong showed his bright head, like a boiled egg.

Xu Meng smiled and said, "Yo, this is a good push, you have the potential to wash, cut and blow."

Miao Hao asked timidly: "Brother Meng, do I really want to shave my head Xu Meng

responded: "If you don't shave, you can also choose to drink with me and blow the bottle." "

Miao Hao: ......

"Crash value from Miao Hao, +1111

" "Then I'd better become bald...... After a while, it came back, and then, Miao Hao also began to push himself.

When I was about to push a third of the way, all of a sudden, the fader began to get stuck and bite my hair.

"Brother Meng, ah, this

Xu Meng shrugged, "Didn't I remind you just now? Let you push your own first, now it's okay, there is no power." "

Ah...... What should I do, Brother

Meng?" "I went to the barber shop and pushed it myself! What else could I do?"

Xu Meng had already guessed that there would be no electricity.

The last time I used it, I put it directly in the car and never charged it again.

Miao Hao wondered: "But I didn't push half of it, it's full of potholes, how can I see people

, Xu Meng looked at the time, "You can go out later, no one can see it, but it can't be too late, in case the barbershop closes, you will run away in vain."

""Crash value from Miao Hao, +2222

" "I, me, me...... I'll hurry up and find a barbershop!"

Immediately, Miao Hao hurriedly rushed out.

Xu Meng shouted loudly: "You wait, don't be in a hurry to leave." "

Brother Meng...... What's the matter...... The barbershop is closing...... I

hurriedly responded: "After the haircut, you have to come back, you are responsible for sending this guy home, or you can open a room for this guy nearby." "Good, good...... I know Brother Meng, "Well, go for it......

" "Your order has been completed, reward: 200,000 real cash, 200,000 virtual cash." "

Mission progress for this round (53/100).

Then, Xu Meng said to Ding He: "This guy shouldn't dare to force you to drink in the future."

Ding He responded: "Well, thank you, Brother Meng, I see, maybe he won't dare to drink in the future."

This table ate more than 1,600 people.

When it came time to pay, Ding He kept rushing to pay.

Because he asked Xu Meng to help with this matter.

But in the end, Xu Meng paid strongly.

One thousand six is a small meaning to Xu Meng, but it is a lot for Ding He.

After taking Zhao Xiaotian out, Xu Meng opened a room for him in a nearby hotel and let him sleep.

At five o'clock in the morning, Xu Meng received Luo Shaodong's collapse value in his sleep.

Xu Meng guessed that he should have woken up and found that his head had been shaved.

Xu Meng smiled, silently turned on the DND mode, and then continued to sleep.

The next morning, just after nine o'clock.

Xu Meng received a photo secretly taken by Ding He in the office. In the photo, Luo Shaodong and Miao Hao are wearing a hat and sitting on the ground. looks like he has nothing to love.

Xu Meng, who had always been calm, couldn't help laughing.

An Xiaoxian, who was on the side, couldn't help but ask, "Brother Meng, what are you laughing at?"

Xu Meng responded: "I'll send the video in a while, and you'll know."

Xu Meng plans to put the last photo of the hat at the end of the video.

Xu Meng continued: "By the way, you just said that the female fan I asked you to get to know yesterday was threatened?" "

Yes, here's the thing, our fans are only in their first year of high school, and then let's ......

." It may not pay special attention to hygiene, and there are some minor gynecological problems ......

But she was too embarrassed to tell her family and didn't dare to go to the hospital, so she posted a post on a small forum on the Internet to ask about it.

"And then?"

"Then someone said that she was a female gynecologist, and she could help take a look, and added the QQ of fans.

After adding QQ, the doctor asked the fan's identity information, and then asked the fan for a photo of the affected area.

As a result, the doctor revealed that he was actually a man, threatened her with a photo, and wanted to open a fang with her.

After listening to this, Xu Meng felt that this fake doctor was really a talent.

Xu Meng asked, "What about now?"

The other party kept threatening her, and the fans quickly deleted the person.

But it didn't help to delete it, the other party had already called her yesterday.

She said that if she didn't agree, she would send the photo to her family, and that person also knew the address of the fan, so now she had to come to us.

Xu Meng thought about it, it seems that this matter is quite urgent, the key is that the evidence is insufficient, and it is not good to call the police,

"Is there that person's QQ?"


"Okay, you can add that person's QQ now." "


waited until the afternoon to add this QQ.

This guy is really a talent.

QQ's nickname is: Gynecologist Dr. Kim.

The avatar is a middle-aged female doctor in a white coat.

QQ's Q age is very long, but the level is also very low, which can be seen that this is a trumpet that is not very often.

But Xu Meng is not bad, An Xiaoxian's QQ avatar was originally her selfie.

Xu Meng decisively replaced it with a photo of a cute girl.

Hello, are you a gynecology doctor Jin?【Hello, I'm a gynecology online consultation doctor Jin, how can I help you?】

Hey, this guy is quite presentable.

Xu Meng replied: "I want to consult about gynecology." "

[I need to know your information and medical records first.

"I don't have medical records, but what information do you want to know?"

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