After the three entered the conference room, Kong Zheng, the teacher in charge of the transformation of achievements at Jiangzhou University, also arrived.

Kong Zheng looked to be in his thirties, and was in his prime.

However, Kong Zheng was not late, but the time Chen Guangxue and Gu Zhe made an appointment was earlier than the time he made an appointment with Kong Zheng.

This was a habit Chen Guangxue had left behind in the company before.

If you and your partner meet a third party in a "2 plus 1" meeting mode, it is best to let your "2" meet in advance to avoid some unnecessary embarrassment and trouble.

Kong Zheng was really shocked when he saw Li Wei was also present.

You know, the top leaders of most units are like dragons that can only be seen from head to tail.

They only appear on some important occasions.

And now, they actually appeared at the site of a student-led project.

It is conceivable that the School of Computer Science attaches great importance to this project.

Looking at Kong Zheng's slightly absent-minded look, Chen Guangxue, who has worked in enterprises and institutions and has become a half-smart person, immediately saw through his thoughts.

"Haha, Mr. Kong, thank you for your trip today."

"I know that most of the transformation projects you have done before were for professors and graduate students. This is definitely the first time for an undergraduate student, or a sophomore."

"However, after Gu Zhe explains to you, you will definitely feel that today is worth the trip!"

Kong Zheng knew that his thoughts just now were seen through, and hurriedly said: "No way. The school set up this department to do this job. Whether it is faculty or students, they are treated equally."

"Student Gu Zhe, please start!"

Perhaps in a relatively clean environment like the school, Kong Zheng, who often deals with enterprises, can be regarded as a more versatile person.

However, in front of Chen Guangxue, a two-faced old man, he is still a little too naive.

"Haha, then I'll trouble Teacher Kong. Our Li Dean is also very concerned about Student Gu Zhe and is very supportive of his project. Being present as an auditor should not affect Teacher Kong's work, right?"

Kong Zheng looked at Li Wei and could only smile more brightly.

"Of course it won't affect you. If you have any requirements, Dean Li can just ask our Achievement Transformation Section."

When facing a boss who is higher in rank than you, you can only smile on your face and say "mmp" in your heart.

Kong Zheng has been secretly thinking in his heart, damn, is this a job for humans?

He is a small clerk who has just been promoted to a regular position, and what kind of people are he dealing with!

This project will be handed over to their section chief later!

He can't do it at all!

"Teacher Kong, then I'll start!"

Gu Zhe opened the PPT he had prepared in advance, starting with the mind map, and led Kong Zheng to analyze the system he wrote step by step.

Li Wei listened attentively and nodded slightly from time to time.

Chen Guangxue next to him couldn't help but frowned.

Make a PPT presentation project.

Start with a mind map to let the audience better understand your intentions.

And in the explanation, it is easy to understand, avoiding unnecessary repetitive words, with clear and smooth logic, and the key points are incisive.

It's perfect.

The most important thing is that Gu Zhe didn't show any nervousness at all.

His state at the moment was like an old man buying vegetables in the vegetable market, introducing his sweet potato eggs.

Experienced and calm.

Chen Guangxue had only seen this kind of experience and calmness in one place.

That was the multinational company where he worked in the past.

And it was a state and habit that only the top talents in the company would have.

You know, college students now send dozens of documents, and if no one teaches them, they don't even know to package them in advance.

Mind map, "product" display PPT.

This extremely commercial and streamlined program can only be truly realized after years of immersion in the industry.

"Let me interrupt, Teacher Gu, I would like to ask, where exactly is the node you mentioned?"

Kong Zheng was listening and taking notes, like a student who was taking the class seriously.

Even when he encountered doubts, he lowered his posture and took the initiative to ask Gu Zhe questions.

The most outrageous thing is that Gu Zhe did not feel unnatural about the title of "Teacher Gu" and started to answer Kong Zheng's questions directly.

"This node is actually an abstract concept, it refers to..."

The interaction between Gu Zhe and Kong Zheng is an interaction based on equal cooperation.

The communication mode of the two is completely the immersive state when partners promote projects.

Damn it!

Why can this kid's childish face be so serious that only people in their thirties or forties would have's expression?

Chen Guangxue couldn't help it, and whispered to Li Wei: "Dean Li..."

Li Wei interrupted Chen Guangxue's question: "Xiao Chen, if you have any questions, let's talk about it later. Listen carefully now."

Listen carefully now...

Chen Guangxue's mouth twitched, and he always felt something was wrong.

Damn it.

This kid doesn't even go to my class.

Turning around, I have to listen to him attentively.

Although I felt a little absurd in my heart, I felt more and more uncomfortable looking at Gu Zhe's arrogant and confident face.

But you don't say it.

It's really rewarding to listen to some of this kid's ideas.

Give him some face.


Song Yihan paced back and forth downstairs of the computer administration building, taking out her mobile phone from time to time and sending messages to Duan Mingdong to urge him.

Her face was a little pale, and her lips were not very bloody.

For some reason, she had been having stomach problems for the past two days, as if she had eaten something bad.

She was very suspicious that the so-called "most expensive cake" that Duan Mingdong gave her that day was actually a nearly expired cake that was sold at a 30% discount by the dessert shop.

Recently, Song Yihan has been increasingly dissatisfied with Duan Mingdong.

In the past, she felt that Duan Mingdong was like an angel, and everything went according to her heart, and it was easy to be with Duan Mingdong.

Now that Gu Zhe is gone, she increasingly feels that Duan Mingdong is really just like what others say, a complete idiot.

Many times, when something happens, it is still her, a girl, who has to take the lead to deal with it.

What about Duan Mingdong?

Apart from being pretentious and boastful, he is not reliable at all.

Thinking of Gu Zhe, who never fails at critical moments and can turn the tide without saying a word, Song Yihan feels more and more empty in her heart.

She really misses Gu Zhe.

"Hanhan, I'm here."

Seeing Duan Mingdong staggering over with a piece of bread in his mouth, Song Yihan's heart suddenly became even more angry.

"No, Duan Mingdong, didn't you tell me that Gu Zhe came here at nine o'clock this morning?"

"It's fine if you don't come early, it's almost ten o'clock!"

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