Considering that a lot of people don't take the importance of this software seriously.

Coupled with the fact that this software occupies very little memory, Xu Meng plans to force all mobile phone users in Binhai to install this software.

for a period of three months.

After three months, users can choose to keep or uninstall.

At that time, even if they want to uninstall it, they will remember this software at the critical moment, and then download and use it as soon as possible, so that the effect of forced installation will also be there.

It's a simple and crude method, but it's also the most effective.

Even if someone calls it rogue software, there will definitely be people who will use it.

When Skynet covers the whole country, the country's public security department will definitely vigorously support Xu Meng's software.

Next, the task of overcoming the protection system of all mobile phone models and forcing the installation is handed over to the two clones.

Now, Xu Meng wants to record a tutorial to make it easy for older people to use this software.

As soon as it was released, more than one million fans of the official account were amazed.

Everyone is supporting Xu Meng and taking the initiative to download this software.

Next, as long as someone uses this software, they catch the traffickers.

Xu Meng can sit back and collect the collapse value of these traffickers.

On a new day, as soon as Xu Meng arrived at the company, he convened a meeting of all employees.

Xu Meng said: "I pushed an official account to the group, you can take a look."

"Okay. "

[Wu Ye Attack 1? What kind of public account is this].

Xu Meng said: "You can click in and have a look."

Li Ran said: "Specialize in rectifying gold worshippers, liars, and scum! Wu Ye attacked, and attacked for justice!" "Good familiar profile?" Zhao Xiaotian said.

Xu Meng continued: "Look at their videos.

Li Ran opened it and saw that there were only seven videos of this official account.

"The gold worshipper abandoned her boyfriend, and the martial master slapped the gold worshipper girl hard!

"The god stick cheated money everywhere, was caught by the martial master, and was beaten directly!" "

The fake beggar pretended to be lame and begged, and the martial master easily saw through it, and beat the fake beggar to his knees and begged for mercy!"

Xu Meng asked: "Do you think the nature of their official account is very similar to ours?"

"Yes, it is indeed very similar." "

It's our imitator!" "

Sure enough, after our official account becomes popular, there will be a lot of followers."

Zhao Xiaotian scratched his head, "It's just a feeling, they seem to be a little different from us, and they can't say how they feel."

Xu Meng said: "Their official account is a bit too angry.

"Yes, yes!" Zhao Xiaotian said excitedly: "I found out, they use violence to solve everything!" An Xiaoxian

also said: "That's right, that's the case, they will beat people until they are subdued." "

Xu Meng does not advocate violence, but uses ingenuity to rectify scum.

And this "martial master", almost every video is to solve things with violence.

What is the difference between this and the black she?

Their original intention is indeed to attack for justice, but in terms of action, they use all kinds of means that transcend the boundaries of the law and counter violence with violence, which is not advisable!"

"Late yesterday, a fan came to me, and he said that his colleague borrowed money from him and never paid him back.

Then he wanted to ask us for help, but he didn't bother us with such a trivial matter.

After a pause, Xu Meng continued: "Then he inadvertently found the official account of T Wuye Attack 1, saying that it was for justice, and there were fewer videos, so he shouldn't be so busy, so he contacted them for help."

Zhao Xiaotian asked anxiously: "What is the result?" "

Originally, the fan's colleague borrowed 5,000 yuan and didn't pay it back for almost a year, and then this guy named Wu Ye took the fan to his colleague's house to ask for debts."

Not to mention smashing the coffee table at someone's house, and slapping the fan's colleague a few times, the fan regretted it at the time, what about the 5,000 yuan?

Xu Meng shook his head and continued: "In the end, the money is going to come back, the coffee table was smashed, and that colleague was scared to pee his pants, and they won't even have to be friends in the future."

Convincingly, that martial master actually wanted to collect 20% of the debt as their hard work, that is, 1,000 yuan.

"Damn! I'm speechless, what kind of person is

this?" Is this helping people to ask for debts? How do you feel like they're bandits! Pay back 20% of the hardship fee? "Did you give the money in the end?"

Xu Meng was also helpless, "I can only give it, there are six or seven of them, and if they don't give it, they have to give it."

The fan also regretted it...... said that he knew that he was looking for us, and compared with it, the nature of Xu Meng's official account is different.

Xu Meng is all free to help and responds to fans' needs.

There are also some fans who take the initiative to pay them, but Xu Meng didn't accept them.

Or invite Xu Meng to a meal to express his gratitude, which is normal.

But it's impossible to talk about charging hard money, they are sure that they are righteous attacks, not mercenaries? Yang Lei asked: "Brother Meng, are we going to do something?"

"Their official account will not live long, and WeChat will regularly deal with illegal videos.

This kind of violent video will be deleted after a while. And if there are too many of them, the official account will be banned. But in any case, they have constituted the fact that violence is countered by violence, and we still have to take care of it.

Xu Meng thought for a moment and continued: "That's it, let's plan."

Xu Meng thought of a request and went to find this person named Wu Ye.

The other party's reply speed was quite fast, and as soon as Xu Meng left a message on the leader's official account, in less than an hour, the other party came to add Xu Meng.

"Hello Master Wu, I'm your fan. "

Well, what's wrong?" "

A classmate of mine borrowed a car from me, but he ran away in an accident, my car was crashed and scrapped, he didn't admit it, I wanted him to pay me some money, he didn't answer the phone, and he didn't reply to WeChat." Xu

Meng planned to use the same thing to see how the other party dealt with it.

Soon, the other party replied: "This is simple! Where are you? We will go with you to find your classmate in the afternoon and help you get the money back, and

then Xu Meng made an appointment with them."

Xu Meng said to Zhao Xiaotian: "Xiaotian, it's your turn to behave."

Zhao Xiaotian said: "Ah, you let me be the classmate who hit your car and scrap it?" What if they beat me?" Zhao Xiaotian was a little scared, and then said: "If they beat me, Brother Meng, you have to protect me

, Next, Xu Meng arranged a daily rental house."

Two o'clock in the afternoon was the time that Xu Meng and Wu Ye had made an appointment.

Xu Meng parked the car in advance, and then walked to the door of a bank.

Just after two o'clock, a van drove up.

A total of seven people got out of the car, and one of them was still holding a video camera.

The seven of them were all dressed in black, and on their backs was a symbol of a flame, on which was written that Wu Ye was attacking with justice!

But the seven men were dressed like this...... I'm afraid I don't want to fight......

The bank was just the place agreed between Xu Meng and them, and those who didn't know thought they were going to rob the bank.

Judging from the eyes of the bank security guard, the security guard said with fear in his heart.

Xu Meng had watched all the videos of their official account beforehand.

There was a middle-aged man in a peaked cap with a tattoo on his neck and sunglasses.

He took a cigarette in his mouth.

Although he is not tall, he looks very dragged.

He is the martial master.

Xu Meng stepped forward and said, "Master Wu

!" "Well, you are our fan, let's go, go directly to your classmates and ask for money!" "Okay, please come with me." Watching

this group of men in black leave, the bank security guard breathed a sigh of relief.

When he came downstairs, several people suddenly surrounded Xu Meng.

Wu Ye took a cigarette in his mouth and asked, "How much do you want your classmates to pay you?" "

After deducting the insurance, I want him to pay 60,000 yuan." Xu Meng responded.

Wu Ye said: "Oh, that's the case, I have something to tell you."

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