You For Eternity

Chapter 1050: One twin for a lifetime (29)

At present, the construction is unfinished and it looks like it is still abandoned, but this is also one of their future projects. When it is completed, it will be another scene.

Chu Chu stood there, looked around, surrounded the mountains and rivers, the scenery was beautiful, and there were many land like here, waiting for humans to develop.

Sometimes I don’t know if this kind of progress is good.

There was a strong wind near the mountain here, and Chu Chu could not help shivering, it was so cold...

Suddenly, he weighed on his shoulders.

Yu Guang saw a gray coat draped over him, and when he looked back, it was indeed Ye Yunshen.

After he took off his coat and gave it to her, he lost his clothes. Although the shirt was covered with a cashmere sweater, it would still be cold in this weather.

Chu Chu took off the clothes and put them on his hands: "Mr. Ye should put it on. If you are sick because of me, Madam Ye will not come to me to settle the account, and Miss Mu will not let me go."

Suddenly she remembered the last bathroom incident, Mu Qinxin went crazy and wanted her life.

Love is really easy to lose your mind.

She hadn't mentioned it to him, and she didn't plan to say it now.

"I have nothing to do with her, don't you know it too," Ye Yunshen said.

"I only know that in the eyes of the public, you are still unmarried couples. If I blend in with you, I will become the shameless mistress."

Ye Yunshen just smiled.

What she said was ironic to him?

Ironically he interfered with her and Li Hengzhi's feelings?

"Oh wait..." Chu Chu suddenly thought of something, "I'm not telling you to dissolve the marriage contract with Miss Mu. I hope you don't get me wrong, because even if you dissolve the marriage contract, I will not return to you. I don't Will go back again, this is the answer I have told you countless times."

Of course, it's not that he and Mu Qinxin can't be relieved, but she shouldn't let her carry this pot.

"The marriage contract between us has long existed in name only."

After all these years, aren't they all deceiving themselves and others?

Knowing that he would not marry Mu Qinxin, he still refused to give up.


Saying that Cao Cao had arrived, Mu Qinxin's voice sounded behind them.

Mu Qinxin came over with the lunch box in his hand, and was taken aback when he saw Chu Chu. She didn't expect that she would be here! Standing here alone with Yun Shen...

The flames of jealousy are rising rapidly.

But in front of Ye Yunshen, Mu Qinxin hid it well. When he walked over, everyone had a pretty temperament and smiled and said, "Chu Chu is also here, but it's a pity. I only took the weight of two people. I don't know. you will come……"

"It's okay," Chu Chu didn't catch a cold or fear for this inconsistent white lotus setting. He smiled and said, "Ms. Mu can eat with President Ye, but when we finish talking about work, we're finished. I'll leave, you eat slowly."

After Chu Chu finished speaking, he glanced at Ye Yunshen, then swept aside, meaning to take a step to talk?

But Ye Yunshen didn't move, "I won't eat anymore, you can eat it. Talk about it after eating."

"Hey, Yun Shen—"

Ye Yunshen walked away without turning his head, as if to say that he would not talk until he finished eating.

Mu Qinxin and Chu Chu are left face to face, you see me and I see you.

In order to complete the task, Chu Chu could not sit down and have lunch with Mu Qinxin.

"You better stop playing tricks!" Mu Qinxin threatened her through gritted teeth.

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