He Wanqin watched the father and daughter's actions from the side, and couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

It was just a simple wish, but it was so difficult for them to realize it.

Fortunately, it seems that young people have a natural advantage in operating electronic products. After the little girl helped them get started, the father and daughter successfully selected the tickets on the self-service ticket machine.

However, this father who was born as a worker was not Gu Zhe after all. He couldn't understand the electronic payment. He could only take out the banknotes from his pocket and put them in the cash register of the machine. After a lot of trouble, although he was in a hurry, he also completed the ticket purchase process.

Looking at the three big words "Ticket Issuing" flashing on the ticket machine, the old father breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and looked relieved.

Finally, he bought the ticket. He was not a father who didn't keep his word. He still did what he promised his daughter.

However, on the screen of the self-service ticket machine, a glaring line of "Ticket Issuing Failed" suddenly flashed.

Then, the machine bounced back to the initial interface, as if the father and daughter's operation just now was all in vain.

The man was obviously stunned for a moment, and took a few steps forward in disbelief. He pressed several buttons in succession, but the machine did not respond at all.

Not only did he fail to issue a ticket, but he also swallowed up dozens of his dollars.

The man was a little anxious, and he stepped forward and slapped the machine continuously, hoping that the machine would spit out what he wanted.

But no matter how hard he tried, the self-service ticket machine looked as stable as Mount Tai, and it was so cold that it made people feel chilled.

"What's going on! Wasn't it already issuing tickets just now? Where is this ticket? Where did the ticket go!"

The man's actions immediately attracted the attention of the staff. The staff with the tag hurried over, pulled the man away from the machine, and said with disgust: "What are you doing? If you can't afford the ticket, you can't afford the ticket. Why are you going crazy at the machine here!"

The man couldn't calm down when he heard this.

"What are you talking about? Who can't afford the ticket? I just asked you how to use this thing, but you ignored me. Now I've paid for it myself, and it doesn't give me the ticket. Is it my problem?"

The man with the tag glanced at the man with disdain, took a step back calmly, and said, "What a mess you are talking about. If you want to make trouble, it will be a big deal!"

The man with the tag picked up the intercom on his waist and said seriously, "Ticket machine, ticket machine, someone is making trouble here, manager and security, come over."

The man with the tag's action aroused the self-esteem of the father.

"Okay, call your boss! Let him judge! I don't believe that there is any business in this world that is not a one-handed payment and one-handed delivery!"

The two people's dispute became louder and louder, and soon, other guests in the hall were also attracted.

Things are really going to get out of hand.

At this time, Gu Zhe, who had just bought popcorn and Coke, came over with two buckets, looking confused.

"What's going on?"

He Wanqin and Gu Zhe briefly explained the situation.

Gu Zhe is not a person with a heart full of saints. Such things happen countless times every day in this world.

He is not a judge of justice. He just wants to take care of the people around him.

"Let's go. The movie is about to start. There are surveillance cameras here. Good people will not be wronged."

As he said that, Gu Zhe waved to He Wanqin and wanted to take her to the ticket gate.

However, what surprised Gu Zhe was that this gentle little girl seemed to have her feet fixed on the ground at this moment. No matter how Gu Zhe invited her, she was unwilling to move a step.

Gu Zhe tilted his head in confusion, looking at He Wanqin's worried expression, feeling a little helpless.

There is really nothing he can do with this little girl.

Soon, the people who were shaking the tag man also arrived.

A man in a suit and glasses who looked gentle and polite first went to the man with the tag to learn about the situation. Two burly security guards cautiously surrounded the man and his daughter next to the ticket machine.

The little girl was obviously a little scared at this time. She clung to her father's thigh and looked around cautiously.

In the crowd, people who didn't know the truth began to point fingers.

"That man doesn't look like a rich man. He probably wanted to watch a movie for free, but he didn't get it, so he got angry?"

"It's really embarrassing, and he brought a child with him! It's just a few dozen yuan of tickets. If you look down on it, just look down on it! Is it necessary to do such a thing?"

Harsh words hurt people in June.

Such seemingly costless and subjective words will cause people who are in them to have no impact.Unimaginable harm.

The little girl suddenly burst out: "My dad paid! I saw him put the money into the machine, but the machine didn't give us the ticket. My dad didn't do anything wrong! You can't say that to him!"

The little girl's words caught the manager's attention.

He pushed his glasses and walked towards the father and daughter with a frown.

"So, the machine is broken?"

The tag man next to him said quickly: "Impossible! How much money did this machine cost to import from a big city? How could it be so easy to have problems? Besides, just before them, I saw a young man using this machine to buy tickets. Why is it okay for others to use it, but it doesn't work when they use it?"

The manager waved his hand and signaled the tag man to be quiet first.

"You'll know if the machine is broken or not after trying it."

The manager walked to the machine, thought for a while, and compared it with his mobile phone to find a less popular and unpopular movie.

The movie was about to start in a few minutes, but the seats were almost all empty.

The manager randomly chose a seat, paid out of his own pocket, and completed the ticket purchase by cash according to the process the man had just followed.

When the manager put in the cash, the words on the screen of the self-service ticket machine changed to "issuing tickets".

The man's eyes lit up, and he pointed at the ticket machine and shouted: "Yes, that's what happened just now. We just put the money in, and it showed this thing, but after a while, it turned into a ticket failure. You will know later, look at it..."

However, things did not go in the direction the man expected.

After "issuing tickets" flashed for a while, the machine made a sound of printing, and a freshly baked movie ticket just fell out of the ticket outlet.

Like a fallen leaf in autumn, fluttering, it was the bleakness and loneliness that belonged only to the father and daughter.

"How could this happen?"

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