You For Eternity

Chapter 1081: One double for a lifetime (60)

Even on weekdays, the flow in the playground is still high.

This amusement park in Haicheng was invested and constructed by a chaebol family. It is said to be a dream park built for his daughter. It carries out some theme activities from time to time and is very popular among children. The name of the amusement park is also named after his daughter’s English name. It's called Vivian Dreamland.

There are people from this city, and some bring children from other cities to play.

At first, Nianxin didn't expect much here, but after coming in, she found that this place is not just a children's paradise. Girls of their age can still be full of girlish hearts.

There are dreamy landscapes everywhere.

But she felt that the person accompanying her, at least could not be Lan Ye.

If it was Xiaobai, it would be perfect.

Nianxin stood on the outer circle of the merry-go-round, watching Lan Ye take Wei Young to ride the merry-go-round.

Wei Young came to the amusement park, extremely happy, and his father screamed cheerfully.

There are indeed many people who envy a family of three like them, and no one has ever doubted their relationship.

She didn't like Lan Ye, but she didn't want to disappoint Wei Young either. She had never taken her to an amusement park, and she was also afraid that the little girl would be even more sad when she sees a family of three having fun while she is not accompanied by her father.

Lan Ye was clearly deliberate, knowing that she used Wei Young as a shield, she wouldn't be so obvious no matter how she hated him.

After turning around and stopping, Wei Young still sat on the wooden horse and refused to get off. Lan Ye asked her to help him and jumped off from above: "Not together?"

"I'm not a kid!"

He was sitting on the wooden horse alone, with tall men, and she was worried that the wooden horse would paralyze him!

"Who said that only children can sit? Don't you leave some beautiful childhood memories for Wei Young?"

"Good? When she knows the truth, the shadow of childhood is almost the same!"

"Hahaha..." Lan Ye was rarely angry, but laughed, "I'm so handsome, how can I be a childhood shadow? Xiao Weiyang likes my father so much, it is a good thing for you and her, why should you just stop here? Follow me."

"Don't fight me haha, what do you want? It's noon, didn't you say that you are going to give Grandpa Bai a good time? It's time to go?"

"Don't worry, Lord Bai hasn't called me yet, let's play. If you don't play, let me sit with Xiao Weiyang for a while."

Lan Ye turned around and the phone rang again.

Take a look, frown, turn off!

Bai Yujing is endless!

Nianxin opened her eyes: "Hey, did you call?"

"No, it's an alarm."

"Don't lie, it's a phone call!"

"I said no!"

"Hey—" Nianxin was a step late, and the carousel had started again.

So she quickly stood up, walked to his side and said, "I heard the bell, we should go."

Wei Young sat on the small wooden horse and asked with round eyes, "Why? There are still a lot of things left to play."

"Yes, there are still a lot of things left to play. I can't finish playing here all day."

"Mom, you also play together."

"Mom is not playing, Wei Young, your father is still okay, we have to go, and we will play again next time."

Nian Xin didn't want to admit this, but Wei Young recognized his father, and she had no other way to correct her.

Now that she said no, Wei Young didn't believe it at all.

Don't know what's going on, Wei Young seems to be really in love with Lan Ye.

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