Chapter 111 Brothers, then, hit the special [Customizable]!!

Fang Jin’s words made the entire hall suddenly quiet!

After a while, a big man on the triangular-eyed road suddenly said, “Fang Jin, what do you say?” Everyone is brothers, do you dare to recognize it? I see you dare to take a step out? ”

This is the one who said that Fang Jin came late at the beginning, and the yin and yang were strange.

Fang Jin had already walked out, but when he heard him say this, he walked back again.

Other big guys on the road smiled secretly when they saw this, this big brother on the road is just rich, and he didn’t dare to go out when he was scared.

Fang Jin walked past his place, there was a bottle of water on the chair, he picked it up, took a sip, and then walked towards the triangular eye.

The big guy on the triangular eye path watched Fang Jin approach, getting closer and closer.

Fang Jin walked up to him and asked, “Do you think I’m telling a joke?” ”

“Of course it’s a joke, it’s funny, hahaha!”

The big guy on the triangle-eyed road also laughed.

The surrounding road bosses also laughed.

For them, Fang Jin, the eldest brother on the road, is obviously also a joke.

“If you think like that, you prove that you have a problem in your head! I see that your mind is not very clear, I will help you sober up. ”

Fang Jin nodded.

Without saying a word, a hand suddenly stretched out and pinched the neck of the big guy on the triangular eye path.

The other hand held the bottle of water high in his hand and aimed it at the head of the big guy on the triangular eye path.

Most of the bottle of water was poured on the triangular eye.

“Coming, coming!”

Zhang Nanming and several Daoshang changed their faces.

Fang Jin’s temper, how could they not know?

Last time, Fang Jin did it all to them!

Today, Fang Jin can endure until now, and they already feel that it is a miracle!

Miracle to miracle!

Fang Jin finally broke out!

The big guys on the road around who were still laughing at Fang Jin just now, the laughter stopped abruptly.


What did they see!

Fang Jin, the eldest brother on the road, is doing it? He’s doing it, right?

They couldn’t believe their eyes, who gave Fang Jin such boldness.

The big guy on the road standing next to the triangular eye flashed to the side, but still did not dodge, and his upper clothes were splashed a little.

Look at the big guy on the triangular eye road, water pours down his head, like a soup chicken!

Until the bottle of water was finished, Fang Jincai let go of Li’s neck. Just now, the big guy on the triangular eye road wanted to break free, but did not break away.

At this moment he blushed and coughed twice by holding his neck.

“Now what? Do you still think I’m telling a joke? ”

Fang Jin asked—

The big guy on the triangular eye path is also tall and stout, and his personality seems to be very grumpy.

After he recovered, he rushed towards Fang Jin, “You special.” ”

Before he finished speaking, Fang Jin had already picked up the wooden stool next to him, held it in the air, and smashed it over.


The wooden chairs shattered, and the wood chips drank all over the place!

The big guy on the triangular eye road has not fainted yet, but the person has stopped!

Fang Jin did not stop, grabbed the wooden stool next to him again, and smashed it again.

It turns out!

No matter how strong the head, it can’t withstand such a smash! Whoosh!

The triangular eye path fell to the ground and fainted.

“That’s how I was knocked unconscious last time, right?”

Zhang Nanming’s face twitched and asked.

“You are not, you only got hit once and fainted, he is stronger than you, he was hit twice.”

The big guy on the road who was familiar with Zhang Nanming commented.

Then the hall became quiet again, silent.

Tiger Ye saw this scene and suddenly smiled.

I’ll just say it!

Fang Jin’s temper, how can he be so good?

I shouldn’t have helped last time, otherwise I wouldn’t be where I am today.

“Fang Jin, you are crazy, brothers are fighting!”

Hong Ye had already stood up in an awe-inspiring manner.

As soon as he raised his hand, he pointed at Fang Jin angrily.

No matter what today, let Fang Jin bow his head.

“Brother Nima! I just said that I don’t mix on the road, I’m playing business, didn’t you hear this old guy? ”

Fang Jin suddenly raised his leg and walked towards Hong Ye.

“Fang Jin, what are you going to do? Stop him for me! ”

Hong Ye exclaimed.

He trembled in his heart, his old arms and legs, Fang Jin’s strength just now to give himself, he is enough.


I want your money, and I don’t want to die!

Hong Ye’s words still let some of the big “old people stand out.”

With so many bigwigs on the road, are they still afraid of Fang Jin alone? One person and one fist, Fang Jin couldn’t stand it.


That’s against ordinary people! Who is Fang Jin? He is not an ordinary person!

But he didn’t go up, he stopped.

This made the big guys on the road who stopped him in front of him bold again.

Hong Ye exclaimed, “Fang Jin! You have to apologize. ”

“Yes, apologize to this brother!”

“Not only to apologize, but also to compensate a million, no, ten million.”

“Fang Jin, apologize quickly!”

“Fang Jin, don’t apologize, you can’t leave today.”

Fang Jin didn’t want to leave.

He looked back and drank: “Xiaobai!” ”

Xiaobai heard it outside and led people to the hall immediately.

He was outside just now, but the eldest brother said that he couldn’t come in without orders.

He was just outside with twenty gangsters.

“What are you doing? Can’t go in, it’s full of big guys inside! ”

There are gangsters guarding the outside of the hall.

“Big guy Nima!”

Xiaobaicai didn’t care about any big guy on the road, he only recognized Fang Jin, the big brother on the road.

Now Fang Jin greeted, and in front of him was the sword mountain and the sea of fire, he also wanted to lead people to break through.

The gangster guarding the gate still wanted to stop him.


Honk! He had two sticks in succession.

The two gangsters rolled their eyes and were knocked to the ground.

He was another stick, and the vase at the door smashed down on the two gangsters

Xiaobai led the people straight in and walked into the hall.

“Big brother!”

He greeted.

“Guard the door, allow in and don’t go out!”

Fang Jin ordered lightly.


Xiaobai nodded immediately.

“You, you, you, and you! Keep me here. ”

He ordered four gangster brothers.

The four gangster brothers pity the metal baseball bats, standing two people on each side, their eyes fierce and fierce.

Those who come in don’t care, anyway, those who come out of the law will be lived by them.

The other gangster brothers followed Xiaobai to Fang Jin.

“Fang Jin, you are too presumptuous, you think that with so many of our subordinates, we can’t deal with your people.”

A big man on the road couldn’t help it.

He also saw that if he didn’t fight today, it was estimated that he would not be able to solve the problem.

“What about your people?”

Fang Jin looked at him.

“Dajiang, are you dead? Give me in. ”

The road began to shake people.

Soon, his gangsters rushed in.

Seeing this, the other bigwigs on the road in the hall also began to shake people.

Everyone had prepared this time, and if Fang Jin didn’t give in, they would do it

It’s just that he didn’t expect that Fang Jin would do it first.

In this way, they don’t have to be polite.

For a time, there were a lot more gangster brothers in the hall.

If it weren’t for the size of the hall, it really wouldn’t be able to accommodate so many people.

“I don’t want to stand against the wall.”

Fang Jin drank again.

This is to avoid accidental injury.

Zhang Nanming and a few Daoshang bigwigs immediately walked to the wall.

They don’t want to be hurt by mistake.

There were also a few bigwigs on the road, hesitating for a moment, and also chose to watch. Other bigwigs on the road gathered everyone’s gangster brothers together.

Fang Jin and Xiaobai stood on the other side.

The two sides looked at each other fiercely, and on both sides there were gangsters taking out machetes, and the bright machetes looked very scary.

But neither side was frightened.

Today one side is bound to fall, to be subdued.

The tiger lord who was watching coldly from the side finally came over, he stood next to Fang Jin, and he showed his attitude.

“Tiger Master, do you support him? Are you with him? ”

The big guy on the road opposite

His eyes were gloomy, shocked and angry.

Although the tiger master is old, the tiger is strong.

“Of course I support him, and my people are handed over to Brother Fang.”

Tiger Ye said while rolling up his sleeves.

Fight! He’s going to go too.

He’s an expert too!

“Which side do you like?”

The big man on the road stood next to Zhang Nanming.

“Want to tell the truth?”

Zhang Nanming hesitated for a moment and said.

“Tell the truth!”

The man nodded.

“I’m still optimistic about Brother Fang!”

Zhang Nanming said.

He actually wanted to go over and help, but the strength of him and his own gangster brother was estimated to be unworthy of Fang Jin.

This is actually a gap, he and Tiger Ye are different people after all.

Tiger Ye could support Fang Jin in the past without hesitation, but they retreated anyway and chose not to help each other.

Today, Zhang Nanming regretted this matter all his life, but it was too late!

“Tiger Master, don’t come, you just watch the battle.”

Fang Jin was still very touched by Tiger Ye’s support for him.

This tiger master is really not an ordinary person, and he is also very discerning.

In fact, he gave his own people to Fang Jin, and his support for himself was enough.

But his attitude today made Fang Jin look at him differently.

Old man, worthy of respect!

In the current situation, Fang Jin’s side is obviously weak, there are only more than twenty people, while there are more than two hundred people on the opposite side, almost a one-to-ten situation.

If you change anyone, you will think that Fang Jin will bow his head and submit to softness this time.

But Tiger Ye still chose to support him!

“If you don’t think I’m old, I can still do it.”

Tiger Ye had no intention of leaving

Fang Jin also wanted to persuade, Xiaobai had already turned back in front.

“Big brother! Tiger Ye! You’re all good to watch! There are enough of my people. He said to the two. ”

Especially the eldest brother, every time you say well, you will convince them that you have to come according to the rules of business.

I think it’s you who breaks the rules of business.

The fastest hands-on is also you.

Not this time, I got my hand, I was hospitalized for so long, my hands were raw.

Xiaobai had a total of twenty-five people this time, except for the four gangster brothers guarding the door, the hundred and first brother Li Dahai was also guarding the door.

The remaining twenty-one people, dealing with these gangsters, he felt that there was something wrong with Duan.

“Okay then! You try it first. ”

Fang Jin thought about it and agreed.

With the strength of Xiaobai and these gangster brothers, there is really no need to do it yourself.

“Tiger Master, I am also disliked, we all watch the battle!”

Fang Jin pulled Tiger Ye aside.

He still doesn’t want the old man to fight, he is old, and his bones can’t withstand tossing

Xiaobai saw the eldest brother and the tiger master walking to the safety zone, he glanced at the gangster brother behind him, a beast-like adrenaline began to rise, he took a deep breath: “Brothers, then, fight special!” ”

As soon as Xiaobai said this, he picked up a metal baseball bat and faced the gangster on the opposite side, like a wolf, and pounced on it!

The gangster brother he carried behind him was also adrenaline.

“Hit it!”

Everyone roared together.

The bat was in front, the body was behind, and twenty-one gangster brothers rushed over.

It was the first time they fought collectively, but they were very tacit, as if they had fought together all their lives.

The blood burns.

Xiaobai is like a sharp knife!

His metal baseball bat was brandished, and he rushed into the crowd of gangsters on the opposite side

He had gangster brothers on both sides to follow and protect, not thinking about both sides at all, staring ahead.

The gangster brothers behind him, including the big tiger, are all protecting one by one, not letting any gangster brother fall behind, and not letting any gangster brother get hurt.

In ancient times, this was completely a kind of combat army array, used on the gangsters who were as white as scattered sand on the opposite side.




The sound of the stick strike sounded dull, very dull and powerful!? Immediately someone cried out and fell!

The rise of Xiaobai, a gangster in front of him was just about to swing a knife and cut over, he directly hit the opponent’s knee with a stick, and then another stick, smashing the knife down.

Without stopping, the gangster brother behind him pounced, and two more sticks, whipping the gangster on the knee and rolling on the ground in pain!

It’s so ruthless!

No one paid attention, the gangster brother who followed behind would give him a stick when he passed by, and the little white in front of them had already pounced on the other gangsters.


Honk! Honk!

The speed is too fast, and it is difficult for the master to react.

Although there are many people on the other side, it is usually an ordinary fight, one-on-one can be, this kind of group hall, no matter how many people can’t stop it.

Stick to meat!

Almost crushing!

People kept screaming, people kept falling, bones were broken.

The gangsters on the opposite side were still resisting at first, but they were soon frightened by this fierce killing embryo and hid on both sides!

Xiaobai rushed for a while, still rushing, and suddenly found that there was no one in front of him.

“Brother Bai! We killed through! ”

The gangster brother behind hurriedly pulled him.

Xiaobai looked back, only to find that they had rushed out of the gangsters of more than two hundred people.

“Go back!”

His hideous pixi! Labor and management haven’t fought enough!

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