In 2014, in the second leg of the Champions League semi-finals, Real Madrid challenged Bayern Munich away.

At this time, the first leg of the semi-finals had ended, and Real Madrid and Bayern tied at 1:1 at the Bernabeu Stadium. The two sides played back and forth, and it was very tense.

Generally speaking, in football matches, playing at home will have some advantages.

At that time, the Champions League had not yet been reformed, and away goals were as precious as gold.

Gu Zhe clearly remembered that before the second leg, most of the public opinion was relatively more optimistic about Bayern.

In the eyes of most media and fans, even if Real Madrid finally won by relying on the players' personal abilities, it would most likely be a miserable victory.

"Excuse me."

Gu Zhe squeezed past several middle-aged men, took a look at the odds on the screen full of ripples, and knew what was going on.

Judging from the current odds, the handicap is also more inclined to Bayern's victory.

Gu Zhe came to the boss with great confidence to place an order.

"What to buy?"

Seeing someone coming to buy a ball, several men also quieted down and wanted to make a reference.

"Away win. Away win by more than three goals."

Hearing Gu Zhe's bet, several people suddenly became nervous.

"No, young man, you are too crazy, right?"

"Yes! Even in the away game, Real Madrid's defense line will not lose four goals!"

"Looking at the Champions League knockout stage, this kind of score difference is extremely rare. Not to mention, this is a semi-final where both sides will be cautious!"

A middle-aged man in a casual suit who had not participated in the discussion before and just listened silently suddenly spoke.

"Did you hear it clearly?"

"What he wants to buy is not the home win, but the away win by more than three goals!"


Everyone present widened their eyes.

The owner of the lottery shop looked at Gu Zhe and asked in a deep voice: "Young man, are you sure you are not kidding? Once the ticket is sold, we will not refund it."

Gu Zhe smiled: "Of course I know this."

The boss continued to emphasize: "Okay, then you should also know that if the result of your bet is incorrect, you will not get a penny! No matter how much you bet, it will all go down the drain!"

The owner of the lottery shop actually felt compassion.

Gu Zhe looked like a student. If he didn't do well, he would lose even the money for meals here, and he would have trouble eating for the next ten days or half a month.

Isn't this a sin?

"Boss, if I don't even know this and still come to buy lottery tickets, it would be a joke."

The boss hesitated.

In his opinion, betting on the away team to win by more than three goals in this situation is no different from a joke.

The old guys who were still expressing their opinions just now also shut up at this time.

In their opinion, Gu Zhe is completely a fool who doesn't understand football at all.

No matter how much you talk to this kind of layman, it's just a waste of your time.

Maybe he just came to join in the fun and spend the money for a meal to have some fun.

The middle-aged man in a suit who just spoke had the same idea in his mind at this moment.

The boss sighed secretly, clicked the mouse a few times, and clicked the corresponding option according to Gu Zhe's instructions.

The moment they saw the odds, several middle-aged people couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The odds of the away team winning by more than three goals have reached 1:250.

Normally, if the odds reach this point, it means that this option is completely a runner-up and is put here to make up the numbers.

Generally speaking, a ratio of one to more than a few dozen is already a pretty outrageous number.

This ratio of one to more than two hundred is not surprising to say that it is an impossible event.

"With this odds, I guess no one in the whole of Kyushu will buy it?"

"Isn't this number a hint? Whoever buys it is a fool!"

The middle-aged man in a suit next to him frowned and couldn't stand it anymore.

"Okay, young man."

"This may be your first time to contact sports lottery, and you want to play it."

"But you can see that this odds is completely impossible to achieve. You didn't understand before, but now, whether you stop buying or change the option to bet, no one will laugh at you."

The middle-aged man in the suit knows very well that boys of this age have the strongest self-esteem.

Sometimes you may know that you are wrong in your heart, but you can't let go of your face, so you just bite the bullet and go all the way.

In the end, he hit his head and bled.

The middle-aged man was also worried that Gu Zhe would be too embarrassed, so he deliberately gave Gu Zhe a way out.

However, to his surprise, Gu Zhe shook his head and said firmly: "Since I have made the decision, it must have been a well-thought-out decision."

As he spoke, Gu Zhe appeared in front of the screen.Start to operate.

The boss who had been staring at the backstage looked helpless at first.

A newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger. When he suffered a loss, he knew that the money was not so easy to get.

The man in the suit looked at Gu Zhe's back, his eyes full of stubbornness.

The man in the suit shook his head helplessly.

He was kind enough to do this to a stranger.

"Wait a minute, how much did you bet?"

The boss suddenly widened his eyes and jumped up from his seat.

The overreaction directly overturned the chair.

This data can only be seen by the lottery shop owner and the backstage manager.

Seeing the boss's reaction, the other customers in the store looked curious.

This young man looks like a student from the nearby university town, right?

How much money can a student take out?

Two or three thousand?

Or take out all the New Year's money from childhood to adulthood?

At most, it should be just over 10,000, right?

It's no wonder that the boss reacted so strongly.

The more you bet on this impossible situation, the more you lose.

"Wait a minute! Don't confirm yet, I can still help you with the refund!"

Gu Zhe frowned.

If he had known this, he would have directly called or bet online.

This trip to the offline store has attracted attention.

"No need to say more. I have made up my mind."

"I will bear all the consequences myself."

After saying that, Gu Zhe clicked the confirmation button.

The machine made a printing sound, the data was uploaded, and the paper receipt was issued. Gu Zhe's bet was already set in stone.

The boss shook his head, sighed, helplessly lifted up the chair on the ground, and waved his hand weakly.

"Go, go."

"Afterwards, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Seeing the boss's reaction, the man in the suit frowned and asked.

"How much did he bet?"

The boss glanced at the man in the suit and shook his head.

The man in the suit thought for a moment and said, "I have a daughter who is about his age. If possible, I don't want to see a young man go astray."

The boss once again looked at the well-dressed man in the suit, especially his branded belt, which was shining.

If you can help, try to help.

The boss leaned close to the man in the suit's ear and whispered, "He bet 30,000 at one time."

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