You For Eternity

Chapter 1045: One twin for a lifetime (24)

When Bai Yuming heard this, he disapproved and said, "22 is not too small, and it should be 23 for my birthday this year. It also takes time to prepare for the wedding. If you set the date earlier, maybe her grandfather will be happy. , I am refreshed, and can stay with us for a few more years."

As soon as he mentioned his grandfather, Bai Yujing's eyes sank.

Their Bai family was a lot of disasters, their brothers had only one family member like grandfather since they were young, and the others died and scattered, and only the three of them had the hardest lives and survived to this day.

In recent years, my grandfather's health is getting worse and worse. He almost went there last year. He and Lan Fei were engaged to the grandfather and the old man was in a good mood. Later, he also got better.

Bai Yuming also thought of some past events, feeling a little heavy, and sighed: "Nianxin stays for a few more years, it won’t be a big deal, but you have delayed your marriage with Lan’s sister until next year. Can Grandpa live? I don’t know until next year. Next year... If you end this year, and your grandfather’s life is good, you might be able to hold another little great-grandson next year."

"Brother, don't talk about these things in front of Lan Ye."

"Oh! Just treat me as if I don't exist, I'm transparent." Lan Ye took the initiative.

"Lan Ye will be his own family in the future, it doesn't matter," Bai Yuming said, "you and Nianxin, there will always be someone to do the wedding this year!"

Lan Ye hugged Nianxin happily and said, "If the second master wants to be free for a while, then this glorious task is given to He Nianxin. But if this happens, I should call your uncle first. The son is a senior, and he is a little excited inexplicably. Uncle?"

Nian was so angry that she gave him a silent glance.

Who is your uncle!

Xiaobai is her uncle alone!

"I didn't say to marry you, what are you doing here?"

However, Nianxin's words sounded to Bai Yuming like their own young couple's squabbling. It was the pleasure of their young people, so they didn't care much, and let them quarrel.

"I will look at the days again."

Bai Yujing's words attracted Nianxin's attention.

He also looked at Nianxin and said, "If there is a person who has to get married first, it must be me too. It is not her turn."

Regardless of Nianxin's burning eyes, he still said that.

His life doesn't have much meaning, but he can't let his thoughts be ruined.

She didn't like Lan Ye, so she couldn't let her be with him.

Bai Yuming found no abnormalities, nor did he see the strange look in his younger brother’s eyes. He was much happier than before: "Okay, you want to get married. Grandpa and I are both happy. As long as you become a family, the Bai family will basically take shape. Now, the mind is still small, so wait two more years."

"Listen to Master Bai," Lan Ye did not object, "It doesn't matter if I wait for a few more years. The important thing is that my sister and my future brother-in-law can be married as soon as possible."

What is he afraid of?

As long as this girl's sweetheart marries someone else, what can she hope for?

The future is long.

Lan Ye ate this meal very happily.

But Nianxin and Bai Yujing ate so much as if they had a lump in their hearts, which was extremely uncomfortable.

After it was over, Lan Ye wanted to take this to invite Nianxin to go late. Bai Yuming agreed, but Nianxin couldn't stand still and said, "I'm so dizzy..."

"It must be that the body has not recovered yet." Bai Yujing added a sentence immediately.

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