Changliu County is located south of Lishui, in the south of Dachu. It is surrounded by four or five counties and counties. It is close to the canal and the land is fertile. The annual harvest is very good, so the people's life is also rich.

This drought, Changliu County is close to the canal, the water supply is sufficient, and the people have replaced the new rice seeds under the leadership of the local officials. Therefore, the impact of the drought on Changliu County is limited. Although everyone has concerns, they have planted Everything was well-received, and everyone was relieved, but unexpectedly the disaster occurred.

The overwhelming locusts flew from afar, landed on the fields and on the grass, and the grass was not left behind. The golden rice was eaten clean by the hungry locusts, leaving only bare stalks standing in the fields. Among them.

A full-fledged aphid or group of people will fly away in the distance, or fall into the field to spawn again.

The farmer who is full of expectation can only cry to the fields where there are no particles left, and the locusts crying. These foods are the only hope for them this year. Now they are eaten up by the locusts, their hopes are gone, and the farmers are sad. Only left alone.

However, the transit locusts have not stopped, and large locusts continue to fly to the surrounding counties. Every time a county is, the crops in the fields are cleaned, leaving only a mess of locusts.

Four or five counties and counties were plagued by disasters, and the local memorials were sent one by one. Chu Fengyuan was still able to deal with it in the future, and the border was once again in a hurry.

In the year of drought, no matter whether it is the Chu people or the foreigners, they can't avoid this disaster. The foreigners who live by the grass are even more so. The foreigners who lack food and clothing are gathered by the Mugla tribes and concentrate their forces on the borders of the Chu. I want to plunder enough food from the big Chu.

Chu Fengyuan summoned several generals to discuss and looked weak. "The old leader of the Mula tribe died, and the second son, Mullah, succeeded. After he succeeded, he launched a war against several tribes. Several tribes also successively When he lost, he was taken over by him and he was honored as king."

This invading border is the command of Murat.

Mullah’s power is not like his father’s shoucheng. He is awkward and ruthless. He is also very ambitious. After he succeeded to the throne, he spurred the emotions of various tribes and integrated all the tribes into one quantity. The huge cavalry, who invaded the mountain, closed the gap and invaded the land of Dachu.

"Zhang Yixing is a general of the army. He is a guardian of the mountain, but he is self-respecting, acting aggressively. He does not listen to dissuasion and then has a foreign strategy. The eight thousand soldiers who have played in the war are half-hearted! If the deputy will block the city in time, he is afraid of even the mountain." Yu Guan can't keep it!"

Chu Fengyuan was furious, "This is my great general!"

"Who can the four thousand soldiers be able to get back?!"

Ling Xiao’s gaze was swept from several people. Except for Chu Xiangtian, the rest of the people were ashamed to bow their heads. The border has been calm for many years. They also followed the pampering and forgot the passion of killing the enemy on the battlefield.

"The ministers are willing to go to battle, to the first level of Murah's strength, to pay homage to the souls of four thousand soldiers!" Chu Xiangtian knees down on one knee, his back is straight, his eyes are firm and he looks at the disappointing Chu Fengyuan.

Chu Fengyuan knew this early, and closed his eyes and patted him on his shoulder. "The war is urgent, you are the sunrise, and the mountain and the military are commanded by you. Zhang Yixing is executed on the spot!"

When he thought of Zhang Yixing, he was very angry. If he was not a great success, the four thousand soldiers would not be sacrificed in vain, and he would not be able to kill him.

Chu Xiangtian nodded his life and got up and walked out.

Among the royal study rooms, Chu Fengyuan turned cold and looked at a few old generals who did not dare to speak. They said coldly: "Several generals are already old, and they are inconvenienced to work hard. In the future, military affairs will be arranged separately. People deal with it, and the generals will take good care of themselves at home."

The words "good rest" are almost one word and one word. These people have a vegetarian meal. They lead the scorpion on weekdays. When they use it, they all shrink back. Instead of keeping their eyes on it, it is better to solve it.

A few people were grateful, don't dare to say anything, they quit the royal study room, wiped the cold sweat of their forehead and left in a hurry.

Chu Xiangtian went out of the palace and then sent horses directly to the camp outside the city. The war was urgent. He couldn’t delay for a moment. He ordered enough soldiers and horses to make a letter to Zhou Chuanqing, and he ordered him to prepare for grain support.

Before leaving, I thought that Fu Wei might still be waiting at home. In a hurry, people took a message and went back, and they took the soldiers and horses to the north to gallop.

When Fu Wei received the message, Chu Xiangtian had already left with someone for a while. Although it was not the first time, he was still awkward when he suddenly heard the news.

After reacting for a moment, I thought about the specific situation of the war.

The little soldier with a message knows that it is also limited. "I heard that the foreigners have been surrounded by mountains and rivers, trying to force the breakthrough of the gate, and the situation is very urgent."

Fu Xin tightened his heart, suppressed the worry in his heart, and gave the rewarding silver to send the soldiers to leave.

On the second day, another news came. Zhou Chuanqing counted the people and sent the grain to the mountain.

The three armed forces did not move grain and grass first. This time the situation was urgent. Instead, Chu Xiangtian took the people first and Zhou Chuanqing fell behind.

When the military troops outside the city rushed to the mountain to pass the mountain, the news of the foreigners invading the big Chu finally spread.

Natural disasters combined with man-made disasters, the people are heart-wrenching, and they don’t even know where the rumors came from, saying that this is a punishment for the day, and that the emperor should sin and plead guilty to the heavens to calm the anger of heaven.

Especially in several counties and counties that have just suffered from disasters, the people looked at the locusts flying outside the house and the fields that had no grain, and they became more and more trustful in such rhetoric.

The rumors of the celestial punishment spread more and more widely, and even some people poured black dog blood on the front door of the bureaucracy in the middle of the night. Local officials did not even dare to go out of their way at any time, for fear that the angry people would start hurting people.

In the hall, some people also urged Chu Fengyuan to open a ancestral temple to pray for blessings. Chu Fengyuan was furious, and the appearance of anger seemed to be more horrible than the king who had the name of killing God.

"Check! Give a check! Someone secretly spreads rumors, confuses the people, and waits for how to find out the source, but encourages rumors! What do you want?"

In the hall, the birds were silent, the panic of silence spread, and the front of the criminal department Shangshu was listed for help. "The ministers are willing to share their grievances and find out the rumors."

Then the assistant minister of the criminal department was also listed, "Current wishes!"

Before the two stood in front of the courtiers, their eyes were firm and they were moving forward.

Chu Fengyuan swept the Manchu martial arts, and his gaze forced the scalp of the minister who prayed for blessings to numb. For a long time, he was cold and cold, "Quasi!"

Qin Lan and Wei Wei were appointed as imperial ministers, holding the royal gold medal, secretly visiting Changliu and other counties, and identifying the source of rumors that spread rumors and confuse the people.

Since it was an unannounced visit, the two were prepared to make a low-key trip. Unexpectedly, they were accidentally found by Fu Wei before leaving.

Fu Hao took two strong men and took his parcel to stop the carriage. He smiled and said: "Does the two take me a ride?"

The defending frown stopped him. "Changliu County is now very chaotic. You can't go." If someone gets out of it and then something goes wrong, Chu Xiangtian can turn over the sky.

Qin Lan knows a little, "I heard that Hou Ye entered the palace yesterday?"

Fu Hao nodded. As today's disaster and man-made disasters, Chu Xiangtian went to the battlefield to kill the enemy. He didn't want to take refuge only at home, he thought about doing his part for the people.

He had some thoughts on the disasters in Changliu County and the surrounding counties. He went to the palace and offered to go to Changliu County to help the disaster.

Chu Fengyuan thought for a long time before agreeing to his request. For safety, he also sent two guards to protect him.

Defending the two guards behind him, he waved his hand. "Let's go, don't know if you are coming, the carriage is a bit small, we squeeze."

The two guards rode to the side and the three men got on the carriage and slowly went to Changliu County.

The three of them were not idle on the carriage, but they rummaged through some news from Changliu County.

After the outbreak of the disaster in Changliu County, although the government has quickly carried out disaster relief, the outside locusts are overwhelming, and the out-of-the-box is tightly packed, and the farmland is destroyed. Many people are disheartened, and the local county has been afflicted. Several announcements encouraged the people to participate in the catching of locusts, and the results were not very good.

Later, I didn't know where the **** came from, and prayed for the people in Buddhism. These monks tried to pray for the altar at first. The porridge meal relieved the victims, and the county saw that they were indeed helping the victims, so they did not stop.

But for a long time, I found that this group of monks is getting more and more wrong. The rumors of the celestial punishment were first circulated from the victims of the relief. The victims even brought this group of monks into a living Buddha to save the lives. Even if the family has not been able to open the pot, they must donate only the remaining rice and food. Living Buddha" 攒 merit, let them pray, let the disaster go earlier.

Qin Lan put away the letters in his hand and said coldly: "Stupid!"

Wei Wei sighed, "The natural disasters and man-made disasters are in parallel. These people always want to find a sustenance to go on, and they will be swayed by this group of evils. In the letter, these monks should have in Changliu County. There must be a foundation, we should not be in front of the conflict, Changliu County also has Fu Jiami shop, when we first go to the rice shop, and then other."

Both of them had no objection and accelerated their speed to rush to Changliu County.

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