Zhang Wei put down the barbecue grill, wiped his sweat and said: "It's the one we often go to, I remember Brother Xu, you said it tasted good, I asked the boss to give us all the honey sauce."

Xu Meng praised it, and did a good job.

Sun Guixiang carried a cardboard box, gasped and said, "I'll go, what is this, it's so heavy."

Xu Hu pulled away and said: "Charcoal, the best fruit wood, burns very fragrant."

Yang Tian took the barbecue fork, looked at the charcoal and said, "My mother, you can buy a box directly."

Xu Humu nodded and said, "Yes, buy a lot, Brother Xu wants to eat it that day, so take it directly." Xu

Meng raised his little hand and praised it!

Nima, if it weren't for the large number of people, Xu Meng would have smashed the money directly, Xu Hu, you are really my henchman who stepped on the horse.

Life can be beautiful sometimes, at least at the moment.

A group of people were grilling in the courtyard, Zhang Wei and Xu Hu were in a group, Sun Guixiang and Yang Tian and Peng Hai were together, Liu Weiwei and Dong Xue were originally on the side, but Liu Weiwei was pulled over by Xu Meng.

"What are you doing?" Xu

Meng said with a smile: "Create opportunities for Dong Xue and Peng Hai, and so are you, don't keep being a light bulb there." Saying

that, Xu Meng came to Peng Hai in the name of delivering food, and whispered: "Hurry up, don't say that my brother didn't create a chance for you." With that

, Xu Meng went back.

Peng Hai looked up, and sure enough, Dong Xue was now alone, Dong Xue also saw Peng Hai look over, smiled slightly, and then lowered his head to brush the sauce.


"Huh?" Peng Hai looked at Sun Guixiang suspiciously.

"How many of you, Peng Laoer, this is still the second brother I know!" Yang

Tian turned over the roasted wings, then took a few raw chicken legs to Peng Hai, then pulled him up and kicked him over.

Peng Hai was caught off guard and almost hit Dong Xue.

Xu Meng saw it and gave Yang Tian a thumbs up, this is a good brother.

Liu Weiwei also saw it, she gagged her mouth and said: "Are you boys all like this, join forces to find a chance to pick up girls."

Xu Meng pretended to be surprised and said: "Wronged, the conscience of heaven and earth, I am a good citizen, my wife."

Liu Weiwei blushed, turned around shyly and said, "Who is your wife?"

Xu Meng smiled, walked around, and secretly kissed Liu Weiwei's cheek.

Liu Weiwei covered his face, gagged his mouth, and whined aggrievedly: "Ignore you, I want to go back to Dong Xue."

"Don't, don't, you go and disturb people more now.

Xu Meng hurriedly grabbed Liu Weiwei, and then motioned her to look, and sure enough, Dong Xue and Peng Hai were roasting chicken legs with a smile over there.

Peng Hai bakes, Dong Xue brushes the sauce, men and women match, and they are not tired of work.

It's very harmonious.

Everyone had a barbecue, opened wine, and ate until about two o'clock in the afternoon.

At night, Xu Meng directly asked the brothers to stay overnight, anyway, there were many rooms.

Xu Meng once tempted Liu Weiwei to come over to sleep, wanting Peng Hai and Dong Xue to make a breakthrough tonight.

However, Peng Hai was too cowardly, no matter how much the brothers persuaded him, Dong Xue was also very alert, after dinner, he pulled Liu Weiwei into the room and didn't come out, alas, Xu Meng shook his head, it seems that he can't be in a hurry, and he has to wait for his good happiness.

The next morning, Xu Meng had a small meeting with the dormitory brothers, asking them to continue to stare at the plate, and buy it once Wang Di Real Estate had bulk goods.

At noon, Liu Wei called and said that the Bugatti had been completely repaired.

Xu Meng directly sent the address of the palace and asked her to send it directly.

After Liu Wei received the address, she replied to Xu Meng.

Then call in the company's special truck and load it on the Bugatti.

Liu Wei dressed herself well, after all, she was going to see Xu Meng, and she must be beautiful.

The truck driver took the lead, Liu Wei drove a Maserati behind, looking at the address, she was a little puzzled, isn't this positioning, isn't it the palace, is it, Mr. Lin lives here.

Liu Wei took a deep breath, a little unsure, after all, this may be the palace, the nature of cultural relics, ordinary people can afford to buy


Xu Hu ran to open the door.

"Which one?"

Looking at the beautiful lady in front of him, Xu Hu was a little curious.

"Well, may I ask Mr. Xu Meng if he lives here. "

Oh, you're looking for me Brother Xu, you wait a minute. Xu

Hu ran to report, Brother Xu was showing Liu Weiwei palmistry, he heard the doorbell, but now that Xu Hu and Zhang Wei are there, he went to open the door to compare his value. "Okay, I got it. "

Brothers, come out and show you the car." Saying

that, Xu Meng called Sun Guixiang, Peng Hai and others out, opened the door, and saw that Liu Wei had already unloaded the Bugatti.


Sun Guixiang was the first to rush out, excited to death.

Seeing that she came out with Xu Meng, Liu Wei didn't stop her.

"My God, this is Bugatti, it's so handsome!" Sun

Guixiang touched Bugatti's body, like touching a woman, Xu Hu grinned, it turned out that when Yan University graduates saw luxury cars, they were just like them, curious and surprised.

Yang Tian is also very itchy, after all, men have no resistance to top sports cars.

"Boss, I want to drive!" Sun

Guixiang said with a serious face.

Xu Meng shook his head and said, "No, I'll talk about it when I come back." Saying

that, Xu Meng took the key from Liu Wei's hand, threw it twice, the classic butterfly wings spun away, Xu Meng went in, tried the components in the car, they were all normal, the same as before.

"Mr. Xu, how do you feel, compared with before, if there is any discomfort, I will ask the master to debug it for you.

Liu Wei approached, bent down and asked respectfully.

"Well, no, that's fine.

Saying that, Xu Meng shouted outside: "You wait for me at home, I'll go out, Awei Ahu don't follow me, just stay at home." With that

, Xu Meng fastened his seat belt, closed the door, kicked the accelerator up, buzzed, and galloped away.

Sun Guixiang looked at the gorgeous taillights on the butt of the car and said with emotion: "It's so fucking handsome."

Liu Wei glanced at Liu Weiwei and Dong Xue at the door, her eyes narrowed slightly, and the woman's intuition told him that these two people had a lot to do with Mr. Xu.

Xu Meng drove on the highway, this time he was not in a hurry, and he could catch the time to get there.


at the number of points of the system's gold coins of 2980, Xu Meng's heart is stable, who dares to touch him now, he is now on the earth, that is a fairy-like existence, these skills add up, he is a superhero.

Control code meter, on the highway, the driving vehicle automatically avoids, no way, the value of the sports car is here, no owner dares to chase with one.

As for why he used sprinting or flashing, Xu Meng didn't want to waste the system gold, and he still had to upgrade the mall.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Meng came to Daqing Village as promised.

Because the Bugatti is a top-of-the-line sports car with a low chassis, it is impossible to drive into the village on the road to the village.

Xu Meng got out of the car.

"System, start Hawkeye. "

"Launching Hawkeye for the player, consuming 20 system gold, activating completely, countdown to 60 seconds. "

In an instant, the creatures within a kilometer range were in full view.

"Add more

!" "Ding!" consumes 10 system gold points, which has been expanded by a thousand meters and counts down to 60 seconds. "

I haven't seen anyone for two thousand meters, Xu Meng walked to the village, and shouted with his consciousness: Add more.

The eagle eye range is three thousand meters, and the entire Daqing Village is perfectly within the scanning range.


I found it, and there was a man in the house at the foot of the mountain.

Xu Meng looked at it, it was a man wearing a windbreaker and a hood, and he was wearing a mask!

But under the eagle's eye, there was nothing to hide, Xu Meng could clearly see that there was a scar on the man's face, which was very deep, extending from the right side of his face to his eyes, as if he had been cut by a machete.

What's the situation, this person, is so scary.

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