"Surveillance is becoming more common! We must make surveillance more common in the future!"

The middle-aged policeman who was checking the surveillance was a little anxious at the moment.

Although this concept has been proposed for a long time, around 14 years ago, many vendors kept a distance from such digital products and would not install them if they could.

Especially at night, the surveillance screen was pitch black and nothing could be seen clearly.

It was simply embarrassing to find traces of a little girl in it.

The news from the police who were out searching was not optimistic either.

Almost all possible places within a radius of five kilometers around the fruit store had been searched.

It was impossible for a little girl of four or five years old to walk further.

If she was tired and injured, she would be discovered if she cried.

The current situation seemed to be developing towards the worst little by little.

Everyone seemed a little impatient, and everyone was worried because of their concerns.

I don't know when Lin Yiqing's hand was on Gu Zhe's arm.

It seemed that this would give her some peace of mind and comfort.

The child's grandmother's body could no longer support her, and she almost fainted while searching outside.

Xu Yan, who had not eaten dinner, also began to show symptoms of hypoglycemia and could only rest for a while.

But how could they sit still now?

At this moment, Gu Zhe felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

He was a reborn person, and these days, he had been living a life like a simple difficulty dungeon with top-end equipment.

It seemed that as long as he took out something beyond the times, he could easily reach the limit of his current technical capabilities.

But facing this powerless situation, Gu Zhe once again felt his insignificance.

It was almost ten o'clock in the evening.

The hope that Xu Yan and her mother had originally ignited once again dissipated bit by bit.

The despair after the hope cooled down bit by bit made them feel suffocated and painful.

After the psychological defense line completely collapsed, the mother and daughter couldn't help but burst into tears.

Sadness turned into a river.

Several experienced policemen also began to talk behind Xu Yan's back. They looked serious and had obviously realized that the situation was gradually becoming uncontrollable.

Even if Xiao Yuanyuan might have lost herself at first, how far could a child of that age run?

A five-kilometer carpet search plus the clues found by netizens still yielded no results.

No one could guarantee whether there had been any new changes during the hours of disappearance.

The irritated policeman lit a cigarette, making the already crowded room even more oppressive.

Gu Zhe noticed Lin Nuo'er's frown next to him, gently pulled her and said, "Let's go out for some fresh air."

Lin Nuo'er glanced at Xu Yan, who was sitting in the corner crying silently, and couldn't bear to look at her any more, so she nodded.

The air outside suddenly became much cooler and cleaner.

Gu Zhe's originally muddled mind became clearer.

Without surveillance, there was no way to locate, and without a general direction, the possibility of error could not be ruled out.

Such a search is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

If only there was a positioning system like in the following years.

In his previous life, Gu Zhe participated in a very important project, which was the development of a new satellite navigation system.


Just when Gu Zhe was in a daze, a fragrance came from beside him.

He tilted his head and saw Lin Nuoer holding a large bag of food. She also opened a sandwich for him and put it to his mouth.

"Eat something! You've been busy all day. You should have gone to dinner in the evening, but you didn't eat."

Gu Zhe did not refuse. He took the sandwich from Lin Nuoer and ate it heartily.

He was indeed hungry now.

Since he started to exercise, his appetite has become better and better.

Although Lin Nuoer looks carefree on the outside, she is more considerate and meticulous than anyone else.

Looking at Gu Zhe eating with big mouthfuls, Lin Nuoer's face also showed a rare sense of ease.

"Eat slowly, there's more if you don't have enough."

Lin Nuoer took two more sandwiches and placed them next to Gu Zhe, and left him a bottle of drink, saying, "I'll send the rest to Sister Xu and the others. The police have been busy all night and haven't eaten."

Gu Zhe nodded, and while eating, he checked the post about Yuanyuan's disappearance on his mobile phone.

This post has become the most popular post in Jiangzhou, and the replies below have reached 999 plus early.

It's a pity that most people are praying and making some unrealistic guesses without much practical significance.There are not many useful clues, but none at all.

Gu Zhe sighed helplessly.

These netizens are indeed kind-hearted, but these groundless and messy imaginations can't really provide any practical help except to move themselves.

In desperation, Gu Zhe swiped the message back to the top photo.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, Gu Zhe suddenly got up from the curb.

"No, isn't this a phone watch? Why don't you try to pity her?"

At this time, Lin Nuoer, who had delivered supplies inside, came out with a sandwich. When she heard Gu Zhe's words, she looked confused.

"What do you mean by contacting her? What phone? Yuanyuan is so young, of course she doesn't have her own phone!"

Gu Zhe didn't react until he heard Lin Nuoer's words.

Phone watches, this kind of thing, entered the domestic market at least three years later, and gradually became popular among children five years later.

The one Yuanyuan was wearing in the photo should be just an ordinary electronic watch.

Apart from the fact that the appearance is similar to the phone watch a few years later, there is probably no connection.

"Did you find anything?"

Lin Nuo'er didn't have any temper or problems of a young lady. Like Gu Zhe, she sat down on the curb, and her whole body was completely next to Gu Zhe.

Looking at the photo on the post, Gu Zhe still didn't give up.

Yuanyuan in the photo was wearing a sportswear, and the background was a large lawn. It should be taken when Xu Yan took her out to play.

Even if there is a one in ten thousand chance, you should try it.

"Nuo'er, this photo is the one with the watch. Do you have a clearer photo?"

Lin Nuo'er saw that Gu Zhe looked serious. She didn't eat a bite of the sandwich she had just opened. She put it aside and took out her mobile phone to search.

"Wait a minute!"

"Look, this is it!"

Lin Nuo'er flipped out the clear original picture from her mobile phone and showed it to Gu Zhe.

Gu Zhe enlarged the photo and focused all his attention on the watch.

Maybe the breaking point is right here!

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