Song Yihan's eyes widened, and she was a little dumbfounded.

This had been brewing for a long time, and the result was... just this?

Two pairs of men and women quarreled in the cafeteria, and three of them were quite good-looking. It can be said that the focus has been full.

Many eyes were cast in this direction.

Everyone came to the milk tea shop to catch up with the excitement, but they didn't expect that they could have melons to eat while drinking milk tea.

Song Yihan sorted out her thoughts.

She was angry, but she hadn't completely lost her mind.

She felt more strange and unfamiliar with Gu Zhe.

You know, Gu Zhe in the past would never treat her like this.

It's only been a few days, and Gu Zhe is like a different person. There is no doubt that the variable is in one person.

Lin Nuoer.

Song Yihan brewed her emotions and pretended to be a victim.

"Gu Zhe, what do you think of me? If there is any problem in our relationship, we can just solve it by ourselves."

"Why did you drag her into this? Do you think you will feel happy if you watch her attack me and hurt me?"

Good tea, good tea.

Unfortunately, Gu Zhe has long since stopped buying this.

"Song Yihan, I don't want to waste any more time. I'll only tell you one last time."

"We're over. You're single, and I'm single too. You can't control my affairs."

Gu Zhe's cold attitude made Song Yihan a little defensive.

"Okay, Gu Zhe, I can't control your affairs, so why should she control your affairs?"

Song Yihan's questioning made Lin Nuoer's mind move in a flash.

"Because I'm Gu Zhe's good brother!"


I can't count how many times Song Yihan has been shocked today.

Lin Nuoer raised her fist very naturally and bumped fists with Gu Zhe.

"Gu Zhe and I have known each other for much longer than you do. We are good brothers, and I will definitely take care of the brothers' affairs!"

"You bullied my brother, so I will definitely stand up for him!"

At this moment, Lin Nuoer felt that she was simply a genius.

Not only did she resolve Song Yihan's questioning, but she also had an identity that allowed her to get along with Gu Zhe very naturally.

At this moment, Gu Zhe was somewhat speechless.

Lin Nuoer, Lin Nuoer, you are really a genius.

After all the twists and turns, we are brothers again, right?

Looking at the interaction between Gu Zhe and Lin Nuoer, Song Yihan was so anxious that he jumped up and down.

"No, how can a boy and a girl be brothers? There is something wrong between you!"

Lin Nuoer spread her hands: "You are so interesting, aren't you and Duan Mingdong still best friends?"

"He is your male best friend, and I am Gu Zhe's female brother. You can accept male best friends, but why can't female brothers exist?"

Song Yihan's mouth twitched, and her expression management was almost out of control.

She could no longer maintain that pitiful look.

"Male best friends, there are many male best friends! Many people have male best friends, but why have I never heard of the term female brothers?"

Song Yihan knew that she was making a specious argument, but she still couldn't accept it. Lin Nuoer just appeared beside Gu Zhe naturally.

The last struggle.

Gu Zhe touched his chin: "You mean, male besties exist, but female friends don't, right?"

"That's right!"

Gu Zhe looked at Lin Nuoer with a smile: "Okay, from today on, I'm your male bestie."

Song Yihan's CPU was about to burn out.

She didn't even know how she got back to the dormitory that day.

It wasn't until Duan Mingdong carefully handed the milk tea to Song Yihan downstairs of the girls' dormitory that the cold touch of the iced milk tea brought Song Yihan back to her senses. She finally realized that she had completely lost today.

Or, in other words, she could win every time in the past, just because she relied on Gu Zhe's love and was fearless.

What makes you shine is not how many good qualities you have, but my special love and exceptional tolerance.

Once this love fades, the real you is just a dull and ordinary person.

"Hanhan, drink milk tea. We've been waiting in line for a long time."

Duan Mingdong knew that he had been too cowardly just now, so he bought milk tea to show his goodwill to Song Yihan.

However, at this moment, how could Song Yihan be in the mood for milk tea?

Duan Mingdong stuffed the milk tea into Song Yihan's hands several times in a row, but Song Yihan didn't take it.

In the end, the two of them didn't pay attention and didn't hold it firmly, and the milk tea fell directly to the ground.

ThenThe quality of the milk tea packaging at that time was very ordinary. It splashed all over the ground when it fell.

The sticky milk tea spilled on Song Yihan's pantyhose and small leather shoes. The wet and cold feeling completely became the last straw that broke Song Yihan's heart.

Song Yihan couldn't bear it any more.

"No, what's the use of you! You can't be relied on at critical moments. You can only say some good words without doing anything. You dare not make decisions and hide behind when doing things! Sometimes I really don't understand whether you are a man or not!"

Song Yihan's anger and negative emotions are basically borne by Gu Zhe on weekdays.

When Duan Mingdong "appeared", he was almost always eating, drinking and having fun with Song Yihan.

Now that Gu Zhe is not with Song Yihan, Song Yihan realized that this so-called male bestie seemed to be a guy who could only share the good times but not the bad times.

When he really needed to do something, he would just hide behind and find those ridiculous excuses.

"Hanhan, I didn't mean it, Hanhan, Hanhan!"

Song Yihan ignored Duan Mingdong and turned to walk straight into the girls' dormitory.

Duan Mingdong looked at Song Yihan's back and gradually clenched his fists.

Gu Zhe.

Now Gu Zhe has got his handle on him in some way.

Now they are only sophomores and in the same college.

In the future, they will see each other every day. He is afraid that he will always live in Gu Zhe's shadow.

Including today, Duan Mingdong never felt that it was his cowardice and cowardice that made Song Yihan have an opinion of him.

All the faults are on Gu Zhe!

He doesn't have the courage to fight head-on, and he is afraid of pain and injury in a one-on-one fight.

He can't compete with her in terms of real skills and abilities, and his character and private life are a mess.

There is always a part of social garbage like scum, who can't improve themselves, and can't stand others being better than themselves.

So for them, there is only one way to go.

Duan Mingdong took out his phone, looked through the address book, and found a person with the note "Brother Qiang".

I must think of a way to ruin this guy's reputation!

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