It is said that sincerity is the only killer move.

However, Zhao Si's sincerity did not seem to satisfy Chen Guangxue, but made him look pale.

"Student, please say it again. What is Gu Zhe busy with?"

Zhao Si touched his nose awkwardly and said with a lack of confidence: "Professor Chen, Gu Zhe is preparing to apply for a patent."

If Zhao Si's answer made many students doubt their ears the first time, this time, it was exchanged for a burst of laughter.

In the whole classroom, Duan Mingdong laughed the loudest, and he even clapped his hands on the table.

Not far from him, Song Yihan, who was sitting with his roommates, suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Because in the minds of many students, Gu Zhe and Song Yihan are still a pair tied together.

Even if they had some conflicts before, the inherent impression is not so easy to eliminate.

When Gu Zhe was mentioned, many students' eyes fell on Song Yihan.

"Hahaha, this Gu Zhe is really interesting! Why not find a decent excuse!"

"What patent application? I think he just had a fight with his girlfriend and was hurt!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, he is really a romantic guy, but boys like him are generally not promising, no wonder Song Yihan doesn't like him."

Several people talked about Gu Zhe behind Song Yihan, and their words were very aggressive.

However, Song Yihan seemed to have heard nothing at this moment, and did not react at all.

Humph, who let you, Gu Zhe, brag and make me, Song Yihan, embarrassed with you!

I won't defend you!

In fact, even if there was no today's incident, when she and Gu Zhe had not broken up, she would probably not defend Gu Zhe in this situation.

After all, Duan Mingdong often said bad things about Gu Zhe in front of Song Yihan, and Song Yihan had gotten used to it.

It seemed that in her heart, it was natural for Gu Zhe to be pointed at and belittled.

"Hey, don't dare to say that! Even if Gu Zhe is not good, he is still the best in our major! He is much better than that bastard Duan Mingdong!"

"Indeed, if you ask me, Gu Zhe is a real man after all! That Duan Mingdong is at most a hermaphrodite!"

Hearing this, Song Yihan, who was calm just now, suddenly couldn't sit still. She turned around and said angrily to the boys who were talking about it: "What do you mean?"

"What's your quality to talk about your classmates behind their backs?"

Seeing that Song Yihan was really angry, the boys looked at each other and shut up tactfully.

Several of Song Yihan's roommates sitting next to her exchanged a knowing look and sighed in their hearts.

Unlike Shu Ya and others, they were in the same major and college as Gu Zhe, and they took many classes together, so they had a lot of contact on weekdays.

They also saw how Gu Zhe treated Song Yihan in the past year.

It is no exaggeration to say that he worked hard and was a slave.

If they were given a boy like this who had good character, good looks, good abilities, and was good to his girlfriend, they would wake up laughing in their dreams.

But the person in charge was confused, and the bystander was clear.

Their roommate Song Yihan seemed to have no idea what kind of treasure she had.

Clap, clap.

Chen Guangxue took the blackboard eraser and knocked on the podium a few times like a gavel.

"Student, go back and tell Gu Zhe."

"Next class, he must bring the patent he prepared to show me."

"If he wants to apply for a patent, I will certainly support him and provide some convenience and help."

Chen Guangxue paused, his tone was filled with uncontrollable anger.

"But if he is just talking nonsense. This frivolous attitude towards academics and perfunctory approach to teachers are extremely bad! It must be reported to the college and even the school!"

"Go to class!"

The students in the classroom were all a little terrified.

Even if they were a group of students with little brains, they could hear that Chen Guangxue seemed to have an attitude of support and coexistence, but that was just a retreat to maintain the professor's demeanor.

Everyone could see that Chen Guangxue was very angry at the moment!

It is true that a sophomore student can only rely on copying or seniors to do his own projects, and he also applied for a patent.

Isn't this treating the teacher as a fool?

The two classes with suffocating air finally passed.

After class, many students passing by still secretly watchedwhispering to Song Yihan.

How could Song Yihan's roommates not understand what these people were thinking.

One roommate couldn't help it and said to Song Yihan: "Hanhan, do you want to care about Gu Zhe a little?"

Song Yihan packed up his books expressionlessly and said indifferently: "Why should I care about him? He is willing to degenerate, what can others do to him?"

Another roommate couldn't help but advise: "But, Hanhan, you should know that Gu Zhe must be too sad because of you. Think about it, he is so sad that he doesn't even attend classes and doesn't even make up lies!"

"Yes, Hanhan. Gu Zhe was so good to you before, and we all saw how much he liked you!"

Song Yihan's face was still as cold as ice, but her heart was already full of joy.

Sure enough, Gu Zhe couldn't do without her.

He even took the initiative to break up with me.

What right do you have, Gu Zhe?

I, Song Yihan, still go to get out of class, eat, and sleep normally.

What about you, Gu Zhe?

I'm afraid he's too sad to eat or drink!

"Hanhan, actually, Gu Zhe is a pretty good guy. We don't want to see you really miss him."

"Yes, Hanhan, and you forgot the anniversary at the beginning, and he fainted in the rain. He must be angry! If his studies were abandoned because of this, wouldn't his life be ruined!"

Gu Zhe even gave up his studies for her?

Thinking of this, Song Yihan didn't feel guilty at all, but instead had an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

This is probably similar to the mentality of some girls who insist that their boyfriends choose between their careers and hers, their hobbies and hers, their brothers and hers, and even their mothers and hers.

It doesn't matter how much their other half has done for them, but how much they give up for them can really make them happy.

Under the persuasion of her roommates, Song Yihan raised her chin high and said reluctantly: "Since you all advise me so, then I will go and care about him!"

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