You For Eternity

Chapter 1027: One twin for a lifetime (6)

Nianxin looked at her sincerely: "Chu Chu, if you love my brother, you should also know how it feels to love someone. If someone suddenly appears and tells you that you and my brother are cousins, then you will give up the current relationship. ?"

Nianxin's question immediately stunned her.

How could she have thought about this problem?

The point is, they can't be cousins...Who is okay to think about this assumption?

May lovers in the world eventually become brothers and sisters, this kind of remark is just a joke, it is not fun to become true!

"If," Nianxin saw her hesitation, "if it really is? How do you choose."

"This..." Chu Chu was directly difficult.

If it really is?

Can't let it go...

Has been so deeply in love, can it be broken?

"Can't let it go?" Nianxin saw her thoughts, "Even if the world is intolerable, you will definitely choose to continue walking with my brother."

"Ha..." Chu Chu laughed dryly, "There shouldn't be such a possibility. Isn't it said that when close relatives get married, most of the children born are abnormal? Our family has more than one thousand... how smart, that IQ..."

Chuchu's stuttering showed that she was also taken aback by this question.


She is not scared.

"That's just a question of probability," Nianxin said. "Even scientifically speaking, the probability is not 100%. There are many miracles in life. Maybe Qianyi is the other extreme?"

"Don't..." Chu Chu shuddered, "Sister, can I call your sister, can't you? Don't use this analogy, it scared me into a cold sweat."

Nianxin snorted, "You can feel one in 10,000 of my feelings now, right?"

After speaking, there was another wry smile: "What can I do... I don’t know love when I was young, and no one told me that I can’t like him. When I found out, I was already deep in my bones... Letting go is so painful, even if I force myself to go Forget it, it's been four years, have I forgotten? I haven't seen him for so many years, and still can't forget...I have tried everything."

"Nianxin..." Chu Chu said with a sigh.

She didn't know what to do.

She felt that she should persuade her, but now looking at her like this, she can't persuade her.

"Now, I finally have a place in Xiaobai's heart, let me give up, I am not reconciled... But I know, what if I am not reconciled, he likes me, but he has his own insistence, just He can't hold me now, so he can only follow me. So Chuchu, can you help me? Just assume that you haven't seen anything, don't tell my brother...I might...that is to go with him during this time Get closer, without you and brother taking action, we may not be the last."

Nianxin looked at her with red eyes, and even said such a request, how could she refuse?

"I will find a way to take your brother away earlier. If you want to leave, you must try to hold him. I will send you a message when that happens."

His eyesight is so good, when he sees the two of them together, I'm afraid he will see some clues. At that time, he sent someone to investigate and he knew everything.

"Chuchu, you are so kind!" Nianxin hugged her moved, "You are really my good sister-in-law!"

"You go back quickly, in case they touch it... I was just passing by your private room and saw the door open, only to see Second Master Bai."

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