Wang Lingxin walked out like a walking corpse with a dull gaze.

Because of the parent-child relationship with Wang Haotian and Wen Meixia, although the police have a lot of evidence to prove that Wang Lingxin has nothing to do with this matter. But Wang Lingxin was not free because of this.

For a long time to come, she could be summoned at any time.

When she saw Xu Meng, she immediately cried.

She hugged Xu Meng tightly and didn't say a word, just cried like this.

I don't know how long it took for Wang Lingxin to start wiping away tears.

"I'm sorry Brother Meng, I lost my temper......"

Xu Meng didn't speak.

Wang Lingxin cried again.

Xu Meng stretched out his hand that had nowhere to put it, and finally slowly put it on Wang Lingxin's back. He didn't know how to comfort him.

And this kind of thing, comfort is useless.

It is very hateful to live by one's own iniquity, and it has narrowed one's family.

If they really listened to Xu Meng, they would turn themselves in in the afternoon and take the initiative to admit their mistakes, and maybe they could reduce the punishment a little.

Now, when it comes to such a high amount, the rest of their lives should be cold.

What the police meant just now was that they would control Wang Haotian and get out of the other main members step by step.

Finally bring each of them to justice.

This order is not over yet, and it will not be completed until the police lock down all the suspects who committed the crime.

Xu Meng and Wang Lingxin sat on stone benches in a nearby park.

Xu Meng barely spoke, all listening to Wang Lingxin.

Suddenly, Xu Meng said, "You, will you hate me? Hate me, and give the recording to the police."

Wang Lingxin thought for a while before shaking her head and said, "If I were you, I might do the same." Besides, even without you, sooner or later they will be caught. It

seems that Wang Lingxin is still very rational.

It's just that she, who has always been self-reliant, also began to feel confused about the future.

It was just dawning.

In this way, Xu Meng and the defenseless watched together.

Xu Meng was about to sigh at the beauty of this sunrise.

Unexpectedly, when it started, Wang Lingxin had already leaned on Xu Meng's shoulder and fell asleep.

Xu Meng just watched the sun rise alone.

At half past seven in the morning, Xu Meng's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Wang Lingxin woke up suddenly, and she found herself leaning on Xu Meng's shoulder.

So she hurried up and turned her face shyly.

Xu Meng was about to answer the phone, but he realized that his right shoulder, because he lent it to Wang Lingxin, did not dare to move for nearly two hours, causing his entire right arm to freeze.

Xu Meng had no choice but to use his left hand to take out his mobile phone.

Xu Meng saw that it was an unfamiliar mobile phone number.

There shouldn't be anyone who starts selling things early in the morning, right?"


Brother Meng, it's me, I'm Xiaotian, you...... Are you up?"

Xu Meng responded, "I haven't slept yet." "

Zhao Xiaotian: "Where is your mobile phone? Why do you use this number to call me, have you changed your mobile phone?"

Zhao Xiaotian

said hesitantly: "Brother Meng, I ......"

He hesitated for a while before he said: "Why don't you come Brother Meng, I'm ...... at this Super 7 Hotel on Xibin Road" "Okay, I'll go over."

As soon as Xu Meng heard it, he knew that something was wrong.

After sending Wang Lingxin back, Xu Meng began to set off from the hotel that Zhao Xiaotian said.

At this time, Zhao Xiaotian was already waiting at the door of the hotel.

Xu Meng parked the car and walked over.

"What's going on?" Zhao

Xiaotian said in a low voice: "Brother Meng...... I...... I make people ...... Drugged......"


Zhao Xiaotian led Xu Meng up to the hotel.

After entering one of the rooms, Zhao Xiaotian continued: "Didn't I ask you for leave yesterday...... Actually, I'm here to meet a netizen......


Brother Meng, don't be so direct...... We've been talking for half a month, and we have a certain emotional foundation, so it's not a casual appointment......

" "And then?"

"Then we went out to watch a meal, watched a movie, and finally came here for the night...... As a result, I don't know when she drugged me, anyway, as soon as I entered the room, I felt that something was wrong with the person, and I lay down after a while......

" Zhao Xiaotian took out his pocket and said: "I woke up at six o'clock in the morning, and now I am still dizzy, I found that my wallet and mobile phone are all gone."

Xu Meng asked, "The key is whether you have made a successful appointment?" Is the virgin still there?"

"Didn't succeed...... As soon as I came in, I started to get dizzy

......" "Tut-tut, then you have lost a lot, so you can finish the appointment with someone first, and then someone takes the money, then it can barely be regarded as capital preservation!"

Zhao Xiaotian: ......

"Oh, Brother Meng, don't make fun of me...... I'll admit that this is my own fascination, but ...... That liar is so hateful, he cheated me about my feelings and cheated me out of my money!"

Xu Meng shook his head helplessly, "It's a shame that you have been fighting scum with me for so long, and you have been cheated too."

"Collapse value from Zhao Xiaotian, +404

" "Brother Meng, I really know it's wrong, it's me who was careless, you must make the decision for me!" "

Okay, what's the matter, look at you are about to cry."

Xu Meng frowned, "The deception has deceived me Xu Meng's head, don't worry, we must fix this guy

!" "Uh-huh!" "

Do you have her contact information?"

"My mobile phone was taken away by him, I just called you, and I borrowed it from a passerby."

Xu Meng said: "That's it, you go and reissue a card, and I'll take care of the rest." When

he got home, Xu Meng didn't have time to rest.

He directly forced Zhao Xiaotian's WeChat account to initiate real-time location sharing.

Unexpectedly, the other party had already turned off Zhao Xiaotian's mobile phone, and the sharing failed.

However, Xu Meng did not give up, he explained that every five minutes, the clone initiated a forced real-time location sharing.

On the other side, Meng Jin's secretary called Xu Meng, hoping that Xu Meng could come over.

This is the first time that Xu Meng has come to the headquarters of the Montessori Group

, and after Meng Jin personally took Xu Meng to visit him, he began to talk about the business of inviting him over this time.

"That's Xu Meng, you want to transform a private villa into a large nursing home, which has caused a lot of resonance in the society, as well as reflection, especially the attention of the state.

As soon as the news came out some time ago, the relevant departments of the state applied for a subsidy of 600 million yuan to help you build a nursing home.

Originally, the national subsidy was subsidized by the number of beds, but considering your special situation and your personal investment is large, this time it is an excess subsidy.

The money will arrive in three months.

Xu Meng was surprised when he heard this.

Before building roads for the village and building a nursing home this time, he didn't expect the state to subsidize it.

He only wanted to do it all on his own.

It seems that the country we live in is a country that thinks about the people.

Meng Jin continued: "In addition to the country, the social repercussions are also very large, you look at these news.

Meng Jin reposted some recent news to Xu Meng.

Xu Meng has been so busy in the past two days that he has not paid attention to the facts.

I don't know if I don't see it, it turns out that since the last time, after the fact that he planned to use 3 billion villas to rebuild a nursing home was exposed, many people reacted strongly.

shouted one by one that they wanted to contribute.

There are also people who feel ashamed, they think that they belong to the wealthy life, but they do not have the courage and consciousness of Xu Meng.

Others wanted to do good deeds, but they couldn't do it, so they decided to give Xu Meng a sum of money to build a nursing home.

Immediately, Meng Jin brought a list from the secretary.

There are more than 300 people's names, contact information and other information, and the last column shows how much money they have funded.

Fifty low, one hundred, and more than two million.

The total amount of funding reached more than 25.5 million.

In today's society, there are still many well-wishers.

This greatly strengthened Xu Meng's determination to build a nursing home.

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