You For Eternity

Chapter 1023: One twin for a lifetime (2)

Yan Hai said, the president forgets to sleep and eat, if there is a wife by his side, how can there be work in his eyes? I will definitely go to rest at some point.

In addition to this, the president's wife is more down-to-earth than the president, and the kindness of words has already spread to the company. Therefore, if the president's wife comes to the company, they can let them dare to find the president in the future. The wife of the president brought the words, the president regained his anger, and that anger will never spread to the wife of the president.

For them, Chu Chu is a safe and effective walking fire extinguisher, specially designed to kill the president! The so-called bittern tofu, one thing reduces one thing, this is the truth.

Therefore, in addition to Li Hengzhi, I hope that Chu Chu can work in the Glory Group, as well as the employees of their company, which will definitely benefit the people.

"I think we should leave room for each other. If we get tired of being together every day and we haven't gotten the seven-year itch, we might fall out first, what do you think?"

"Really?" Li Hengzhi smiled, "Why don't I think so?"

Is it that they have not reached a certain deadline? At least now he feels that they can stay together every minute and every second without getting tired.

It’s just that so many people say that the seven-year itch is really so terrible. After getting along for a long time, you won’t be as loving as you are now?

"Because we are still in love, of course we don't think so."

"Fine, then you can continue to be your Minister Qian, and resign when you are tired. There is still me in this family."

He just knew that she didn't want to retreat so early to become a rich man, so he proposed to let her work in his company. In this way, she does not have to work very hard, nor does she have to stay at home and be out of touch with society.

But since she said that, he naturally respected her choice.

Chu Chu held his face and made an OK gesture: "Don't work too hard. The money you made is enough for the three of us to live a lifetime."

Li Hengzhi just smiled without saying anything.

She may not understand, sometimes she can't retreat to a certain position.

If he wants to retire, he can only wait for Qianyi to grow up, and wait for him to be strong enough to take his place.

"Husband, can I make a suggestion?"

"You said it." Li Heng listened to her while working.

"Can you give me five tickets a month?"

"Ticket?" Hearing this, he looked up curiously, "What kind of ticket is so rare, and you still want to suggest it to me?"

Just ask him directly? Is there any ticket he can't afford?

"Take a ticket, a ticket to play with, a ticket to sleep with, a ticket to apologize, and... a ticket to forgive."

"Ah..." Li Hengzhi was shocked, "What is it?"

Listen for the first time!

Sleeping ticket?

Seeing her say this seriously, why does he want to laugh?

"It means literally, mandatory."

Li Hengzhi thought about it for a moment, and then he understood. With a bend, he urged narrowly: "Only one ticket for sleeping with me... is it really enough?"

Chu Chu held his face and said with a smile, "If you can stand it, so can I."

Seeing her clever look, Li Hengzhi reached out and squeezed her nose: "Only you are smart."

This accompany sleeping ticket, naturally, is not that she can only sleep together with it, but in certain specific situations, such as a fight and separation in the future, she can use this ticket.

Chu Chu did this also to strengthen the relationship between the two of them.

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