Bao Fei's last cold drink made Xiao Chuchu tremble.

"Understood. "


Security Fei sighed and said, "Keep it guarded, remember, once you call back, apologize first, stabilize the other party, and then notify me immediately, I will call back and forth." "Uh-huh, good minister. "

Got it, Minister. "

Courtyard Palace, after Xu Meng finished the call, he heard the other side scolding himself for being stupid, not only not angry, but very happy.

Someone looks down on my brother again, well, it's a good opportunity to pretend to be forced.

So, Xu Meng watched the movie quietly and went swimming.

After swimming, Xu Meng saw the three missed calls on his mobile phone, and smiled disdainfully, it seemed that he knew his identity and panicked.

Don't worry, let him dry for a while and go out for a meal.

Yanjing night, eight o'clock in the evening, Huaxia Blue Sky Real Estate, Dongcheng District Company.

Security flew in front of the telephone, motionless.

He went to the headquarters to verify Xu Meng's information with the boss, and now the phone number is real-name system, Huaxia Blue Sky Real Estate, how to say that it is also a leading real estate company, a listed company, and the identity information can be found out by moving the relationship.

It doesn't matter if you don't check it, after checking it, Li Shi, the boss of Huaxia Lantian Real Estate, dropped the ashtray

!"Get out! Immediately roll Lao Tzu to the side of the telephone, guard Lao Tzu, provoke Boss Xu, Lao Tzu will skin you!"

Baoan Fei said helplessly: "Don't, don't call me minister, call me Brother An, brother estimates, I will be able to get out of the house soon."

Xiao Chuchu cried, she really didn't expect that someone would really buy

ten buildings!, ten buildings, or school district buildings, what a concept

! More than 10 billion transactions, but she actually scolded that person for being stupid, thinking of this, Xiao Chuchu trembled, the director was going to get out, she was definitely going to get out.

Qian Yuan was on the side, thinking: It's good that she wasn't on duty by herself, otherwise, she would be the one who was cold.

"Chu Chu, don't cry, let's find a way to remedy it.

Qian Yuan comforted, thinking: Remedy a fart, scold the local tyrant for being stupid, and let him not dream, this and this ......

Bell bell bell ......

The phone rang, and the security guard Feihu's body was shocked, and he raised his eyes to see the caller ID, it was this number!

"Hey, hello, Mr. Xu."

Xiao Chuchu stopped crying, and looked at Bao Feifei with wide eyes, and his heart lifted.

"Yes, yes, I'm really embarrassed, yes, I'm her minister, it's my dereliction of duty, you can scold me directly, haha, Mr. Xu laughed, tomorrow at 8 o'clock, okay, take her with you?"

"No problem, no problem, absolutely no problem, well, okay, we will be on time at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, hey, okay, goodbye, Mr. Xu, good night." Hanging

up, the security guard exhaled, his back sweating.

Xiao Chuchu stepped forward and asked, "How is the minister?"

Security Fei touched the sweat on his forehead, Tomorrow at eight o'clock in the morning, you will go with me to No. 18 Gongmen Hutong on the main street, and Qian Yuan will also go together.

Qian Yuan was surprised: "Okay minister."

Xiao Chuchu was a little embarrassed and said: "I said that about him, did he still ask me to go by name?"

Security Fei frowned and said: "What? I don't want to!"

Xiao Chuchu hurriedly waved his hand and said: "No, no, no, I am willing."

Bao Fei pointed at Xiao Chuchu and said, "The basket you poked this time is big enough! If it weren't for the boss calling Boss Xu personally, people wouldn't have paid attention to us at all." Xiao Chuchu: "Our boss personally called?"

Security Fei: "Well, the boss has been with me a lot, Mr. Xu said to think about it, and then call back to inform us, otherwise I am in such a hurry to come back, motionless, what are I doing here!"

"Chu Chu, Qian Yuan, tomorrow you two dress nicely, don't wear suits, you know?"

"Ah? Okay.

Xiao Chuchu and Qian Yuan glanced at each other, they both understood what it meant, they were salesmen, they had seen such a situation, but it was the first time for them.

Security Fei sighed and said: "Don't think about it, both of you can look good, you look good, and the boss is happy to look at it." With

that, Bao Fei explained what would happen tomorrow and left.

The next day, eight o'clock in the morning.

Xu Meng was still asleep on the bed, and Bao Fei, Xiao Chuchu and Qian Yuan, had already arrived.

Just like Xu Meng's first visit, Baoan Fei and his party saw the streets on both sides of the road, all of which were surrounded by walls, and then saw the No. 19 written on the magnificent luxury gate in front of them, and the three of them were stupid, my God, this Xu Meng's boss lives in

the palace! The three people in the real estate industry can guess at a glance that this palace is not more than 4 billion yuan, and it can't be taken down at all!

There is no market, because the palace has a bit of cultural relics background, and you can't buy it if you have money.

Xiao Chuchu's heart was shocked, looking at this gate, thinking of the mysterious Xu Meng rich man, she regretted it a little, she knew that she was wearing a low-cut outfit today, and looked at her best friend Qian Yuan, shorts, low-cut, sunhat, a pure and lovely appearance.

And the mountains and rivers of Qian Yuan are taller than her, Xiao Chuchu secretly gritted his teeth, a little jealous.

Seeing the appointed time, Mr. Xu still didn't have any news, and Baofei decided to ring the doorbell.

Ding Dong, Ding Dong!

Xu Meng fell asleep and was thinking, suddenly, the doorbell rang on the networked mobile phone, Xu Meng picked up the mobile phone, and yelled very unpleasantly: "Who!"

"Mr. Xu, it's me, Xiao An, I'm here to hand over your property. "

Wait outside.

With that, Xu Meng crossed out the program, threw the phone aside, and continued to dream.

Security Fei: (5) - There was

no way to do it, so the three of them had to wait outside.

Said three poles, it was almost noon, several people were almost tired outside, Xiao Chuchu and Qian Yuan were a little angry, the two of them were dressed so beautifully today, until now, they haven't even seen the boss.

Baoan Fei was also a little tired from standing, and they all squatted next to the palace, looked at Xiao Chuchu and Qian Yuan and said: "Be calm, people are deliberately hanging us, wait, today is to wait until evening, and we have to wait."

Qian Yuan sighed, and some regretted agreeing to the manager to come, and it was not her fault, she came today just to attract local tyrants.

As he spoke, two mechanical doors opened.

Xu Meng's voice came from the doorbell: "Come in." Security

Fei was overjoyed, hurriedly greeted Xiao Chuchu Qianyuan, cleaned up his appearance, and we went in.

At half past eleven o'clock in the morning, the three of them finally met Xu Meng.

It's not easy, I waited outside for three and a half hours.

Xu Meng was wearing slippers, sitting on a chair in the front hall drinking tea, and the security guard flew forward and said with a smile: "Hello, excuse me, you are Mr. Xu."

Xu Meng raised his eyes and said, "It's me." "

Baoan Fei's heart was shocked, he is so young, he is so rich, he should be the eldest young master of a hidden family, he must serve well, otherwise people are unhappy, and he may directly buy Huaxia Blue Sky Company.

Xiao Chuchu and Qian Yuan glanced at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other's eyes, the two of them originally thought that they were an old man, no matter how bad they were, they were middle-aged uncles or something, they were so young, and they were so handsome! Qian Yuan

was a little moved, if so, she was willing to pay for herself.

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