This is an old neighborhood, and the surrounding surveillance has been mobilized at the same time.

Find your lost child by recording and playing it back.

Soon, the app sent out a prompt: "The target person was found, the similarity is 79.82%"

because a lot of monitoring itself is not clear, and it is night.

Coupled with the fact that after a long time, many outdoor monitoring screens have a layer of dust.

The picture will become blurry.

In this case, there is no way to identify 100% similar characters, and 79.82% is already a high match.

The next moment, the system begins to capture the character.

According to the location of the target and the distance of other monitoring, the time is automatically adjusted, and the activity track of the target is found in the nearby monitoring.

The footage shows that at 7:02 p.m., the target family of three came down from the unit building. Take a walk to the small square where you are now.

Both parents, both of them are playing with their phones with their heads down.

At first, the goal was to play by myself, and then to play with other children.

At 7:11 a.m., the target disappeared from the surveillance range.

The parents are still playing with their phones.

By the time they found out that the child was gone, it was five minutes later. Subsequently, the two began to argue.

It seems that the two blame each other for the loss of their children.

Then they started to look separately.

At 7:32, the two people came back in a hurry, but they still didn't find anyone.

I was so anxious that I cried and screamed on the spot.

At this time, Xu Meng and the others came down and found out about their situation.

At this time, 21 minutes have passed since the child is really lost, not just 15 minutes.

For lost children, every minute and every second is very crucial.

According to another surveillance, the subject followed another child.

Xu Meng said: "Follow me!"

Following the trajectory of the system, Xu Meng led everyone to another unit building.

Xu Meng said: "The surveillance shows that your child is on it, and has never come down!" The

child's father said: "This building, this building is Xiaojie's house! My child's classmate Xiaojie's house is on the second floor!"

There is a door on the second floor that is open.

The child's parents went to take a look, "Ah, Xiaohao, why are you running here!"

The two men rushed up and hugged their child, Xiaohao.

Xiao Hao said: "Xiaojie asked me to come to his house to play with him......

"Why don't you tell your parents!

"This young man is amazing!"

"Really good, as soon as you check your phone, you will know where the person is?"

Although the lost child was found, it was not abducted, but just playful.

But that's a big problem.

Xu Meng looked at Xiao Jie's room.

There was only Xiaojie and his grandfather inside, and his grandfather seemed to be a little demented.

But where are Xiaojie's parents?

They can let their children go out to play at will?

Also, there is a problem with the door of the unit building.

Because it is an old community, the access control function has long been broken, and the children inside can enter and exit at will.

It also provides convenience to outlaws outside.

And Xiaohao's parents are the biggest problem.

As parents, they are not doing their duty.

Both of them are addicted to mobile phones, whether it is watching small videos or the needs of work, it is not a reason why they do not play the role of caregiving. And when something happened, they even blamed each other first.

Xu Meng sighed heavily.

Soon, the police arrived on hearing the news.

Xu Meng told them about the situation.

Next, let the police comrades educate them!

An uncle stepped forward and said, "Young man, what kind of software are you using?" Can you teach me as well?"

Xu Meng was stunned for a moment, it seems that the popularity rate of the "reunion plan" is still very low, and Xu Meng needs to promote it.

Next, Xu Meng patiently instructed these enthusiastic uncles and aunts and taught them how to download this software.

And how to use it.

And remind them that this can't be used casually, because you need to go through the filing of the public security system to open the Skynet system in the app. Several uncles and aunts listened attentively and praised Xu Meng's good character.

An aunt said: "The current technology is really good, such software has been made by someone

!" "Yes! I don't know how many people have to invent this thing!" Zhao

Xiaotian said proudly: "This is our brother Meng who invented it alone

!" "Really?"

"Awesome, young man

!" Zhao Xiaotian said proudly: "Our brother Meng is very good at writing code!"

What is code?"

I can't tell them, but the most important thing is to popularize this software.

Xu Meng didn't explain much, but said, "Uncle and aunt, let's go first." After

going downstairs, the system suddenly sent a prompt.

"Congratulations to the host! successfully helping fans, reward: 100,000 crash value.

"Huh, it's done?"

Xu Meng analyzed, could it be that the couple are also his fans?

It's just that the videos released by Xu Meng on the official account are all face-changing.

Fans don't know what a real macho brother looks like.

And tonight, Xu Meng's enthusiasm was crooked, and he helped them find the child, and the task was completed.

"It seems that I still have a lot of fans, and doing good deeds is really rewarding!" Looking

back, using the software I wrote, I really felt different. Find the person you are looking for with this software, and the success and pride are bursting.

Xu Meng will also feel that the efforts of himself and the clone for so long have not been in vain.

A few people have been busy until now, and they haven't eaten yet.

Xu Meng and others found a stone pot bibimbap nearby.

As soon as I entered the store, I found that there were several tables in the corner.

A man and a woman sat aside.

At first, I thought it was an event in the store.

Later, they were still adjusting the camera position opposite, and the two of them chattered, as if they were doing a live broadcast.

When ordering, Xu Meng asked, "Waiter, what are the two of them doing?"

The waiter said: "Here is the big stomach, and the two of them ordered 30 servings of bibimbap." "

Ah?" Li Ran asked: "30 servings of bibimbap, can you finish eating?"

An Xiaoxian said: "I have seen the news, this is all fake, most of them are eaten to induce vomiting, vomit and continue to eat." Yang Lei nodded, "Yes, there are also some post-editing effects, but in fact, I didn't really eat so much." Zhao Xiaotian scratched his head and said, "How can anyone like to watch this kind of video?"

Xu Meng responded: "Because many people want to eat, and they will gain weight after eating, but they won't gain weight when they watch it."

There are also people who like the thrill of watching food be destroyed.

As he was talking, a piece of bibimbap was brought up by the waiter.

Within minutes, 30 servings of bibimbap filled the table.

Xu Meng's eyes became serious, "These two guys, don't you know that it's shameful to waste?"

I saw that the two anchors were very happy in front of the camera.

The female anchor said, "Little cuties, we're ready to eat, tonight we're going to challenge 30 servings of bibimbap!"

As he spoke, the two of them each carried a bowl of bibimbap in a stone pot.

"Mine is bibimbap. "

I'm a fat beef bibimbap, friends give gifts!" The

two of them began to eat.

Xu Meng asked Yang Lei to turn on the camera and record this scene.

It didn't take long for the male anchor to finish eating two servings of bibimbap.

The female anchor was even more fierce, pulling and pulling, eating three portions at once, and was about to reach out to the fourth.

"Everyone, look at it, this is my fourth!" At this

time, the female anchor said: "I'll go to the toilet, and I'll wait for me to come back, little cuties." "

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