"Mr. Xu, please speak. As he

spoke, Xu Meng took out the stock bank certificate of the second largest shareholder of Luoxing Group and put it in front of Wang Xing.

"I know that Kuaituan has been doing local life, and has been strengthening the connection and investment of local hotels and restaurants, but the platform is the way Mr. Wang started, but if you don't have a hotel restaurant under the umbrella to get the sale, this local business is not easy to develop!"

I said Mr. Xu, you are really hidden, this is the shares of Luoxing Group, and it still accounts for the second largest, such a high-quality share, is Mr. Xu going to sell it?"

Wang Xing's heart was shocked, and he was shocked by the consortium behind Xu Meng, Xu Meng listened to the sound of the system's gold coins arriving, and was very relieved, it seems that Wang Xing was shown by himself again.

Originally, with a system, he still lacks such property in the future, think about Wang Erhe, he actually wants to use money to convince himself, isn't it funny, he has a system, it's the same as having a bank.

"In that case, Mr. Xu, you will come to our company tomorrow, and I will find you a docking capital party, how about it.

Xu Meng thought, after being the second largest shareholder for so long, he has never been to Kuaituan Company.

"Uh-huh, okay. With that

, Xu Meng shook hands with Wang Xing, and then separated.

Out of the door of the Falling Star Restaurant, the supervisor followed Xu Meng diligently, and he personally experienced these gatherings.

At the door of the hall, Zhang Wei and Xu Hu greeted them, and the two of them were now dressed in black, proper bodyguards.

Xu Meng looked back at the Falling Star Restaurant, from tomorrow onwards, he will not be the master here.

"The Falling Star Restaurant is indeed of high quality. The

director was on the side, not knowing what Xu Meng meant, Xu Meng looked at the director and smiled: "Your service is really good." The

director was flattered and said, "Mr. Xu has won the award."

Xu Meng smiled and said, "Just send it here, from tomorrow onwards, you will be the director of urban operations in the Yanjing Region." As

he spoke, Xu Meng walked forward without looking back.

Zhang Wei and Xu Hu followed, and the supervisor with his head down raised his head sharply, with a look of surprise.

Just now, what did Mr. Xu say???

from tomorrow, I will be the city operations director of Yanjing!!

Xu Meng is not just giving people promotions and raises.

This supervisor runs the hotel very well, and has been doing it for more than eight years, but he just lacks an opportunity.

Anyway, from tomorrow, he will be leaving, and he is very comfortable with the service of this supervisor, so he will do a favor and promote him.

Zhang Wei drove the car, and Xu Hu sat on the co-pilot.

Xu Meng was lying in the back of the car, very comfortable.

"Wow, Brother Xu

, the sentence you just said is so handsome!" Xu Meng closed his eyes

and said, "What sentence I said is not handsome!" Xu Hu said embarrassedly: "Uh, that sentence just now is very handsome, from tomorrow you will be the director of operations of Yanjing City, wow, you didn't see the expression of the supervisor, it was a kind of, unbelievable, and very excited expression!"

Zhang Wei smiled and said:" It is estimated that he is a hotel director who has been working up for a long time, and he was suddenly appreciated by Brother Xu, and now he has reached the sky in one step.

Xu Hu sighed: "This is the charm of Brother Xu, now you can condemn life and death with a word, I admire it."

Xu Meng sat up, gave Xu Hu a slap and said, "I don't do it!" Xu Hu

and Zhang Wei laughed.

Xu Meng looked at the busy road in front of him, thinking about things in his heart.

Returning home in the evening, Xu Meng sat in front of the computer and, as the second shareholder of the Falling Star Group, issued a personnel appointment about the hotel director.

I promised other people's things, and I had to put them in place.

Ding dong.

The mobile phone rang, Xu Meng took it over and saw that it was Liu Weiwei.

"In Qianma?"

Xu Meng smiled: "I miss you." Buzz

, sent over, Liu Weiwei looked at it, and suddenly the corners of his mouth raised an irrepressible smile, and glanced at Dong Xue, who was still playing on the computer, Liu Weiwei typed: Flim tongue.

Buzz past.

Xu Meng saw it, and suddenly realized in his heart, and then sent a message: "I want to see you."

Liu Weiwei looked at Dong Xue and replied, "You wait for me." "

Oh, go on, what are you doing in the middle of the road, are you still stunned......"

Seeing Dong Xue wearing headphones and playing a game fiercely, Liu Weiwei tiptoed out of the door.

When he came to Xu Meng's door, Liu Weiwei gritted his teeth and hesitated to knock on the door, but in fact, Xu Meng could see it on the surveillance.

He ran over, opened the door, and then pulled Liu Weiwei into his arms and closed the door.

Liu Weiwei was lying in Xu Meng's arms, holding his mobile phone, panting, motionless.

"Xu Meng

?" "Huh?"

"Your heart is beating so fast!"

"Well, think about what you think."

Liu Weiwei's shy face turned red.

Xu Meng hugged Liu Weiwei and smelled the fragrance of her hair, feeling very comfortable, ah, sure enough, it feels good to have a female ticket.

The body is also soft and fragrant, and it is very physical to hold it.

Xu Meng regretted it, why didn't Liu Weiwei confess to himself in college, such a good-looking girl, she had to wait until now.

Holding it like this, doing nothing, Xu Meng felt really good, he felt that time stopped at this moment, let him get drunk.

But God did not fulfill people's wishes.

With a squeak, the door opened.

Dong Xue looked at the two people in front of her with an indifferent face, and said lightly: "What are you two doing?"

Liu Weiwei hurriedly pushed Xu Meng away, then combed his hair, and said shyly: "No, nothing."

Xu Meng smiled: "I'll chat with Weiwei."

Dong Xue grabbed Liu Weiwei's hand and said, "I said, I'll just play a game, and as soon as I turn around, the person will disappear, it turns out that someone has abducted here!" Xu Meng smiled and didn't speak.

"Xu Meng, let me tell you, I am now VV's parents, if I don't get a marriage certificate, don't want to have a relationship with our VV. As he

spoke, he pulled the shy Liu Weiwei away, and Xu Meng chased him out, watching Weiwei turn around, and reluctantly looked at himself.

Xu Meng sighed, what a sin, now that he is in love, Xu Meng feels that his best friend is not good.


it, close the door and go to bed, the coming day will be long.

The next day, Xu Meng received a summons from the court.

The summons said that the Yanjing Police Station had preliminarily tried the fact of Wang Er's abduction, combined with the evidence provided by Xu Meng, plus the surveillance video of various sections of Yanjing, Liu Weiwei's confession could basically be opened and determined.

However, Wang Er and Xiao Wu insisted that they were the masterminds and had nothing to do with Wang Dazhu.

The court decided to hold a trial tomorrow and asked Liu Weiwei to attend.

Xu Meng didn't panic at all, he spent money early, found a former student from Yenching University, a friend who studied computer and electronic information engineering, and directly cracked Wang Er and Xiao Wu's mobile phones, which contained a large number of videos and evidence.

Including evidence that Wang Er hit Xu Meng.

After Xu Meng saw Wang Er leave the truck, he also took a video of his Bugatti Veyron, and then sent it to Wang Da Hammer.

You talk about this person, and the evidence left behind is really lovely.

Xu Meng prepared several copies of this evidence, and one of them was handed over to Ren Keke, so that he could organize the language and explain it to the judge in court.

Xu Meng made a phone call to Ren Keke.

"Master Ren, how are you preparing over there?"

Ren Keke said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Xu, thanks to the funds you provided, our team is now very strong, a total of ten people, all of whom are well-known teachers in China, covering the criminal law, civil and financial required for this case, absolutely do a good job from all angles, and attack comprehensively!"

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