"No!" It's

not that why don't you take off your sunglasses, it's very rude to communicate between people without taking off your sunglasses.

Frankly...... I just thought you were blind!

" "You ......

" "From Huang Mingliang's crash value, +100

" "No woman has dared to talk to me like that!"

Wang Lingxin asked again: "Did you just say that you want me to be your girlfriend?"

With that

, Wang Lingxin stood up and continued: "I'm 1.70 meters, your words should be about the same height as me at most, right? If I were your girlfriend, wouldn't I be able to wear high heels? Otherwise, how embarrassed would you be!"


"From Huang Mingliang's crash value, +244

" Huang Mingliang said: "I'm not very tall, but I have money." "

You have money, so why don't you buy yourself two booster pads?"

Huang Mingliang: ......

"Crash value from Huang Mingliang, +444

" Wang Lingxin pointed at Huang Mingliang and said, "You clothes, I don't know how expensive they are, but the clothes are so big, they look really short." "


"And your hairstyle, your head shape is not good-looking, and you still learn how to split your head in the middle, it really frustrates......"

Huang Mingliang: ......

"Crash value from Huang Mingliang, +777" Huang Mingliang


He has always been cheap, likes to hurt people, and likes to find faults, but he was said to be useless.

"Nima's, don't think that I won't dare beat you if you're pretty.

Wang Lingxin responded: "If you dare to touch me, I'm afraid I won't be beaten up by my

boyfriend!" "Just him, I'll pinch it to death with one hand

!" Wang Lingxin sat down, "My boyfriend is very good at martial arts, I'm pretty sure you not only can't touch him, but you will also be rubbed on the ground by one of his fingers!"

"Crash value from Huang Mingliang, +777".

Wang Lingxin said again: "My boyfriend is worth more than 100 million, has a private villa of 3 billion, several villas, Rolls-Royce Phantom, Ferrari Raphael, Maserati Birdcage75th, all kinds of luxury cars, by the way, he also has a private yacht, worth more than 200 million

!" "Damn! Bragging, who wouldn't! My family is really rich! He pulls the calf! A broken company has a monthly turnover of only 100,000 yuan, and what the is a 3 billion private villa, cut!" I'm afraid I'm not going to be laughed to death!"

Wang Lingxin responded: "You misunderstood, my boyfriend's company has a turnover of more than 100,000 yuan a day, not a month."

By the way, this project is just a small project for him to invest in. Huang

Mingliang: ......

Wang Lingxin continued: "The reason why he said this is just to see your sincerity, who knows you...... Tsk tsk, I'm afraid I'm going to die

?" Huang Mingliang slapped the table, "You woman, your mouth is so powerful

, I want to get you even more, I think, you just obey me!" "If you want me to obey you, are you afraid that you will die?"

"You ......"

At this moment, Xu Meng came back.

Xu Meng handed over the phone.


"You just take it."

Huang Mingliang took the phone, "Hey, who?...... "

Huh, isn't it?"

"Uh, it can't be!" "Uh,

ah, okay...... I know......"

Huang Mingliang said a few times in front of the phone, and then hung up the phone.

silently returned the phone to Xu Meng.

"Crash value from Huang Mingliang, +1800

" At this time, Jiang Youwei also came back, and he asked, "What's wrong?"

Huang Mingliang held back for a while before he said: "Meng...... Brother

Meng......" Xu Meng said: "If there is a fart, let it go!"

"I...... I just did something wrong, please forgive me

......" "Are you still as arrogant as you were just now?"

"I wasn't arrogant just now, I was joking with you......"

Xu Meng laughed.

Just now, he made a phone call to Meng Jin, the chairman of the Montessori Group.

After chatting for a while, Xu Meng learned about Zhongyang Building Materials Co., Ltd. from Mengjin.

Meng Jin said that it was just a medium-sized company they had worked with.

Xu Meng explained Huang Mingliang's situation, so Meng Jin didn't say a word, and helped Xu Meng say hello.

Then, Xu Meng received a call from Huang Mingliang's father, Huang Zehai.

I don't know what Meng Jin said to Huang Zehai, but judging from his respectful tone, he must have respected Meng Jin very much.

Now, Huang Mingliang should know Xu Meng's origins.

So he was polite to Xu Meng.

There is no arrogance just now.

"Crash value from Huang Mingliang, +2000

" Xu Meng said: "My money is all earned by myself, and I spend it with peace of mind."

What about you, what you wear, what you use, what you eat, which one you earned? All of them were given by your father.

If your dad goes bankrupt, you'll have nothing.

Huang Mingliang said timidly: "Brother Meng...... My dad won't go bankrupt......

" Xu Meng continued: "If it weren't for your dad, you wouldn't be a fart now, maybe, your monthly salary wouldn't even reach 4000!"

"I said the wrong brother Meng, I shouldn't have said that about his ...... just now

" "Crash value from Huang Mingliang, +2222" Huang

Mingliang continued: "Otherwise, Brother Meng, I'll invite you to dinner later?" Xu Meng learned Huang Mingliang's

tone and responded: "I'm busy, I don't have time. Even if you have time, you don't go. Huang

Mingliang: ......

Huang Mingliang said embarrassedly: "That...... Brother Meng, look at the matter of cooperation, we can

talk about ......" "Cooperation? Didn't you think that there was no need

for cooperation?" "Yes, it is necessary, cooperate well, and win for mutual benefit!" Xu

Meng angrily reprimanded: "To talk about cooperation, take off your sunglasses for Lao Tzu first! You don't have any education at all! You are like this, like Huang Mingliang, who is talking about business with others,

hurriedly took off his sunglasses.

"I was wrong, Brother Meng......

" Xu Meng sneered and said, "Your father asked you to talk to me about business, right?"

But, do you know how to talk about business? Do you really know your company?

How many people are needed for each project, and what are the responsibilities of each person? You don't know! You are

just a waste who doesn't know anything, and can only play with pretending to be a girl!

""From Huang Mingliang's crash value, +3333"

After speaking, Xu Meng got up.

Wang Lingxin and Jiang Youwei also stood up.

"Brother Meng, you sit down first, let's talk about it later......

" Xu Meng pointed at Huang Mingliang and said to Jiang Youwei: "I'll tell you, make friends, make some useful friends."

A person like this, he can only be your classmate at most, not only not a friend, but also a fox friend and a dog friend.

In the future, you should stop wasting time with such people!" Huang

Mingliang: ......

Xu Meng once again gave Huang Mingliang what he said when he pretended to be forced back.

Jiang Youwei showed a long-lost smile and said, "I know Brother Meng!"

At this moment, several shocking engine sounds suddenly came from the road.

And it got closer and closer, resounding through several nearby streets.

In the next second, three luxury cars appeared.

The first car is a red and black Rolls-Royce Phantom, which is full of style.

Immediately after that, there is the red Ferrari Raphael, which has its own fiery effect.

The last one is the conspicuous yellow Maserati BirdCage 75th.

Three luxury cars stopped on the side of the road next to the coffee shop one after another.

Those who got out of the car were An Xiaoxian, Li Ran, and Zhao Xiaotian. The three of them stood respectfully beside the car.

Then he shouted in unison: "Brother Meng!"

100% of the attention of the people around him was transferred to the three luxury cars.

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