You For Eternity

Chapter 1098: One twin for a lifetime (77)

On the way back, Qianyi was already asleep, sitting in a child safety seat, wearing a neck guard, and falling asleep with her eyes closed at one point.

Li Hengzhi slowed down, but didn't drive fast, fearing that Qianyi would wake up from the bump.

Gu Tong still sat in the back seat, holding his head and watching the scenery flying by outside the window, saying nothing.

Chu Chu was a little embarrassed, and didn't know where to start.

Before I left, I promised Tongtong that this matter would be covered by them, and that the God-blessing matter would be resolved for her.

"Tong Tong...don't care too much, otherwise you two will calm down for two days, it's not a bad thing."

In fact, as I said before, if you really have a rift because of this incident, you will be divided, but if you say that, if you are truly divided, no one will be better off.

Tong Tong is not happy, she will feel strange in her heart as a friend.

What's more, in situations like Tongtong and Tianyou, once they are divided, it is really difficult for friends to do it. And she would be a little embarrassed to be caught between them.

"En?" Gu Tong, who was distracted, seemed to hear his own name, and recovered, "Oh... You said Li Tianyou, it's nothing, I'm not thinking about that."

"Just not thinking about it."

Chu Chu probably didn't believe it, but didn't want to entangle her with this matter at this time, so she didn't say anything.

But at this time, Tong Tong himself said: "I'm thinking about work. I'm busy lately, and I don't have time to entangle personal feelings. Even if it's divided, I can't lose my job."

"Uh... well."

Chu Chu just believed it.

They sent Tongtong back to the apartment, watched her go up, and sent a message to Chu Chu that she was safe, before they drove back to Xiangshuiwan.

"Do you believe what Tongtong said?" Chu Chu asked Li Hengzhi.

"Believe it."

Probably an 80% chance.

"Gu Tong, like you, is an independent woman. She and Tianyou haven’t started for a long time. Although they are in love, but there are emotional problems, women will be sad at first, but they will calm down after living. Heal quickly, or find other ways to divert attention. At this point, women may have an advantage."

Chu Chu thought about herself, but soon got a headache.

If she can, she doesn't want to experience this, forget it, just jump over.

At this time, Li Hengzhi's cell phone rang.

Seeing that it was the uncle who was calling, he directly said to Chu Chu, "Uncle's call, you can answer it."

Chu Chu took the phone and picked it up: "Hey, Uncle? I'm Chu Chu, and Hengzhi is still driving."

"It's okay, it's the same. Is Tong Tong still with you?"

"Just delivered home, what's wrong?"

"That's good... I said that God blessed the house and couldn't come out. This kid didn't know where he was frozen. When he came back, he was dizzy and didn't say anything. He locked the door and fell asleep. Until now we have a high fever It was taken to the hospital."

"Huh?" Chu Chu was stunned for a moment, "Dare you be sick?"

Because the phone was turned on relatively loudly, Chu Chu was listening in his left ear again. The car was very quiet, and Li Hengzhi could hear what the uncle said and laughed out of nowhere.

If I knew it, I just smashed the door in.

Then it's not that he can't get angry anymore. If Gu Tong knew it, wouldn't he be so depressed?

"Yeah, it's almost 40°C. With such a big child, I don't know I should pay attention."

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