You For Eternity

Chapter 1008: Xiaobai, just follow me (1)

Stumbled on the ground and walked to the hotel-style room upstairs.

The service here is thoughtful, singing and dancing downstairs, and another private world upstairs.

Nianxin took Xiao Hua and went all the way up, swiping the room with the key card, and when she entered, Xiao Hua was pressed against the wall by her.

Then, as soon as my thinking jumped, I thought I had washed it, and awkwardly helped the wall out and pushed the little flower in.

Xiao Hua stood there, her eyes slightly worried.

Is this good...

This elder sister seems to be drinking too high and she doesn't know what she is doing.

When he turned around, he suddenly stopped.

The back of his head seemed to be resisted by something tough. He glanced in the mirror in the bathroom, only to realize that it was a gun, and hurriedly raised his hands.


The calm footsteps approached slowly.

Half of her body was wet, Nianxin was lying on the bed, and she was unconscious. When she heard the sound, she narrowed her eyes and saw a figure stopped in front of the bedroom door.

Because she was lying down, her eyes only crossed his legs. The black trousers lined his legs more perfectly, and they looked very slender and straight.

What a long leg...

Nianxin suddenly smiled and beckoned over there: "Xiaohua, come here, don't you say you want to make my sister happy..."

The legs moved away, taking a big step at a time, and walked to the bed within a few steps. The voice was heavy and dangerous: "Have you had enough trouble."

This voice, even the drunk Minxin, opened his eyes as soon as he heard it.

She got up from the bed, looked at the man in front of her, blinked: "Xiao Bai..."

How could it be Xiaobai?

Nianxin changed her kneeling position and stood upright, but because she was drunk, she leaned forward and fell into his arms. She raised her head and touched his face with one hand: "Little did you become Xiaobai? No...Don't Xiaobai...I don't want him..."

Bai Yujing's brows have always been frowning.

I kept telling myself, don't listen, don't think, don't care, but in the end, the feet still came here without being obedient.

He forced himself not to intervene in her life anymore, and wanted to cut off the love with his own hands. He thought that as long as he didn't care about it, he could put it aside.

Why do you want to force him like this?

Why didn't you leave him any way out?

Nianxin watched for a long time, but Xiao Bai in front of her did not turn into a small flower, so she shook her head and got off the bed.

"Don't this Xiaobai... Xiaobai hates... I want cute and beautiful little flowers, little flowers—"

She was running away, running away from the little white who was cruel to her, not wanting to see him.

Before Nianxin started leaving, she was pulled back by Bai Yujing, and said angrily: "Who are you going to find! Bai Nianxin, what do you want to do?"

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