You For Eternity

Chapter 1061: One twin for a lifetime (40)

Everyone sat and lay down, only Chu Chu and Xiao Yuanhang were standing, looking very conspicuous.

Chu Chu still chose to avoid danger: "It's okay. There is a cafe near the hospital. I can go by myself. You can stay with Chu Rui."

Qian Churui was awake, lying on the bed, speaking weakly: "No need...I won't get better right away if he stays, let alone..."

Besides, if he stays, his heart may not be here.

Qian Chenghai rounded up and said, "The coffee is quite hot, let Yuanhang go with you, and more than one person will mention it."

After Chu Chu and Xiao Yuanhang went out, Qian Churui covered her face and sniffed.

Liu Hui pretended to be inadvertently and said, "Chu Chu is already a married woman, and he's too close to Yuanhang, isn't it?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Qian Chenghai couldn't hear her provoke him. "Even if Chu Chu gets married, can't he even have a friend of the opposite **** by his side? Don't chew your tongue here!"

"What are you fierce... I just said what I saw with my eyes, and I didn't say anything else..."

"You didn't say anything, but which word in the line of yours is not saying Chuchu? Are you really treating everyone else as a fool, can't you hear what you mean?"

How to teach someone who has heard it?

Although Li Hengzhi trusted Chu Chu, the frequency was too high, and I was afraid it would also cause discord between their husband and wife.

"I—how do I have!"

Listening to her parents arguing, Qian Churui didn't want to interrupt.

She has discovered that her father has become increasingly dissatisfied with her mother recently.

Is it because Daddy no longer trusts them?

"I won't quarrel with you anymore," Liu Hui said, but he didn't let it go. "I just love our family Churui and live well in Xiao's family, because she is so awkward that her family is divided into pieces. It also turned my daughter into a second-married head... She is happy now, pulling one over there, and two more here, and she doesn’t know what magic tricks have been used to coax these men into submission. Those who are obedient and affectionate for her!"

Liu Hui is now in a broken jar.

Before exposing his nature, he played the role of a good stepmother in front of Qian Chenghai, but now it is exposed, and there is no need to pretend, and the disgust and dislike of Chu Chu is expressed mercilessly.

"Isn't this day too long!" Qian Chenghai stood up, and angrily dropped a cup, "I haven't settled with you the bad things you did! Are you going to make trouble again? Why did Yuanhang talk to Chu Rui's divorce? Does it have anything to do with Chu Chu? It's not that you are a good mother who hasn't disciplined her! You give her a bad idea! You can do everything like getting your daughter to have a baby. You are really a good mother! "

Thinking of having lived a half-life with such a cruel and merciless woman, Qian Chenghai still feels a little scared when he thinks of it.

This day can't go on any longer, it must be divorced!

"Daddy, mommy, stop arguing..." Qian Churui cried and knocked on the table. "Daddy... Since you can't forgive me, you shouldn't save me... I don't want to hear you are here. Arguing, I don’t want to see this complicated world anymore..."

As soon as Liu Hui felt sad, she sat down and immediately cried: "The lives of our mother and daughter are really bitter... Chu Rui, Mommy should die with you."

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