During this period, Zhongxing Group encountered a huge trouble.

At this time, most domestic mobile phones and digital product brands used overseas chips, and they had not yet been able to fully realize independent research and development.

Not only chips, but also screens, cameras, waterproof and dustproof core technologies, most domestic digital products at this time had to rely on overseas developers.

There was no way, the technology at this time was indeed inferior to others, and directly purchasing other people's things was the most cost-effective solution.

Many people kept saying that the economy had no borders and technology had no borders.

But when conflicts really occurred, these so-called borderless things would become a joke.

With the changes in the international situation, some overseas companies, under the instruction of certain forces, began to implement the so-called "neck-choking" strategy for some Chinese brands.

Many cooperations that were originally planned to be carried out for a long time were terminated by the parties. If they wanted to continue, they had to endure the unilateral overlord terms issued by Western companies.

Zhongxing Group can be said to have been hit first.

"It's really too much! Do those foreign devils think that our money is easy to make and treat us as fools?"

"If we continue to purchase overseas chips and use their systems, our costs will at least increase by about 15 percentage points. Are they crazy or are we crazy?"

"Doesn't this behavior violate WTO regulations? At this moment, those who manage the market are silent and pretending to be dead?"

At the high-level meeting of Zhongxing Group, a group of executives were indignant.

This time, the actions of some American cooperative companies have really touched their bottom line.

After a discussion, everyone also increasingly felt how important it is to master core technology for these modern digital products.

"Alas, it's just that breaking through the technological blockade requires the efforts of a generation or even several generations. It's not as easy as just shouting slogans."

"Let's be fair, is the funding and support given to our R&D department every year really enough?"

A middle-aged man with a lion face and triangular eyes, who looked domineering, swept his eyes over the crowd, and there was a bit of dissatisfaction in his words.

"Boss Tian, ​​you should speak with conscience! The annual funding for each department is the result of our discussion. Isn't it a bit of hindsight for you to express dissatisfaction at this time?"

The head of the Future Development Department was a little unhappy when he heard what Tian Chengze said.

Tian Chengze was not afraid of this kind of direct confrontation at all. He sneered and said to the assistant beside him: "Xiao Liu, let's talk about the data."

Liu Yuan nodded, quickly connected his computer to the multimedia of the meeting, and began to talk.

"I am Liu Yuan, the general manager of the R&D department. Please allow me to analyze the recent situation of the R&D department here."

"First of all, the most important and basic part is the funding. Excluding the income from the transformation of our own patent results, the total amount of funds allocated by the group to our R&D department this year only accounts for less than 5% of the total expenditure of the group."

Liu Yuan spoke slowly and steadily, although his identity as the general manager was somewhat insignificant in front of this group of presidents and directors.

But it still did not affect his statement of the facts he wanted to tell in a humble and neither arrogant attitude.

If Gu Zhe was present, he would definitely recognize this voice as the "General Manager Liu" who had worked with him on the geek website before and was easy to talk to.

"What does the number 5% mean? Let's compare the ratios of the sales department and the production department, which are 21% and 28% respectively."

"We have repeatedly proposed that we need supplements and support. However, our applications have been ignored and no real response has been received."

"To help us develop a new system, the overall project start-up funds are less than 10 million."

"What a concept!"

"Even if the sales department only promotes an event or holds a large dinner, the budget is already several million."

"Let us develop a new system, but the funding is not enough for a dinner?"

"Under this deformed model, how can real core technology be born?"

Faced with the data and Liu Yuan's explanation, many executives looked away in shame.

Tian Chengze drank tea expressionlessly.

This situation cannot be blamed on anyone.

Today, the market for digital products such as smartphones in China has not yet been formed, and it is still in the stage where everyone is scrambling for a piece of cake..

In this case, the strategic deployment of occupying the territory first and then seeking development cannot be said to have many problems.

After all, there is not much foreseeable return rate for development.

Maybe it will succeed next year, with a patent and several standards in hand, and an independent track will be created all of a sudden, making a lot of money.

It is also possible that after decades of deep cultivation, there will still be no results. The money invested every year will not even make a splash in the end.

After all, no one will cooperate with a company with only semi-finished products.

You can't bring a half-finished thing to the negotiation table and convince the developer with a semi-finished product, right?

Not only Zhongxing Group, but other similar digital product and communication product groups in China, large and small, have also been impacted by the shock of the international situation during this period.

The industrial model has gradually begun to adjust, and the blowout of chips and self-developed systems that will appear in the next few years is also laid at this time.

After the meeting, Tian Chengze and Liu Yuan walked on the high-rise corridor of the office building, overlooking the scenery of Jiangzhou.

"When you stand on the top of a mountain, you can see all the small mountains."

"It turns out that only when you stand high can you see the scenery that you can't see at other times."

Liu Yuan said jokingly: "Mr. Tian, ​​if you want to stand higher, some directors may have a sense of crisis."

"Directors have a sense of crisis? I think you can't wait for me to make room for you and let you be the president of the R&D department!"

Tian Chengze laughed.

He has a very good relationship with Liu Yuan. When Tian Chengze was still the team leader of a project team in Zhongxing Group, he took Liu Yuan, who was still an intern, to work together.

As time went by, Tian Chengze gradually came to the position of president of the R&D department, and the people around him changed one after another.

And Liu Yuan has always been his confidant.

Tian Chengze knows very well that Liu Yuan is younger than him and has more foresight than him in some things.

Perhaps the new era is more suitable for new people to lead.

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