You For Eternity

Chapter 106: I hate that people don't believe me

Qianyi's eyes were very determined: "I want you to invest in me."

When Li Heng heard this, there was a somewhat playful taste between his eyebrows: "Investment?"

These two words came out of a child's mouth, which really made him wonder what to do.

He wanted to laugh a little, but he was facing a very serious one who didn't seem to be joking.

If he smiled, Qianyi might reproduce the expression that made him particularly memorable at the airport. That kind of little arrogant look was really unstoppable.

"Yes, investment," Qianyi nodded seriously, and looked at him with a very firm look. "Being my investor, you won't suffer. Let's follow the rules. You are nine and one."

Li Hengzhi almost broke his skills, forbearance.

"I'm nine you one, don't you suffer a lot?" Li Hengzhi said with a more playful expression, "how can I bully the children, how can I stand when it is spread out."

He really didn't take Qianyi's words to heart.

What investment project did he Li Hengzhi have not done? Some projects are extremely high-risk projects that the risk assessment team strongly opposes. Basically, no one supports him, but whatever he decides to do will be completed without hesitation.

It's not that he has failed to predict. He is not victorious in all battles. In this ever-changing business battlefield, there are many factors that determine success. No one knows which one will come first. However, even if some projects are lost, it will not affect his decision on the next high-risk project.

His bold and risk-free character often makes other executives sweat, but after the project is successful, there will be sighs about how he dares to place such a bet.

Some experts analyzed a lot, and finally summed it up as a mantra: Because... Li is not short of money!

For Li Hengzhi, success has always been side by side with risk. It is either death or alive. If you hesitate because of fear of failure and dare not take that step, how can success come from?

What he fancy, he would only do it decisively. And some decisions, even if they are wrong, will not regret it.

Hesitate, then he is not Li Hengzhi.


This four-year-old is actually talking to him about project investment?

If it wasn't April Fool's Day, it would be really funny.

"After all, I don't have any principal, and I still need some hardware support from you," Qianyi said seriously, her jewel-like eyes glowing with expectation, "I don't have the capital to negotiate terms with you, so you If I can agree to this plan, it is my best expectation."

Li Hengzhi, who was only listening as a joke, has now changed his expression. Hearing Qianyi's words one by one, he was startled for a second: "Qianyi, are you serious?"

Sure enough, once he was questioned by distrust, Qianyi's little brow frowned. If there is a third person present at this time, he will find that the frown frequency of this big and small is extremely similar.

"I've said so much, do you think I'm joking with you?" President Qian's aura lighted up. He got up from the grass, patted his **** and was about to leave. "I hate that people don't believe me."

Especially that person is still the goal of his own efforts, he was discussing with him so seriously just now!

"Hey--" The battle-tested Li Hengzhi was suddenly killed by surprise, and hurriedly grabbed Qianyi's little hand, "No, I just want to confirm with you."

He has never seen a president of a country so nervous!

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