Tang Lili said angrily: "Who are you, do you want to buy Brother Kai's love for me for 200,000 yuan? Besides, is my Brother Kai a person who lacks 200,000?" "Brother Kai

, let's ignore this neurosis, let's go." "

Uh-huh, okay.

Wang Kai echoed Tang Lili, but his eyes were still on the 200,000 yuan, because he was really short of money recently, and he had lost the support of other women, and now there was only one Tang Lili left, and this Tang Lili would definitely not be able to contribute 200,000 yuan!

"Boy, don't insult people, I'm also a rich second generation, and I have a billion in my family"

Before Wang Kai finished speaking, Xu Meng took the money from his purse again.


were four bangs on the BMW cover, four bangs, four hundred thousand.

"Increase, 600,000, let your girlfriend stay with me for one night, this is yours.

Xu Meng said lightly.

Wang Kai can't walk at all, I'll go, add another 400,000 yuan! That's 600,000 a night!

He and these two BMW 7 Series are both rented, and now he still owes money on his credit card, so if he asks Tang Lili to accompany him for one night, he will have 600,000 yuan, which is too cost-effective.

"Are you serious, 600,000 yuan for one night?" Wang

Kai asked Xu Meng with wide eyes, his eyes full of money.

Xu Meng nodded with a smile.

Tang Lili was anxious: "Brother Kai, how can you be like this, sell me for 600,000, aren't you a rich second generation, how can you be short of money."

Wang Kai was embarrassed: "Lili, my family business has also had some problems recently, and the funds need to be turnover, didn't you say that you love me, just accompany me for one night, and they are still very rich, so they won't let you suffer." "


Xu Meng took out two more stacks.

"I'm in a hurry, add another 200,000, it's late, I don't have this interest.

Wang Kai's heart jumped out, he knew that some bigwigs liked the habit of finding beautiful women on the street.

Wang Kai hugged Tang Lili and said, "Lili, didn't you say you love me, just sleep with others for one night, and we will have 800,000."

Tang Lili cried and broke free from Wang Kai and scolded: "Wang Kai, you are not human!"

Although she loves money, she has not fallen to the point of being sold, and she is still sold by the man she likes.

"You can have an abortion for me, what's wrong with sleeping with someone for one night!!"

Wang Kai looked at Tang Lili, who was unwilling, and said angrily.

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding onlookers couldn't stand it.

"I'll go

, this man is disgusting!" "This horse is a fake rich second generation, and he actually became a green-haired turtle for money!"

"Why doesn't this man die! Hmph! You men don't have a good thing."

"I'll go, my dear, and don't beat me to death with a stick.

Wang Kai completely ignored the voices around him, he only wanted to get 600,000, and yelled at Tang Lili: "Are you going or not!" Tang Lili's

tears couldn't stop flowing, she looked at the fierce Wang Kai, her heart was like a knife, Zhang Wei was right, he was a scumbag.

"Uh-huh, well, scum is finally showing its true colors.

Xu Meng happily took off his sunglasses, pointed at Wang Kai and said, "You TM are really disgusting to me,"

he said and opened the leather bag and put 800,000 yuan into the leather bag.

Wang Kai hurriedly stopped: "What are you doing, this is my money, I asked my girlfriend to sleep with you, you wait for me, I will convince her immediately

!" "You TM!" Zhang

Wei rushed over like crazy, knocked Wang Biao to the ground with a punch, and was about to continue, but was stopped by Xu Meng.

Wang Kai fell to the ground, covering his bloody mouth, watching Xu Meng pull Zhang Wei, he suddenly realized that he had been deceived, they were in a gang, and they deliberately played themselves.

"You, you, you, you're in a gang, deliberately trick me!" Wang

Kai angrily pointed at Xu and roared.

Xu Meng pretended to be money, ignored Wang Kai, looked at Zhang Wei and said: "You see, this is your love, this is the woman you love, do you think a woman who has been deceived by such a scumbag really loves you?"

Then Xu Meng stood in front of Tang Lili and said: "800,000 is actually too much." Two hundred thousand can buy your love. However, there was a time when a sincere love was placed in front of you, and you turned a blind eye.

Speaking of this, Xu Meng smiled and said, "Thank you for letting our young master go."

Then, Xu Meng bowed to Wang Kai and said, "Thank you for teaching our young master a lesson and letting him know that people are sinister."

Wang Kai and Tang Lili were stunned.

Xu Meng gestured to the air, then came to Zhang Wei's side and said respectfully, "Young Master, let's go, let's go home."

Then, under the shocked gaze of everyone, a Rolls-Royce drove up.

Xu Hu, dressed in a black suit, got out of the car, opened the door, and stood respectfully aside.

Zhang Wei looked at the person who came, it was Xu Hu, he understood, looking at Xu Meng, there were tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Well, go home.

Zhang Wei stepped forward, escorted by Xu Meng, and walked towards Rolls-Royce.

The surrounding people: ", what's the situation, is this making a movie?"

"Nima, do it around, this is the real rich second generation

!" "Come out to experience life, for love!" "

It's over, if I were that woman, I would regret dying." Tang

Lili was stunned, how could it be, didn't Zhang Wei deliver takeaways? Why did he suddenly become a young master, that Rolls-Royce, at least tens of millions, and a servant to pick it up, it was definitely from a big family, but he gave up this love.

"Ah Wei!" Tang

Lili stopped Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei didn't reply, and said coldly: "Something?"

Tang Lili cried: "I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Zhang Wei snorted coldly and said, "It's okay, it's not important anymore." With that

, he sat down at the Rolls-Royce, Xu Hu respectfully closed the door, and Xu Meng got into the car.

Under the shocked gaze of everyone, he left.

Tang Lili looked at the Rolls-Royce in the distance and thought of Xu Meng's words, yes, she didn't cherish such a sincere love.

Looking at Wang Kai again, Tang Lili didn't want to pay attention to this scumbag for the rest of her life.

On the road, inside a Rolls-Royce car.

"Thank you, Brother Xu.

Xu Meng smiled: "It's okay." "

In the wave just now, Xu Meng was only assisting in pretending, but he also gained more than a dozen pretending, which was perfect.

Xu Hu drove the car and said happily: "How about Brother Xu, my acting skills are okay."

Xu Meng recalled Xu Hu's deliberately deep expression and service posture just now.

"You have to ask Zhang Wei how it feels to be served.

Zhang Wei smiled: "It's quite okay, the moment I closed the door, I almost thought I was a wanderer!" Speaking

of this, Zhang Wei looked at Xu Meng and said: "Brother Xu, sometimes I envy you so much, if I were like you, would I be ......

" "No!"

Xu Hu interrupted Zhang Wei's fantasy and said: "Although I have low emotional intelligence, I know that a woman who really loves you will not care how much money you have."

After listening to this, Zhang Wei pondered for a while, and then laughed and said: "Ah Hu, on the contrary, you are the smartest, and I am the stupidest!"

"Okay, it's all over, Ah Hu, go around the bridge, let's go back and pick up the car." "

Pick up the car, what kind of car?" Zhang

Wei was a little puzzled, and Xu Meng told him that he and Ah Hu's electric car was still in the underground garage of the shopping mall opposite.

Because Zhang Wei did not take the driver's license, Xu Meng decided to let Xu Hu and Zhang Wei drive electric cars, drive a Rolls-Royce home by themselves, meet at the station tomorrow, and continue to work. Zhang Wei has recovered, after all, they are all adults, and he has already recognized Tang Lili in that scene just now.

, He is going to return the ring tomorrow and return the money to Xu Meng.

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