While Lin Nuo'er was on the phone, Xu Yan cleaned up the garbage at home and prepared to go out to throw it away.

While cleaning up, Xu Yan couldn't help but murmur in her heart.

The task given to her by Lin Jiandong and his wife was to find out the details of the boy, and if possible, it would be best to find out his family background.

If necessary, it would be okay to contact the boy.

Especially Lin Jiandong, his attitude was very tough.

It seemed that he had already determined that this boy was not a good person.

But as Lin Nuo'er said, Gu Zhe had done nothing wrong, and it was unfair to be scrutinized like a criminal.

Lin Nuo'er moved things from the dormitory to the school gate several times, and Gu Zhe came to help.

In fact, after observing a few more times, Xu Yan felt that this young man still had a sense of propriety. Although it could be seen that Lin Nuo'er trusted him very much, after a few times, Gu Zhe had never done anything beyond the rules with Lin Nuo'er.

Besides, in a situation like today, we can't just watch Lin Nuoer come back from the cold. What if she catches a cold?

From another perspective, the young man is quite gentlemanly.

Let's give him more space. After all, Xu Yan doesn't want to be the bad guy.

Thinking of this, Xu Yan felt much better.

Carrying a bag of garbage, humming a little song, opening the door to throw away the garbage.

The place to throw away garbage in the apartment building is in the corridor of the spare elevator.

When Xu Yan walked into the corridor, she just passed by a boy who was swiping his phone while coming out of the corridor.

It is estimated that this boy is also a resident of this floor. Judging from his age, he is also a student of Jiangzhou University.

Nowadays, students like to move out to live.

However, it is said that few of these students really move out for study or entrepreneurship. Many of them move out because they are in love.


Wait a minute.

Xu Yan was stunned for a moment, as if waking up from a dream.

Does this boy look familiar?

Xu Yan didn't care about throwing away the garbage, and rushed out of the fire escape, and hurriedly looked at the man's back carefully.

Tall and straight, calm and unhurried temperament.

Isn't this the boy next to Lin Nuo'er?

Why is he here?

Following Lin Nuo'er here?


This boy is still wearing slippers, obviously living nearby.

Xu Yan suddenly had a creepy idea in her mind.

Xu Yan slowed down her steps and secretly followed behind Gu Zhe.

Gu Zhe happened to be reading the news of the technology section of several large companies recently, thinking about what other programs he could reproduce in advance.

Sometimes, it's not good to concentrate too much.

You won't notice someone following you from behind.

Gu Zhe walked back to his room as if nothing had happened, unlocking and closing the door, a set of movements, flowing like water.

After a full minute, Xu Yan, who was still holding the garbage in her hand, finally poked her head out from the corner, her face full of horror.

He actually moved out too!

And he lived next door to them!

From Xu Yan's perspective, there was no doubt that Gu Zhe moved here for only one purpose.

That was Lin Nuo'er.

At this moment, Xu Yan's original impression of Gu Zhe completely collapsed.

How could this be a simple, enthusiastic young man?

This is a completely hypocritical and scheming boy who doesn't know what he is doing behind the scenes!

"Sister Xu?"

At this time, Lin Nuo'er happened to poke her head out of the room.

Xu Yan didn't care that she was still holding the garbage in her hand, and hurriedly took Lin Nuo'er back to the room. Her panicked appearance made Lin Nuo'er confused.

"Sister Xu, what's wrong? Are there bad guys outside?"

Oh, there are bad guys, right?

Such a bad person.

Xu Yan closed the door first and calmed down.

"Not really, there is no one outside."

Lin Nuoer was a little confused: "What's wrong? I saw you were gone for so long, I thought you didn't find the trash can, how about I go and throw it away."

"Hey, hey, hey, don't!"

Xu Yan stopped Lin Nuoer's action, looking embarrassed.

"Miss, I want to ask you something."

"Ah, Sister Xu, go ahead."

After all, Xu Yan is a very capable female white-collar worker, and her mind turns quickly, so she changed the way she said it.

"Aren't you working on a project recently? I see that there are several good studios in the apartment here, which can be used for both commercial and residential purposes, and can be used for work and rest."

"Do you want me to find one for you, and you can give it to the student from the School of Computer Science? I have learned that writing code is very hard and often stays up late. InResting in the studio can save a lot of rest time! "

This is the classic method of the old hands in the workplace, retreating to advance.

Lin Nuoer refused immediately.

"No, Sister Xu, it's too expensive. Our project is just a small one, just to get a prize. He is in the dormitory, and he can discuss any problems with his classmates! "

Lin Nuoer certainly knew that with Gu Zhe's level, his classmates would not be able to solve the problems he couldn't solve.

However, she would not let Gu Zhe move into the studio rented by Xu Yan!

Wasn't this exposed right under other people's noses?

Who knows what her strange father will do to Gu Zhe recently.

But what Lin Nuoer didn't know was that this was just Xu Yan's test.

Looking at Lin Nuoer's expression, Xu Yan was sure that Lin Nuoer probably didn't know that Gu Zhe had moved out, let alone that Gu Zhe moved next door to her!

Otherwise, she wouldn't have found an excuse like "discussing with classmates".

Xu Yan's heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

If Gu Zhe lived next door with Lin Nuoer's agreement, then at most the two young lovers were of one mind and did something big secretly.

But now In this situation, it is obvious that Gu Zhe moved out "on his own initiative".

What else could he have done by moving here?

Of course, he wanted to get close to Lin Nuo'er on purpose!

He would even take advantage of the opportunity to do something unimaginable when she was not around!

In recent years, various criminal investigation dramas have gradually become popular, and Xu Yan could not help but be affected. For a while, she imagined a mess of dramas in her mind.

There is definitely something wrong with this kid!

We must find out his background as soon as possible!

Xu Yan's thoughts changed all of a sudden.

The kid's enthusiasm and sense of propriety for the lady were all pretended!

This step-by-step, sneaky behavior to get close to Lin Nuo'er, I'm afraid the kid is still complacent.

Little did he know that when he accidentally threw away the garbage, he exposed his feet!

"Aunt Xu? Aunt Xu? "

Lin Nuoer looked at Xu Yan in front of her with a confused look on her face.

What happened?

How come when she went out to throw away the garbage, she seemed to have thrown away her brain along with it?

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