Today's single delivery, Xu Meng is really unforgettable.

I took a taxi from the hospital and went back to Lido Yuefu, retrieved my electric car, and visited the security guard Xiao Li by the way, Xiao Li learned that the owner was fine, and he was happy


After greeting for a while, Xu Meng rode back home.

Back at the site, Xu Meng just wanted to lie down, too tired.

"Xu Meng, is there anything wrong today? In the afternoon, I saw that you closed the order-taking platform, and it hasn't been opened until now.

Wang Lei made a cup of tea and put it in front of Xu Meng.

Today is different from the past, Xu Meng just doesn't send orders, and he Wang Lei won't say it, even if the regional manager asks, he is not afraid.

Just kidding, Xu Meng seems to be able to really talk to the company's boss!"

Xu Meng took a sip of tea, obviously a little tired.

Wang Lei nodded and didn't ask much, after all, the current Xu Meng's life circle is not what he thought before.

Depressed, Xu Meng turned on his mobile phone and prepared to dry two handfuls of pesticides to pass the time and soothe his mood.

At seven o'clock, Ah Wei and Xu Hu and others all came back from running orders, they have been on the morning shift for the past few days, and they can run outside until more than seven o'clock, and if they want to make money, they can continue to run.

"Xu Meng, when are you going to invite us to dinner!" Xu

Hu said, and the others also looked over, after all, they ran takeaway together, if anyone in the site became a single king in a month, and the monthly income exceeded 10,000, they all had to invite the site people to drink a bottle of water.

Seeing Xu Meng suddenly get rich, everyone's mind is very simple, eat together and have fun, but I don't know if Xu Meng still takes them as partners.

Xu Meng sat up suddenly, yes, I haven't invited my brothers to dinner yet, I just had a lot of worries today, I just played a few rounds of pesticides, I didn't win a game, I didn't pretend to be a force today, and I posted 5 upside down.

Xu Meng quit the game, stood up, and waved his big hand

!"Brothers, go, the emperor of heaven is up!" "I'm slot

, the emperor of heaven, Brother Xu is awesome!" "Brother Xu is awesome!" Xu

Hu and others are particularly excited, what kind of place is the heavenly imperial capital, Yanjing's top leisure and entertainment venues, fast group buying, the minimum package is two thousand to start!

Ordinary people can't afford to spend it at all, and today Brother Xu has a treat, and if he wants to take them there to open their eyes, everyone will definitely be happy.

"Brother Xu, can the brothers on the evening shift come?" Xu

Meng waved his hand and said: "Send a message in the group, the brothers at our site can come, you Brother Xu and I don't lack that money

!" "Fuck, Brother Xu is awesome!" "

Ding! Congratulations to the player Xu Meng for pretending to be successful, and rewarding 1 point of system gold."

Xu Meng smiled, he finally had income today.

Everyone was ready to go back and change clothes, but was stopped by Xu Meng, Xu Meng felt that it was unnecessary, he just wanted to take out clothes like the little brother, giving people a sense of gap, so he could pretend to be forced.

It was a little far away from the site, Xu Meng felt that he would not drive the electric car, and he was afraid that there would be no electricity, so the group took a taxi to the imperial capital.

The brothers who worked at night received the news, they all delivered the orders nearby, and then took a taxi to the heavenly emperor's capital, Wang Lei was a little worried, they all came out to eat, what should no one do with the distribution range of this site?

Xu Meng smiled and said: "Don't worry, something happens, I'll take it." Wang

Lei is waiting for this sentence, yes, the sky is falling, with the great god Xu Meng on top, what is he afraid of.

At the gate of the Heavenly Imperial Capital, the group got out of the car and sighed, after all, Xu Meng is also the first time to come, Nima, it is really luxurious, splendid.

After waiting for a while, the evening brothers also arrived, Xu Meng and his party went inside, but unexpectedly, the two little brothers at the door stepped out to stop them: "I'm sorry, idle people are not allowed to enter." "

Shout, who are the idle people waiting!"

Xu Hu burst out with a snort, and he had the demeanor of Xu Meng's younger brother.

Xu Meng is very satisfied, no wonder which rich second generation likes to take dog legs, and it feels cool to have a little brother to stand out for himself.

"There's a disturbance at the door and you need support. Who

knew that the little brother didn't pay attention to Xu Hu at all, and called people directly into the walkie-talkie, Xu Meng frowned and said: "What kind of attitude do you have! We are here to consume, what are you doing here

!" "Consumption?" "Well! What's wrong? Look down on the takeaway brother


The doorman smiled contemptuously and said: "Disheveled, I will not accept it!"


Saying that Xu Hu was about to step forward to make trouble, at this time, the reinforcements of the doorman also arrived, and seven or eight strong men came, Xu Meng looked at it, and if they really fought, they would definitely suffer, after all, these strong men were veterans.

Ah Wei pulled Xu Meng and said, "Brother Xu, why don't you do it next time, next time we will change our clothes and come over again." Xu

Meng was a little angry, he asked his brothers not to change their clothes, so that he could pretend to be forced, and if he went back now, he would be so faceless.

"No, it's all here, and there's a reason to go back

!" Xu Meng pointed to the doorman brother and said, "What do you mean to be well-dressed?"

The doorman brother said coldly: "At least like me, people in suits and leather shoes

!" "Okay!"

Xu Meng glanced at the doorman brother deeply, and then left with his brothers.

"Brother Xu, where are you going to take us

!" "Yes, Brother Xu, are you looking for other KTVs!" "

I know one here, it's quite cheap!, or we ......

it" Saying, Xu Meng stopped, looked at the brother who said it was very cheap and said: "Stop me, come out with me, don't mention the word cheap, it hurts the feeling between our brothers."

"Let's go, follow me in!" Everyone

looked up, what was the situation, how did they come to the suit shop.

As soon as Xu Meng pushed open the door, he heard a foreman in the men's suit shop scolding a little girl, and there were three women standing behind the foreman, who seemed to be gloating.

"I tell you Xiaoli, serve customers professionally, not only enthusiastic, you see that you have been on the job for almost a month, and a high-end suit has not been sold!" Xiaoli

said with a aggrieved face: "However, good customers have been ......"

"What have they been! Have they been robbed? You are not capable, everyone is afraid that you will not be able to do it, so this is to help you receive, and you still use it as an excuse!".

Xiaoli is very aggrieved, the assessment index of the newcomer in the store is a month, and a set of high-end suits must be sold, but a set of high-end suits is thirty or forty thousand, such customers can not be found!

Several times, she can sell them, but the sisters behind the foreman, relying on the good relationship with the foreman, directly grabbed the order for themselves.

"That's it, the foreman is right! Xiaoli, the sisters also see that you are not capable, if it weren't for the sisters to help you take over the customers to deal with, do you think you can sell them?" "That's it

, I don't know gratitude at all, we all teach you in vain!" The

foreman Xiaohong was a little angry, the reason why she was the foreman was because she sold a lot of high-end suits, and the bulk of the profit in the store was high-end suits! I didn't expect this newcomer Xiaoli to be so bad, and she hasn't broken the egg yet

!" "Let me tell you, if you can't sell it this month, you just wait to be fired

!" Xiaoli was anxious, and hurriedly cried:

"Foreman, I will work hard, please don't open ......" "Don't

cry, the guest is coming

!" "Hello, welcome!" "Hello, welcome


Seeing someone coming, several service ladies immediately shouted a few words of welcome with a smile, and then saw Xu Meng's group of takeaway brothers, and suddenly, the smiling face instantly collapsed, and the enthusiastic footsteps stopped for half a beat.

Looking at the forelady with a cold face, Xu Meng smiled, interesting.

Suit shop for men.

Yanjing suit store medium to top suit brand, chain, but niche, only open in the bustling area of the first-tier metropolis, and very expensive, when Xu Meng graduated from university, he went to the company for an interview, and came to buy this brand.

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