You For Eternity

Chapter 1087: One twin for a lifetime (66)

After Nianxin listened, she didn't answer the conversation or express any thoughts, she just looked at the air in front of her quietly.

People worth entrusting for life?

Nianxin is so leaning, thinking.

Will it really happen?

In addition to Xiaobai, can she meet another person in her life who is worthy of her life?

How does she feel...

Don’t you have that good luck?

Even if there is, she seems to have insufficient strength to love another person.

Thinking of this, the sorrow and grief in my heart came up again, and the mind turned back again. This time, I was just buried like this without crying or talking.

Loving someone has been so hard, even if she can, she is already resisting.

It should have been fun to play, and as I wish I sat on the Ferris wheel with Xiaobai, but...

She was not happy at all.

Coming out of the area of ​​the Ferris wheel, Nianxin's eyes were still red. She was blown by the cold wind, rubbed her eyes, and said with a little nasal sound: "Well...It's really cold on this day...It made my nose runny. "

Nianxin held his hands, looked over, and smiled.

Bai Yujing looked at her like this, but his heart was mixed.

As if he had two hands grasping his heart, he pinched it in every possible way, and his thin nails stuck straight into it, which hurt.

He has made decisions for many important things, and everyone is waiting for him or nodding or shaking their heads. Once he has made a decision, he will no longer regret it, let alone hesitate or be indecisive.

Only this time, I found that the next decision was so difficult.

He didn't know when Nian Xin came into his heart. He used to resist her love so much that he didn't even think about it, that kind of forbidden|break|love, how dare he, how could he?

But even he himself couldn't tell, when her life and death were so important to him, her happiness can also directly affect his emotions, when...

Bai Yujing didn't want to think again.

My head hurts.

Two people walking in this amusement park where people come and go, attracting many people's attention.

When he returned, Nianxin let go of him, and the two walked side by side.

Seeing Lan Ye sitting on a bench outside with Wei Young, Zhan Yan surrounded them.

Zhan Yan and the others were dressed in black. They looked serious again, and they were not easy to mess with. The passers-by only dared to look at them from a distance, and then left quickly, for fear of trouble finding the door.

In this way, Lan Ye, who was sitting there leisurely, looked more like a protected person.

Because Wei Young knew Zhan Yan and the others, she was not afraid, thinking that everyone had come to play with her.

At this time, they saw Bai Yujing and Nianxin walking not far away.

Lan Ye shrugged: "Let me just say it, I'm here, where can I take your second master? Isn't the second master supernatural, can you take it away for me?"

"Dad, what are you talking about?"

"Nothing." He touched Wei Young's head and said nothing.

Zhan Yan made them all withdraw.

The second master who turned around was gone, of course he would wonder if Lan Ye had done anything.

If the second master had a few hairs, they could take Lan Ye immediately.

"Second Lord." Bai Yujing returned safely, and Zhan Yan and the others went to him.

"I'm fine."

"Xiao Bai~~" Wei Young jumped off the chair and ran towards him.

Lan Ye didn't hold it for a while, his brows were already frowned tightly.

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