Wang Erhe put down the cup and leaned forward, at this time, he returned to the state of negotiating with people in the mall, commonly known as Wang Laohu.

Xu Meng patiently chewed the steak in his mouth, well, it was a little hard to grill, he drank a glass of red wine, and then wiped his hands with a tablecloth.

"Mr. Wang, let me tell you a story.

Xu Meng moved the chair and moved closer to Wang Erhe: "A takeaway brother, experiencing life, he is riding a car, singing, clicking! Suddenly he was hit by a car! Do you say he is wronged?"

Wang Erhe: "It's a little wronged."

Xu Meng continued: "It's not a problem, what's even more excessive is that the person who hit him came down and showed off his wealth with the little brother, and he was still talking nonsense about his father, and the takeaway brother really couldn't see it, so he bought his car and smashed it, you say, it's not too much."

Wang Erhe knew that Xu Meng was talking about Wang Da Hammer hitting

him, and defended: "Actually, this ......" Xu Meng interrupted him: "You also think this is too much, what's even more excessive, he also found someone to hit me, and I didn't say anything about it, I thought the matter was over, this kid actually started your sister-in-law's idea, what do you say?"

Xu Meng patted Wang Erhe on the shoulder and said: "Brother, uncle can bear it, sister-in-law can't bear it!

Wang Erhe saw Xu Meng calling his brother, and he was not angry, and said with a smile: "You can negotiate it."

Xu Meng poured himself a glass of red wine, and also filled it with Wang Erhe.

"Brother, negotiate it, even if it's not hard enough.

Wang Erhe smiled slightly, picked up the briefcase on the stool next to him, and then took out some depositary receipts and put them in front of Xu Meng.

"Mr. Xu, this is my company's bank depositary receipts worth 5 billion Huaxia coins, you see if this is hard enough.

Xu Meng took these vouchers, didn't even look at them, and put them aside.

Wang Erhe lost a smile on his face, what do you mean, it's too little

?" "Mr. Wang, it's not a matter of money, it's a matter of how to deal with him!"

Looking at Xu Meng's smile, Wang Erhe squinted his eyes and said, "What does Mr. Xu mean, do you have to repair the child?"

Xu Meng had a teachable expression, which meant that you finally knew.

"Mr. Xu, the dog has offended you, but for the sake of money, I also want to ask Mr. Xu to raise his noble hand and delete those evidence, if it is not enough, I can add more money, as long as Mr. Xu does not refuse. As he

spoke, Wang Erhe moved those bank depositary receipts to Xu Meng again.

Xu Meng smiled slightly and said

: "Mr. Wang, do you think I am a person who is short of money?" Wang Erhe frowned and said: "Mr. Xu, who can live in a palace of four billion, is naturally not short of money, but in the world, who would dislike having more money, you say yes, Mr. Xu."

Xu Meng took the bank voucher in his hand and looked at Wang Erhedao: "I'm sorry, I really don't like a lot of money." As

he spoke, Xu Meng threw the bank voucher on the table.

"What does Mr. Xu mean?" Xu

Meng drank a glass of wine and said: "I don't want anything, I just want him to confess his guilt according to law, it's as simple as that." "

Mr. Xu, don't you think this is too unkind?"

Not close to people, Xu Meng smiled, Lao Tzu didn't use the Heavenly Punishment Skill, a thunderbolt to kill you is enough to give you face.

"Mr. Wang, play and play, make trouble, don't joke about this, tell you the truth, I am willing to come to meet you today, I want to release a message to the outside through you. With that

, Xu Meng stood up, and after letting go of the cruel words, he could go home.

"The weather is coming to autumn, and the Wang family should come to an end. With

that, Xu Meng was about to leave.


!" "Mr. Xu, your words are too arrogant, and you want to threaten the Wang Group of the old man for thirty-six years with your own strength

!" Xu Meng turned around and smiled: "The embankment of the Qianli River collapsed in the anthill, start with your son first!" "

That may disappoint Mr. Xu."

As he spoke, Wang Erhe stood up with a sigh, then slowly put away the bank voucher and put it in the briefcase, looked at Xu Meng and said: "At this time, the dog should have flown off the border and jumped into the Pacific Ocean, Mr. Xu, it's really a pity, I can't be in the country and accept your accusation."

Looking at Wang Erhe's expression like a smiling tiger, Xu Meng smiled and said: "Jiang is still old and spicy, on the one hand, he negotiated with me, and on the other hand, he has already sent his son abroad."

Wang Erhe laughed and said: "When people are old, they are afraid, and they are more prepared." As he

spoke, Wang Erhe hummed a ballad and walked while singing.

"Look at it, there is a black hole ahead, when the old man comes forward, the person who killed him will turn over on his back on his horse......"

Xu Meng said, interesting, this old man, Peking Opera is singing.

Yes. Kill him and turn his back on his back, I like it.

Presumably, this is Wang Erhe's response to his war letter, if you want to engage the Wang family, even if you come, he will not be afraid at all.

The next time.

Xu Meng is behind the scenes, and Liu Weiwei has sued Wang Dazhui, the son of the chairman of the Wang Group, in his own name, and teamed up with Yuwen Wang Teng, Ye Liangchen, and Zhao Ritian to kidnap himself.

Because Liu Weiwei has just been promoted to a well-known Internet celebrity in Douyin, after the fermentation of the kidnapping incident, the number of fans has reached more than 30 million.

"It turns out that Vivi was really kidnapped.

"I'll go, it's still the richest man in Yanjing, Wang Da Hammer."

"Not only that, this time it was the Yanjing Four Young Men who committed the crime collectively, didn't you look at VV quality control!"

"Hey, I heard, it's not the first time Wang Dazhui has done this kind of thing, he kidnapped a female classmate in high school, but he was suppressed in the end." "yes, there's such a thing. "

The people who eat melons eat melons one after another, and a lot of black history about the four young people in Yanjing has been slowly dug up by this wave.

Xu Meng is very satisfied, he has asked Zhang Jun to resign and do his best to be his personal assistant, after all, he is now lacking a professional housekeeper.

"Haven't you ever been a soldier?"

"Yes, but I've never been a bodyguard

!" "You always have military boxing!" "

I'm good at this, and I even won the pacesetter back then."

"Then that's fine.

"But Brother Xu, Xu Hu knows how to do military boxing, I can't, I was a transport soldier and drove a car!"

Looking at Zhang Wei with a surprised face, Xu Meng smiled and said: "It's just right, I lack a driver, so you can make up for the driver's vacancy."

Xu Hu grinned and said, "Great, Zhang Wei, you can also go with Brother Xu, so that we can still have a companion."

Xu Meng hugged Zhang Wei and Xu Hu and said, "From today on, you two will be my second general, let's go."

Saying that, Xu Meng took Xu Hu and Zhang Wei away, he said hello to Wang Lei, asked the two of them to resign, and from today on, they will follow him.

Xu Hu was his bodyguard, and Zhang Wei's driver was a part-time bodyguard.

Xu Meng felt that with so much money, it was time for him to put on a show, and bodyguards were a must, after all, his worth was different now, and he was about to start engaging in Wang Erhe, and there could be no one around him.

"Brother Xu, where are we going now?" Xu

Meng threw the key to Zhang Wei and said, "I'll open the navigation, you follow the navigation, follow me home first."

Zhang Wei got into the car, Xu Meng sat on the co-pilot, and patiently told Zhang Wei about some ways to pay attention to Rolls-Royce, and sure enough, the professional quality of the transport soldiers was still there, and in five or six minutes, Zhang Wei got started.

Oh, don't say it, Zhang Wei's driving is really stable.

Xu Meng lies down well, feeling that the years are quiet, no wonder rich people like to take drivers.

"Brother Xu, why did you suddenly think of looking for us to be a bodyguard and driver. "

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