You For Eternity

Chapter 1083: One twin for a lifetime (62)


How to do it?

The little idiot he gave birth to, crying must continue to raise.

After sitting on the carousel, everyone is hungry.

Knowing that Lan Ye was lying to herself, and seeing Wei Young having such a good time, she felt softened and stopped saying anything that had to go.

She had to admit that Lan Ye still had a bit of brain and knew how to use tricks.

"Mom! Don't be angry, Dad is really joking with you." Wei Young rushed over, hugged Nianxin's thigh, raised his small head, and blinked at her with bright eyes.

"I see..." Nianxin didn't explain much, and touched her little head.

Forget it, there is nothing to explain.

Wei Young is just a child, telling her what to do.

Watching Lan Ye and Wei Yang get along, Nianxin felt a little bored. She had finished eating, so she told them to go out and get some air.

Originally, because of Xiaobai's thing, he was in a bad mood, and he was still in a bad mood when he came out to play. Coming to such a dreamy and beautiful paradise, with such a mood, it's really...

I don't know what to say.

Nianxin turned around, and suddenly saw a familiar figure in the crowd.

that is not……


Nianxin rubbed her eyes, thinking she was wrong.

She looked at it again, and there were Zhan Yan and the others near the crowd. Many people had been dispatched, so it couldn't be a mistake, it was Xiao Bai.

Xiaobai looked around, as if looking for something.

Nianxin is uncertain, hesitate for a moment, do you want to say hello?

In case they are doing business, will she affect them in the past?

Nianxin hadn't decided yet, so she didn't dare to step forward and stood still.

Seeing that Xiaobai was about to leave here, when Nianxin wanted to call him, he didn't know if he felt something, but suddenly turned back and finally saw Nianxin not far behind him.

The eyes of the two collided together, and Nianxin was sure he saw him. The look was a bit strange, but she didn't think much, smiled, and waved at him: "Xiao Bai--"

Her voice was not loud, but it was enough for him to hear.

"Stand there and don't move!"

Bai Yujing spoke imperatively, with a serious expression.

Nianxin didn't know what had happened, so she stood there in a daze.

Since he told her not to move, she won't move.

Bai Yujing walked forward in two steps. Before Nianxin could say anything, he hugged her into her arms, hugging her tightly, "Is it all right?"

Nianxin is a little confused.

In his tone, there seemed to be a little more... nervousness?

Nianxin was held tightly by him, and he always felt that the cold wind was not so bitter, and the surroundings were warm.

"I... okay? What's wrong?"

Nianxin suddenly understood, could it be that they were looking for her when they looked around like this?

Is Xiaobai so nervous because he can't find her?

Hearing Nianxin's voice, he also made sure that she was fine. He seemed to notice something and immediately let go of her. His gaze scanned her to confirm that she was indeed fine.

"You... are you looking for me?"

"Lan Ye brought you here?"

When I knew that their location was in the playground, I was actually relieved that there would be no danger in general. If Lan Ye wanted to harm her, he was definitely not bringing her to the playground.

But without seeing Nianxin, his heart could not settle down.

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