Gu Zhe took over the scattered pieces of paper and frowned slightly.

Logically speaking, at Tian Chengze's level, all the documents he had reviewed must have been mounted and sealed.

Scattered documents like this are obviously special.

Tian Chengze did not want others to see these pieces of data, and he might not even have asked his clerical staff to sort them out.

Seeing the data on the file, Gu Zhe's evaluation was.

Unexpected, but reasonable.

Judging from the data on the file, China is currently lagging behind in both hardware and software in the smartphone sector.

Including the communication track that Zhongxing was most proud of before, it has also fallen into trouble after encountering the "neck" of several core technologies.

Although orders are still pouring into Zhongxing Group, the quality of the products produced is no longer the same as before, and the systems and algorithms that can be used are becoming less and less.

The situation is even worse than Gu Zhe expected.

If this situation continues, Zhongxing Group's market share will only shrink year after year.

But some situations are not formed overnight.

Gu Zhe still remembers that at the beginning, Zhongxing and another Danzhu Group had highly overlapping industries, and the two companies have always been in a state of moving forward in parallel.

The only difference is that Danzhu Group attaches great importance to the research and development of independent products, and has also pioneered the development of Hongyu System, which has firmly consolidated its position in the smartphone market and the communications market.

After Zhongxing Group encountered the impact of overseas bottleneck strategies, due to the lack of core technology and core competitiveness, it has gradually become a "miscellaneous brand" in the market, which is also regrettable.

Of course, judging from the data that Tian Chengze showed to Gu Zhe, it can only be said that Zhongxing Group's road has been narrowed little by little.

If you are not resolute in execution, you will be determined not to execute.

In order to develop a new system, Danzhu Company has invested more than 10 billion.

However, the funding that Zhongxing Group gives to the R&D department every year only accounts for a very small part. Relying on this little funding, it is like a foolish dream to catch up with the gap of more than ten years with overseas.

At that moment, Gu Zhe seemed to suddenly understand the sadness in Tian Chengze's eyes.

He knew that if Zhongxing Group continued to follow this strategy, it was destined to be a road of no return.

But relying on himself alone, he could not change anything at all.

The torrent of the times rolled away, and he could only shout unwillingly under the wheels of the train to increase the friction of this train that did not stop for anyone.

Gu Zhe silently sorted out the data and put it back in front of Tian Chengze.

"Mr. Tian, ​​we must admit that there are many gaps. These gaps are not formed overnight. If we want to catch up, we must at least pay a generation of youth and decades of hard work."

"I understand."

Tian Chengze sighed deeply.

"It's just a pity that we don't have that much time now."

Tian Chengze seemed to want to say something, but swallowed it back.

Perhaps he himself didn't have that much time.

"Mr. Tian, ​​for some things, we just have to do our best. The general trend is irreversible and we can't change it."

Gu Zhe said softly.

Tian Chengze smiled bitterly.

"Mr. Gu, I understand what you said."

"I just can't accept that Zhongxing Group, such a big enterprise, is going to be handed over to those foreign devils after our group of old brothers have worked hard bit by bit."

"If we let Danzhu go down, then I will accept it. If our compatriots do better than us and do better than us, then we will admit defeat."

"I really can't accept that we are being strangled by those foreign devils and the technology is being strangled, and the market is going to be occupied by those shitty Apple phones!"

Tian Chengze's face was almost distorted.

The older the generation, the stronger the patriotic sentiment.

Although it is a peaceful era, wars are always going on.

Tian Chengze has been fighting with those Americans in the business world for so long, but he has to watch the market gradually being swallowed up by those fruit phones, occupying the mountains and plains of young people.

Tian Chengze felt heartbroken and suffocated.

Gu Zhe added tea to Tian Chengze and comforted him softly: "Mr. Tian, ​​some things cannot be done with so-called patriotic enthusiasm. Other people's products are leading in all aspects, and they have several years of advantages in technology."

"We can only catch up little by little."

Tian Chengze picked up the tea and drank it up like drinking white wine, and suddenly a bleak smile appeared on his face.

"Brother Gu, do you know? The senior management and the grandsons in the sales department said that I was overly obsessed withBelieve in technology!"

"Overly superstitious about technology! Isn't this nonsense!"

"I'm a technologist. The core of our Zhongxing Group is technology. If I don't believe in technology, what else can I believe in?"

"In the past ten years, they have taken over part of the market by relying on information asymmetry, dimensionality reduction, and the dividends of economic globalization, but now the times have changed!"

"Without technology, you are destined to be eliminated! "

As he spoke, Tian Chengze became more and more excited, and his eyes began to turn red.

Tian Chengze's true feelings also infected Gu Zhe.

When those foreign devils, those American grandsons, used the excuse of sanctions to start a trade war, Gu Zhe really felt disgusted.

When the Danzhu Group fired the first shot of resistance in the future, how many people felt proud.

We can also master our own core technology.

We will also have our own system, our own chips, our own high-end mobile phones, and our own GPS positioning system.

But, that's all in the future.

All It is said that quantitative change leads to qualitative change, but history will only remember great nodes, and every tiny individual who works hard to promote this node can only be silently frustrated with endless regrets.

Looking at Tian Chengze, who seemed to be drunk even though he did not drink, Gu Zhe's heart suddenly surged with a crazy idea that made him feel crazy.

Do we really have to give the market in the past few years to foreigners?

Is there any way to change or try to stop all this?

Maybe, he, Gu Zhe, can really do it!

"Mr. Tian, ​​technology can no longer save Zhongxing Group now."

Tian Chengze raised his head and looked at Gu Zhe in a daze.

"Mr. Gu, what did you say just now?"

Gu Zhe took a deep breath and said to Tian Chengze word by word:

"Mr. Tian, ​​Zhongxing Group is about to hit an iceberg. And this iceberg is only seen by very few lookouts like you."

"Lookouts can't save this ship."

"But the captain can! ”

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