"Okay, then, classmates, I'll start."

"The system I'm showing is called the information-based cinema management system."

As soon as Gu Zhe finished speaking, Duan Mingdong really started to tear down the stage.

"That's it? That's it?"

"During our freshman programming week, we made a library management system. How advanced can your cinema system be?"

Gu Zhe smiled: "The library management system you mentioned is essentially a book management system, which is just a small branch in a huge program."

"If you want to manage the entire library in an orderly manner with a castrated algorithm that simply manages books."

"Then I think you may not even understand the purpose of this program."

"In that case, I'm very curious..."

"Student Duan Mingdong, how did you complete your programming last year?"

Duan Mingdong felt a chill on his back and glanced at Chen Guangxue next to him with a guilty look.

Chen Guangxue put his hands behind his back and said calmly: "Duan Mingdong, right? After class, come to my office and tell me about your programming homework from last year."

Duan Mingdong: Completely crazy.

He was a little numb.

The topics for programming week every year are basically the same.

He didn't know how to write any algorithms. He asked his seniors from last year to buy homework and made some minor modifications. Song Yihan asked Gu Zhe to help him do it.

He was probably tired of the code and could only shed tears.

Lin Nuoer in the back row of the classroom chuckled.

"Look at Duan Mingdong! His homework was obviously not written by himself!"

"He still went to encourage Gu Zhe! In the end, he just shot himself in the foot!"

Shu Ya lifted her hair, looking interested.

"Informationized cinema management system... sounds very impressive! I wonder if it is just a name."

"Not really!"

Lin Nuoer said unconvinced.

"Xiao Zhezi has liked tinkering with computers since he was a child. When others were still staying up late to gain experience, he could already write plug-ins by himself!"

Shu Ya laughed out loud.

"That only shows that this kid has been a bad boy since he was a child and has always taken advantage of loopholes."

Lin Nuoer glared at Shu Ya. She knew that she could not beat this good friend in terms of talking skills.

She said bad things about Xiao Zhezi every day.

Wait until you return to the dormitory at night and see how I will deal with you!

Of course, Shu Ya was just teasing.

There are many people who can use plug-ins, but those who can write plug-ins by themselves should not think that they can only write plug-ins.

"Okay, Gu Zhe, go on and show us the functions of this system."

Gu Zhe tapped the keyboard and talked freely.

Simply put, the current cinemas still use the traditional ordering mode similar to that of restaurants.

If the audience wants to watch a movie, they must go to the cinema offline, look up, carefully read the schedule of the day, and then line up in a long queue to find a salesperson to buy the corresponding ticket.

If you want to buy popcorn, drinks, etc., the process will be even longer.

After watching a movie, it is often less than two hours, but people go back and forth in the cinema for three or four hours.

In addition, due to excessive reliance on manpower, a large number of people often gather in the hall, and the flow of people is very blocked, which further affects the experience.

In addition, once the peak season comes, the number of moviegoers increases, which will inevitably lead to a shortage of manpower.

It is inevitable that staff will make mistakes and various confusions will occur, which are common.

In addition to ticket sales and ticket checking, another problem that many cinemas had at that time was the scheduling problem.

Scheduling is subject to various issues such as film requirements, audience feedback, show times, viewing hall size, time, etc., and is the top priority of the cinema.

It can be said that the business of a cinema is greatly affected by the film schedule.

The reason why we can see the film schedule a few days later is that the current film schedule is almost all completed by computer algorithms after precise calculations.

In essence, this kind of film schedule does not have much technical content, but it is very complicated. To find the optimal solution, too many calculations must be made.

And it happens that the thing that computers are least afraid of is calculation.

Although Gu Zhe's program is not perfect in many places, it has also realized some basic functions.

The most important thing is that this advanced vision has been fully reflected.

After showing the general purpose, Gu Zhe added a summary:

"Nowadays, algorithmsThere are more and more things that can be done with programs. This is the power of science and technology, and also the power of human wisdom. "

"The most important thing about the development of science and technology is to promote and liberate productivity. The original tedious and labor-consuming tasks are handed over to algorithms that will not make mistakes or get tired. The liberated people can devote themselves to more creative and valuable production and life. This is the meaning of the existence of programs. "

After that, the classroom was silent for a long time.

Even though most people, as students, have limited vision, they can see that what Gu Zhe has done seems to be ahead of the times.

And this kind of advancement is not the exaggerated and unrealistic advancement from a carriage to a rocket in one step, but everyone feels that although they cannot achieve it for the time being, they can get it by jumping and squinting their eyes.

In other words, these ideas of Gu Zhe are highly feasible!

And part of it has been realized!

Programs can really change the ecological model of an industry, change the composition of productivity, and even change the whole world!

Pa pa pa.

The first person to applaud Gu Zhe was Chen Guangxue, who had a blank face.

At this moment, his appreciation or satisfaction for Gu Zhe was no longer just a shock.

It seemed that at this moment, what was behind Gu Zhe was not just multimedia, but an era.

And the medium connecting the old era and the new era was the confident young man in front of him.

This, his student!

"Xiao Zhezi, so awesome! "

After Chen Guangxue expressed his opinion, Lin Nuoer finally couldn't hold it back anymore and shouted loudly to promote Gu Zhe in the back of the classroom.

Hearing this familiar voice, Gu Zhe and Song Yihan turned their heads almost at the same time and looked at the two girls sitting in the back of the classroom in surprise.

Gu Zhe's mouth was full of smiles, and he waved to Lin Nuoer, who also responded to Gu Zhe excitedly.

Song Yihan, who saw this scene, silently clenched his fists under the table.

If it was before, the first person that Gu Zhe thought of at this moment of success must be himself.

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