You For Eternity

Chapter 1054: One twin for a lifetime (33)

Chu Chu looked at it and felt a little weird. Are these people really unable to live without love?

But then Chu Chu thought, I just can't stand up talking, right?...

How uncomfortable and desperate it was to be lost in love at the time, has she forgotten the pain?

It's really not qualified to talk about others here.

If you let her experience it again, she might not be any better than them.

Seeing her daughter come back, Qian Chenghai stepped forward to welcome her in. He sighed and said, "Chu Chu, I know you had a festival with Chu Rui before, but because she is your sister, she has already suffered Please forgive her for the punishment she deserves."

"Dad, although it's not a level of forgiveness, I didn't hate her much. Many things have passed. I only like to look forward, and I won't be held accountable for the past."

Qian Chenghai sighed and grabbed her hand and patted it: "That's good...then please persuade Chu Rui, I'm afraid she will be too depressed if her body can bear it!"

"let me try."

Qian Churui sat alone on the sofa in the living room, and heard that he didn't eat much at noon, and he lost his appetite after just a few meals.

Now a person leaning on the sofa holding a pillow, the whole person looks dull, his face is also very ugly, almost bloodless.

"Qian Churui, I came to see you making a joke." Chu Chu sat down opposite her, raised his hand and waved in front of her.

Without the arrogance and domineering of the past, Qian Churui looks no different from an ordinary girl. She seems to have no strength to argue with Chu Chu. When she hears it, she responds: "Laugh...I think now I am ridiculous..."


Chu Chu put one hand on his chin and thought, now that there is no one who quarreled with him, it is really boring.

Qian Churui became like this, which she had never thought of before.

"You haven't accepted the facts yet?"

"It's you, can you accept it?"

"We are not the same." Chu Chu smiled.

Qian Churui glanced back and said faintly: "See when you can laugh, it's not too late to laugh at that time. But... I may not be able to wait... Li Hengzhi treats you like that. Okay... it's really different from mine."

"Cheer up, don't worry Dad," Chu Chu finally persuaded her a little bit seriously, "It's okay to be sad for a while, don't stay depressed. Let me say it first, don't get me wrong, I don't care about you, just Dad asked me to persuade you, I will complete the task."

Qian Churui didn't know if she heard it, she hugged her pillow in her arms, and was stunned, "I have done everything...I promise him that I will never do bad things again in the future and I will learn to go. Be a good person...just like you."

"Oh? Do you think I am a good person?"

"At least in his eyes you are..." Qian Churui looked over, "I told him, I can even live like you, but he still doesn't want me..."

"Everyone has his own way of living. You don't have to live as me. In fact, even if you live as me, he won't necessarily reconcile with you, so don't have such thoughts."

"Sister..." This time, she yelled very sincerely, "He took me as you that night... You said... The two of us are not related by blood, but our facial features are so alike..."

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